Weekly Sales News – 8th March 2022

Read on the all the news from Ashford Market …..

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/reports/forthcoming-sales 

Finished Sheep

2,114 Sold

Top price per kilo –292p – Eastlands Farm: Top price per head – £130 – M A Piper & Sons & Mr Harvey Rivers (Joint)

Report on trade: A good sized entry of hoggs this week which included a very generous donation of 12 sheep form local farmers to raise funds for the current crisis in the Ukraine. The ball was started rolling by local shearing contractor Ian Lucas, who donated two super hoggets which went on to generate £2,580 in total for the cause with the sheep being re-offered for sale on numerous occasions.  The generous donation of sheep from other vendors, and the support of many individual purchasers, brought the total raised to £6,690. All would agree that this is a wonderful achievement and will hopefully make a difference to individuals caught up in this dreadful crisis.

We would like to thank the following vendors for supporting this cause:

Ian & Jenna Lucas, Harvey Rivers, Chris Woodhead, E & J H Maylam, Mervyn Woodroofe, Charlie Saunders, E J Stanford, & Beslee Farms. A big “Thank You” to the purchasers, as well, who supported so strongly.

In the commercial section this week trade was a little harder with the numbers on offer nationally increasing on last week. Overall the quality of sheep penned was not quite on a par with recent weeks which has brought averages down a little. Best quality sheep were still sold on similar levels with the top end breaking the £130 hd barrier and towards £3 kg. More sheep are now being sold off root crops which is creating a different trade to what we saw in January, and this may recover once numbers fall away again.


Vendors Note – All consignments of sheep to Ashford must now be accompanied by a Sheep Entry Form, in addition to the AML1, to ensure we adhere to recent regulation changes. These are available to collect from the sales office, lairage and weighbridge. – Thank you





KgsTop PriceTop Vendorp per kg
37108.00Eastlands Farm292.0
38111.00Eastlands Farm292.0
40112.00J Pitman Ltd280.0
41113.00G A Mitchell & Son276.0
42118.00W J Waters281.0
43120.50R L Pack280.0
45117.00P R Lanham260.0
46119.00Dan Mackelden259.0
47127.00H Rivers270.0
48123.00I Lucas256.0
50130.00H Rivers260.0
51125.00M A Piper & Son Farms245.0
52125.00H Rivers240.0
53119.00A J Thompson & Sons225.0
54124.00G A Mitchell & Son230.0
55124.00Eastlands Farm225.0
56125.00M R Woodroofe223.0
57128.00R & S L M Smith225.0
58130.00M A Piper & Son Farms224.0
60127.00R L Pack212.0

Hoggets – pence per kg

 Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs116316.0188.0258.3256.4
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs694281.0226.0250.8264.5
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs1100400.0210.0237.4243.1
Other over 52.1 kgs203242.0188.0226.3224.0


Cull Ewes and Rams

619 Sold

Auctioneer: James Cook O’Connell

Top price ewe: £200 from Beslee Farms.                    Overall Average £112.50

Top price ram: £160 C Woodhead                              Overall Average £108.50

Report on trade: Another big show of ewes with plenty of good strong types again coming forward from far and wide. Trade remaining very firm assisted by the presence of another company buyer looking for numbers. All grades very competitive from start to finish.

Prices will hold firm for all grades of slaughter and grazing ewes with numbers nationally at their low point at this time of the year.

Highlights included £200 for a ewe generously donated by Beslee Farms for the Ukrainian Disaster Appeal whilst other ewes sold to £169 P Loveland; £150 R Hambrook; £150 Beslee Farms; £146 A J W Smith & Son; £144 M B Farms; £142 R J & S E Whitcombe; £141 C B Hope; £141 G A Mitchell & Son and £140 J Smith.


Top prices included:

Continentals to £200 from Beslee Farms (Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal)

Texel to £169 from P Loveland

Border Leicester £142 from R J & S E Whitcombe

Suffolk cross to £141 from G A Mitchell & Son

Romney £133 from A R Dunlop

Mules £121 Beslee Farms

Lleyn £119 Agripal Enterprises

Goats £76

Store and Breeding Sheep

440 Sold

Auctioneers: John Rossiter 07557 392903 and James Cook O`Connell 07712 246474 

Report on trade: A few less on offer this week but trade just as buoyant for the stronger stores selling to a top price of £108 from Matthew Wickens. More of the longer term and smaller types this week which brought averages down by a few pounds per head. As we move into March the number of these stores will begin to fall away inevitably but this trade remains very attractive for those with any numbers remaining

Sock Lambs

18 Sold

Auctioneer: Mark Cleverdon 07741 845230

Report on trade: A few more coming forward now, as we expect to see in the coming weeks as lambing gets into full swing. Customers were keen too and the best lambs made £23 to £30. Average £24.50.

