Home Cheriton Parc, Folkestone
Cheriton Parc, Folkestone
Design and Access Statement
DIS Doc Issue Shedule
Site Location Plan
Existing Masterplan
Existing Ground and First Floor Plan
Existing Second and Third Floor Plan
Existing Elevations A-A and B-B
Existing Elevations C-C and D-D
Existing Sections E-E and F-F
Existing Sections G-G and H-H
Proposed Masterplan
Proposed Masterplan - Roof Plan
Cheriton Parc Conversion_ Ground and First Floor Plan
Cheriton Parc Conversion_Second and Third Floor Plan
Cheriton Parc Conversion_Proposed Elevation A-A and B-B
Cheriton Parc Conversion_Proposed Elevation C-C and D-D
Cheriton Parc Conversion_Proposed Elevation E-E and F-F
Cheriton Parc Conversion_Proposed Elevation G-G and H-H
House Type THC5-3T-1
House Type THC5-2T-1
House Type THC5-3T-2
House Type THC9-4T-1
House Type THC9-2T-1
House Type THC9-2T-2
House Type THC5-2T-2
Affordable Flats_Proposed Floor Plans
Affordable Flats_Proposed Elevations A-A and B-B
Affordable Flats_Proposed Elevations C-C and D-D
Affordable Flats_Proposed Sections E-E and F-F
Proposed Site Sections 128
Proposed Site Sections 129
Application Form
Noise Impact Statemen
Planning Statement
Preliminary Ecological Assessment
Preliminary SuDs Report
Reptile Assessment
Southern Water Comments