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Appearance as expert witness at planning inquiries

Appearing at an Examination in Public (EiP) has the potential to change development plan documents.

Elizabeth Welch

Elizabeth Welch
Associate Director and Chartered Town Planner

Speaking at an EiP provides you with a chance to make your view heard and offers you the opportunity to debate a matter with the Inspector in a public arena. We'll help you throughout the process.

There can often be a difference of opinion between the Local Planning Authority and those making representations as part of the plan-making process. Once the LPA have selected their preferred sites for allocation within a plan, or laid out their suggested policies then representors will get an opportunity to comment. If a representor still disagrees with the LPAs stance then they can often choose to speak at the Examination in Public (EiP).

Whilst as part of your representation to the Local Plan you may state whether you would like to speak at the forthcoming EiP, the Inspector (via a dedicated Programme Officer) will choose the topics which will be debated in public. Nowadays most do not hear from objector sites, although the written representations made to the submission version of the plan carry the same weight as those who are invited to speak.

If you’d like to find out more about how an Eip works and how we can support you please get in touch with one of our planning consultants.

Elizabeth Welch

Elizabeth Welch

Associate Director and Chartered Town Planner

Steve Davies

Associate Director and Chartered Town Planner
Isabelle Adaway

Isabelle Adaway

Senior Planning Consultant
Charlotte Bromley

Charlotte Bromley

Rural Surveyor