Please have your lambs in the pen by 10.00 am ready for a 10.30am sale.

Finished Cattle

48 Sold

Report on trade: Finished cattle trade remains strong with 10 successful individual buyers at ringside competing well for all on offer. The best handyweight butcher types selling readily in the 245 to 260p bracket while heavier weights (650kg plus), dairy and native bred stock generally 215 to 225p.

Smart continental cross heifers took the pick of the trade notably Limousin cross heifers £1375 (260p) and £1499 (259p) from W Alexander (Shoreham), Parthenais cross heifer £1395 (259p) from S Marsh, Charolais cross heifer £1464 (253p) from D W Ferguson Ltd and Limousin cross heifer £1350 (246p) from G L Boulden & Son. The best of the heavyweights included Limousin cross steers £1515 (241p) from R F & E A Simmons and £1508 (229p) from Dan Mackelden Ltd. Dairy bred Limousin x Friesian steers looking well sold at £1437 (229p) and £1470 (225p) from A J Down.

Native bred cattle again keenly sought after with smart Aberdeen Angus cross heifers £1466 (237p) from D W Ferguson Ltd and £1319 (226p) from Mrs. P Etheridge, Beef Shorthorn steer £1590 (223p) from K & P M Sinden & Sons and a run of purebred Sussex steers around 225p and grossing up to £1347 from Gillshaw Farm Ltd.






Age and breed


P per kg


Gross £

R F & E A Simmons63023 mths Limousin241.01515 
R F & E A Simmons57023 mths Limousin241.01370 
R F & E A Simmons54223 mths Limousin240.01298 
R F & E A Simmons63523 mths Limousin236.01495 
A J Down63024 mths Limousin229.01439 
Leading heifer prices 
W Alexander (Shoreham)53023 mths Limousin260.01375 
W Alexander (Shoreham)58023 mths Limousin259.01499 
S Marsh54025 mths Parthenais259.01395 
W Alexander (Shoreham)53022 mths Limousin254.01343 
W Alexander (Shoreham)52523 mths Limousin254.01330 


Average prices

Steers up to 650kg                              14           219 to 241p          Av 227.50p

Steers over 651+                                   5           215 to 229p          Av 221.50p

Heifers up to 590 kg                          18            204 to 260p          Av 234.50p

Heifers 591kg+                                    11           213 to 249p          Av 230.50p

Cull Cows and Bulls

58 Sold

Report on trade: Dearer again! Another outstanding trade for everything and anything – seeing really is believing!

All sectors chasing this slightly cheaper product and record returns. Red Tractor falling further into obscurity and lack of purpose.

Feeding and grazing men desperate for stock but clearly the shortage is a concern for all.

Meat beef cows generally 170-200p with nothing under 130p.

Limousin cross 202p, 199p £1489, £1439 D W Ferguson Ltd, 187p £1100 (Non FA) Gallagher Farms, 183p £1341 R A Wade, 178p £1127 J Loveridge; Charolais 196p £1007 R Stannard, 166p £1332 J Loveridge; Simmental 185p £1312 R Coleman & Sons, 181p £1300 (Non FA) P M Thomas; Hereford cross 185p, 175p, 164p £1306 Hales Farm; Sussex 178p, 168p £1056, £1055 D A Innes; Red Poll 170p, 168p, 162p (Non FA) J R Farming; Aberdeen Angus 160p £1109 (Non FA) Gallagher Farms.

No different amongst the dairy culls with real heavy flesh in short supply but a good show of strong steakers. A few up over 170p with plenty 140-165p.

Holstein Friesian heifers 187p £1203 Leggat Farming; Holstein Friesian cows 172p £1261 J W Boyd & Sons; 169p, 158p, 156p, 155p £1213 R Torrance & Son; 168p £1332 Leggat Farming; 162p, 161p (2), 160p £1328, £1258, £1204 Huddlestone Farmers; 159p £1268 P J Forknall; Montbeliarde 170p £1373 D Murdoch & Sons; Brown Swiss 159p £1244 D Murdoch & Sons.

No Bulls.

Just a few overage clean and all 200p and over!

British Blue cross steer 207p £1363; Blue Albion heifer 206p £1387; Sussex steer 200p.



Beef cows27202130173.6
Dairy cows27172107147.0

Store Cattle

341 Sold

Report on trade: A good entry of store cattle with some quality runs of well-bred stock throughout the age groups.

Certainly, more customers present around the ring and prices extremely firm for all grades.

