Jon Chapman

Managing Director (Hobbs Parker Car Auctions LLP)

Even after 35 years I cannot imagine I'll ever tire of the excitement of an auction -- nor salmon fishing in the Canadian wilderness!

I began working at Hobbs Parker back in 2004 but have been involved in auctions for most of my working life. With 35 years experience of the trade under my gavel there’s not much I haven’t seen or experienced.

But I’m not the complacent type and neither are my team so we’re always looking for innovative ways to improve what we do and help more clients succeed at our auctions. We work hard to improve the quality and effectiveness of our marketing and systems. And this has helped fuel our success and growth.

For me it’s really important to look after our team too. We have a great bunch and I work hard to make sure they feel valued and enjoy what they do so we can all continue to give great service.

Our traditional values of respect, integrity and treating people properly apply to everybody we work with — our customers, suppliers and staff.

I still get the adrenaline rush that accompanies standing on the rostrum selling by auction — especially when I know we have achieved a great price for our vendor.

There’s nothing quite like it.

Well perhaps apart from fishing in the Canadian wilderness. A totally different type of ‘buzz’ but being in splendid isolation, surrounded by beautiful scenery– I love every precious minute of it.

My Auction Tip

People recognise quality.

Whatever it is you are selling, whether it be a classic car, a boat, 4×4 vehicle, a house or a van it pays to present it well.

Take the time to get all the necessary paperwork together, ensure the item is clean, tidy and well presented and you’ll stand more of a chance of getting a much higher price.

Wondering what your car or van might be worth or how to sell your vehicle?

Take a quick look at these pages:

Blog articles featuring Jon

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Ten of the world's best selling Prius hybrid cars for sale

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Wonderful Jaguar XJ8 For Sale

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