Our auctions at Ramsgate Marina have been a huge success. Give me a call if you are considering holding an auction at your marina - 01233 506242
Private entries are invited for all our marine auctions. If you have a Boat or other marine-related items to sell, please contact our office on 01233 506242 for more information.
For Owners and Managers of Marinas
Abandoned craft or unpaid moorage fees?
Do you have problems with abandoned craft or unpaid moorage fees?
In recent years many boat owners have been finding it difficult to maintain moorage fees.
Increasingly, marina owners are reluctantly left with little option but to take legal action to recover outstanding debts and release valuable moorage.
Outstanding Auction Success
Often, this results in marinas taking lawful possession of vessels and other marine items and selling them.
Hobbs Parker Marine Auctions provides marina owners with a professional on-site auction service which consistently achieves excellent results.

500+ Buyers
Our auctions are widely publicised via this website, our special marine auction email alerts and a dedicated Facebook Page.
A recent auction at Ramsgate Marina in Kent saw more than 500 enthusiastic buyers attend the disposal of twenty lots in Thanet District Council’s possession.
All Vessels Sold
At our first auction which took place in 2011 all the vessels were sold and the sale raised approximately £40,000 towards unpaid moorage.
An additional important benefit was that many of the new owners took up new moorage with the marina.
We have held auctions on behalf of Thanet District Council every year since.
(Photo of 'Fifty Cal' sold at Ramsgate Marina)
Find out about holding an auction at your marina
If you would like to talk to us about holding an auction at your marina or another venue we would be delighted to discuss your requirements.
Call me in complete confidence and without obligation and I'll explain how things work - Jon Chapman
For Private Boat Owners
Is it time to sell your boat?
Selling your boat via traditional methods can be time-consuming and is often unsuccessful and frustrating.
We make selling your boat by auction easy and quick in just a few simple steps:
1 – Complete our short entry form.
2 – Email us a few photos for our printed catalogue, website and Facebook page.
3 – Deliver your boat or other items to the auction venue in the week leading to the sale.
4 – Keep an eye on your bank account – we’ll send you the sale proceeds a few days after the auction
And we are here to help you at any stage. Please just give me a call if you have any queries or need any help with the entry form or fixing a reserve price.
Further Information

A selection of sold lots and past catalogues from our boat and marine auctions
Here are a selection of boats and other lots that we have sold at our marine auctions over the years. You may also view some of the past catalogues here.
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Costs for Sellers and Buyers
Seller’s Fees (VAT Applies to All Fees) Entry Fee (All lots) There is no entry fee. Commission (All lots) 12.5% of the sale price (subject to a minimum of £100...
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How to buy at Hobbs Parker's Online Marine Auctions
This page explains how you can register to take part in our online marine auctions. How to create your account, how to view the auction and bid and then pay...
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Please read our FAQ's for Buyers at our Marine Auctions
How do I buy something at the Marine Auction? I feel that it is important to point this out first. Everything is ‘Sold as Seen’ and no complaints on any...
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Viewing arrangements for Boat and Marine Auctions
Times, locations and other details for viewing the lots for sale in our forthcoming marine auctions
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