There is no doubt that cattle are short. Demand is strong and the only place to realise their ultimate worth is to put them in front of competition in the market. Hard grazing cattle have been in very short supply everywhere this year and buyers are desperate for these early turn out cattle. Take your opportunity now with any outwintered or open yarded types.

Buyers need to have the supplies going forward and are securing long term feeders for their yards. Prices have risen substantially but with supplies tight, and going to remain so, long-term numbers have to be secured.

Many thanks to the Gore family for donating a 11-month Angus x steer which realised £800 for the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal.


Principal prices include

13 mths Charolais bull                                        £1040                    R V A Standard

22 mths Charolais cross bull                             £1040                    J R Gunner

9-10 mths Sussex cross steers                         £890                       T Maddocks

8-10 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers         £935, £845            Miss J A Biddle

10 mths Beef Shorthorn cross steer                 £750                       Miss J A Biddle

9 mths Lincoln Red cross heifer                       £760                       P J Goldsmith

10 mths Simmental cross steer                         £995                       A Laver

10 mths Hereford cross steer                            £800                       A Laver

11 mths Beef Shorthorn steer                            £990                       M Pallett

9-10 mths Beef Shorthorn steer                        £850                       Mrs H Harmer

13 mths Parthenais cross steer                         £1050                    Ms K Husk

10-11 mths Charolais cross heifer                    £840                       Goodsell Farm Partnership

10-12 mths Limousin cross steers                    £1070, £1000       J C Loveridge

9-12 mths Limousin cross heifers                    £1070, £1000       J C Loveridge

10-12 mths South Devon cross steers             £910                       J C Loveridge

13 mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifer            £970                       J C Loveridge

11-12 mths Limousin cross steers                    £1165, £1080       M J Ashworth

11-13 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steer        £1020                    M J Ashworth

9-11 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers         £950, £875            J Prior & Son

12 mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifers          £960, £840            J Prior & Son

11-15 mths Simmental cross steers                 £1100, £1070       D G & J W Gore

10-12 mths Limousin cross steers                    £1010, £970         D G & J W Gore

10-12 mths Limousin cross heifers                  £890, £865            D G & J W Gore

10-12 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers      £935, £845            D G & J W Gore

11-14 mths Limousin cross steer                      £1270, £1000       W G Watkins & Sons

11-14 mths Limousin cross heifers                  £1010, £900         W G Watkins & Sons

12-14 mths Limousin cross steers                    £1195, £1170       R A Wade

12-16 mths Limousin cross heifers                  £1235, £1005       R A Wade

10-11 mths Limousin cross steer                      £1060                    Hales Farm

10-15 mths Limousin cross heifers                  £1260, £935         Hales Farm

13 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steer              £1430                    Highfields Park

10-13 mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifers     £1040, £955         Highfields Park

10-12 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers      £890, £885            S C Gammons

11 mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifers          £830, £620            S C Gammons

10-11 mths Blonde cross steer                          £1020                    Goodwin Bros

9-11 mths Blonde cross heifers                        £770, £670            Goodwin Bros

18 mths Hereford x Friesian steers                   £1080, £945         R Winstone

24 mths Hereford x Friesian heifer                   £1130                    R Winstone

23 mths Beef Shorthorn x Friesian steers       £1060, £880         R Winstone

23 mths Beef Shorthorn x Friesian heifer        £930                       R Winstone

24 mths British Blue x Friesian heifer              £955                       R Winstone

17-22 mths Sussex steers                                  £1440, £1160       Montreal Estate

10-11 mths Sussex steers                                  £880, £775            Montreal Estate

21-23 mths Sussex heifers                                £1025, £905         Montreal Estate

Breeding Cattle

0 Sold


0 Sold

Store and Finished Pigs

13 Sold

Report on trade: Again, a very small entry (we are already promised more pigs for a fortnights time!). There are small green shoots of possible recovery in the pig sector but like all farming costs are running away too.

In the finished pens white pigs made 100p per kg and Berkshires 70p grossing £87 and £66.

The value of cull pigs more than doubled with sows making 20p and grossing £42 and £49.

General information

Please note – 33% of our customers receive their prices via e-mail on sale day. If you would like to receive your prices on the day, please give our auctioneers team a call and leave the rest to us.


Cattle Producers, Please Note – Revised Advice Inconclusive Reactors

All IRs from high risk or edge areas that have had a negative (clear) result on retesting remain restricted on their holding for the rest of their life and can only move direct to slaughter or an approved finishing unit (AFU).

In a low-risk area if there has been a TB breakdown (i.e., with reactors) then again, any IRs that subsequently have a negative test are still only allowed to go direct to slaughter or an AFU, however if only IRs are identified in a low-risk area herd test then no movement restrictions are placed on those animals if they subsequently retest negative (clear).

