Houses and Property For Sale in Greatstone or within 3 miles
12 properties match your search
“This new home benefits from a superior level of design and construction, resulting in impressive outcomes, definitely worth a visit.”
“I'm keen to see how this property may be redeveloped in the next few years.”
“This bungalow has sensibly proportioned rooms and a fantastic outlook behind.”
“This bungalow offers huge potential, I love the location being so close to the beach and golf course.”
“In my experience, seafront living doesn't get better than this”
“The layout of this bungalow maximizes every sq ft of floor space.”
“The quality of this house is immediately evident and the rare inclusion of a double garage is a feature I would find incredibly useful.”
Are you wondering what your property is worth?
“SatNav - Postcode: TN29 9UR Alternatively, please use the What Three Words website for pin point accuracy.”
“This is an affordable freehold home, ideal for a first time buyer.”
“I really like the stylish accommodation and this is a very pretty part of the town too”