Should any low-risk area producer have any doubts, about the position please do not hesitate to contact Peter Kingwill.


Cattle Passports

We remind producers that on no occasion should the details on a cattle passport be changed other than by returning it to BCMS.

If details are incorrect return and advise BCMS, or advise the auctioneers on market day without writing on the passport.


AHDB Review

In April 2022, as a levy payer you will be able to have your say on the challenges you want AHDB to focus on and the services they deliver for you in the future. This is your chance to influence how your levy money is spent on the things that matter to you the most.  In order to vote you must first register at www.ahdb.org.uk/shapethefuture before 12 noon on 31st March 2022. Each business will have one vote for each sector you pay levy to (beef, lamb, cereals & oilseeds, pork, and dairy). You will need to register for each one separately, using the link above.


Hay and Straw register

For a small charge we are quite happy to advertise your hay, straw, and fodder for sale in this register which will now run until early May for further details please ring our auctioneers office on 01233 502222.

For Sale – Freshly dug fodder beet available in large quantities in the Ashford area. Can be delivered. Ring 07764 273798

For Sale – 3,000 conventional wheat straw bales from the Ashford area. 07876273254

For Sale – Conventional baled and 4 string big bales meadow hay on a farm in the Ashford area. Can be delivered. Ring Michael on 07715651766 or 01233 820261

For Sale – large quantities of hay, haylage and straw in the Ashford area. Ring 07707 879642

For Sale – large quantities of top-notch feed and bedding – Round bale naked hay, Round bale wrapped haylage, Mini Hesston bales naked hay, Round bale wrapped silage, Round bale naked wheat straw, Round bale naked barley straw, Round bale naked oat straw, Whole Wheat and barley in crane bags, Logs of all varieties, shapes, sizes and prices.

All from our own Red Tractor certified farms (with full field traceability) and keenly priced ex farm or delivered locally or nationwide. Richard Barnes (Farms) Ltd, Etchingham, TN19 7AZ.

01580 819000, 07768 771933

For Sale – 1500 Second quality conventional baled meadow hay, clean and thistle free, £2 per bale, ideal for cattle. Genuine enquiries only please, from a farm around the Tenterden area 07805847071.

For Sale – 200 8’ Meadow hay bales from a Kent farm. Ring 07787 150165

For Sale – 900 1st cut, 4 string, 6-layer wrap haylage from a Kent farm. Ring 07787 150165



Heathfield Show News

Show celebrates 75th anniversary

With the Heathfield Show day looming we are excited to announce that there will be a £500 prize, kindly donated by PJ Skips, for the Champion of Champions in the Horse Section of the Heathfield Agricultural Show on Saturday 28th May. An opportunity not to be missed!

Entries are now live on the new Show web site for all Cattle, Sheep, Pig and Horse classes.

The past two Shows have had to be cancelled because of the pandemic so to the comeback for our 75th anniversary is even more poignant. The Showing scene has been in hibernation, so we are expecting high exhibitor numbers as people dust off their showing kit boxes and start getting their livestock back into Show ready condition.

Closing date for livestock entries is 1st April, and Horse classes 14th April.

There will be a full showing schedule and exciting events going on around the Showground

throughout the day, including a fly past by a Hurricane (subject to weather conditions) and the launch of the Queen’s Green Canopy Jubilee appeal for East Sussex.

As Show day approaches more announcements will be made, so keep an eye on www.heathfieldshow.org.

The Show will definitely be living up to its new strap line “A Real Look At Country Life”.

Press enquiries: Nicola Magill: Secretary@heathfieldshow.org . 07799 846299



South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The March edition of this popular regional farming magazine is now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker is a regular contributor to the editorial content



South East Point to Point Meetings (www.pointingse.com)

The fixture list for the season has been circulated with this report recently. Further copies are available here in the market

Sunday 6th March – Southdown & Eridge, Godstone, Surrey. RH9 8DB

Sunday 20th March – Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent; Penshurst, Kent. TN8 7DD

Saturday 26th March – Crawley & Horsham, Parnham, Surrey. RH20 2ER

Sunday 10th April – Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent; Penshurst, Kent. TN8 7DD

Saturday 16th April – Ashford Valley Tickham, Charing, Kent. TN27 0JD

Monday 18th April – Aldington Races, Aldington, Kent. TN25 7EJ

Saturday 23rd April – Chiddingfold, Leconfield and Cowdray; Parham, West Sussex. RH20 2ER

Sunday 1st May – Mid Surrey Farmers Draghounds, Godstone, Surrey. RH9 8DB

Saturday 14th May – Peper Harrow, Peper Harrow, Surrey. GU8 6TE