Weekly Sales News – 8th February 2022

Read on the all the news from Ashford Market …..

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/reports/forthcoming-sales 

Finished Sheep

2,255 Sold

Top price per kilo – 315p – P Ashlee: Top price per head – £155 – P Gorringe

Report on trade: A larger entry than anticipated with just under 2500 hoggets penned. Good to have a full market of sheep for the first time this year and a feeling like we are returning to “normal” at last! Price highlights not quite at the level we saw last week for the bigger hoggs, with large numbers of heavies now on offer nationally as root crops are rapidly coming to an end.  These were down by £5-6 per head but the top end of the quality scale were still able to break the £150 barrier with Beltex crosses from P Gorringe selling to £155 with R L Pack in second place at £150. Overall, the average price returned was 274p per kg which despite the increased numbers on offer is almost exactly the same as last week’s figure for the handy weights.

Vendors Note – All consignments of sheep to Ashford must now be accompanied by a “Purple Form” to ensure we adhere to recent regulation changes. These are available to collect from the sales office, lairage and weighbridge. They will also be posted out with this week’s cheques and market report – Thank you

At this time of year it is very much appreciated if you can let us know what you plan to send, with lairage facilities available form 3-6pm on Monday afternoons.




KgsTop PriceTop Vendorp per kg
36107.50P G & N L Brightling299.0
37104.50Langdon Farms282.0
38110.00Langdon Farms289.0
39120.00P Ashlee308.0
40120.00S King300.0
41121.00S King295.0
42119.50S King285.0
43123.50R L Pack287.0
44130.00D C Foy295.0
45139.50H & J Noakes310.0
46125.00N A Balcomb & Son272.0
47145.00R L Pack309.0
48141.00P Gorringe294.0
49132.50P N & C Burden270.0

Hoggets – pence per kg

 Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs243315.0236.0279.7263.2
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs861310.0238.0272.0269.3
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs846309.0204.0256.6257.6
Other over 52.1 kgs297271.0215.0242.7244.7


Cull Ewes and Rams

627 Sold

Auctioneer: James Cook O’Connell

Top price ewe: £136 from G H Dean & Co.        Overall Ewe Av. £93.50

Top price ram: £135 from J Warnock & Sons

Report on trade: Another large show of ewes on offer today with the average up on the previous week and demand looking stronger than it has been recently. Highlight of the day a superb run of winter shorn Suffolk x and Texel x ewes from G H Dean & Co which topped at £136 and averaged £127, closely followed by P D Denne to £135 (Suffolk x), C B Hope to £127 (Charollais x) and H & J Noakes to £121 (Suffolk x). Romney ewes from A Mackay to £110 and £100 for their top pens. Leaner sorts remain in strong demand with these continuing to range from £70 – £100 and even a little more on certain occasions.

We hope to see good numbers forward in the coming weeks with prices looking like they are going to hold due to numbers on offer nationally at an all time low.

Top prices included:

Suffolk x to £135 from GH Dean & Co

Continentals to £130 from GH Dean & Co

Romneys to £115 from H & J Noakes

Mules to £118 from J Sprigings

Store and Breeding Sheep

1,228 Sold

Auctioneers: John Rossiter 07557 392903 and James Cook O`Connell 07712 246474


Report on trade: This is the trade that really takes some beating! Several pens in excess of £100 despite the easing in the finished prices with a top price of £117 from W Pickering and an overall average of £96 despite a number of longer term types on offer, these selling from £75-90.

A superb show of NZ Romney ewes from A Mackay in lamb to NZ Romney rams and scanned at 179%. The one lamb ewes were the first of these sold on the day which made £186 and £182, followed by the older ewes which were flock ages and made to £177 with the whole run averaging £164.

Next Week – Genuine flock reduction on behalf of G & H Bates to include 50 Texel x Romney ewes in lamb to a Texel Ram

Store sheep

Breeding ewes232186.00120.00162.88
Store tegs996117.0030.00  96.67


Sock Lambs

0 Sold

Finished Cattle

35 Sold

Auctioneer: Peter Kingwill 07795 200357

Report on trade: Similar numbers to recent weeks and demand remaining strong with rates just a shade firmer on the week. Demand for handyweight heifers is first class the country over and reflecting the strength of demand through quality butchers and caterers.

Top spot to an outstanding Limousin heifer from S Marsh selling to 260p (£1557) with others from D W Ferguson Ltd to 256p (£1571), W Alexander (Shoreham) 250p (£1425) and S Marsh, again, at 250p (£1397).

Quality dairy bred Blue cross heifers from A J Down to 231p (2) £1383.

More variation amongst the steers but all keenly taken up. Smart suckler bred types from W Alexander (Shoreham) to 243p (£1394). Mediumweight smart Angus from B G & M A Tomsett sold to 232p and 231p (£1354) whilst well fleshed  Limousin and Blues from A J Down to 225p (£1482). A strong Sussex steer from K & P M Sinden sold to 224p (£1442) while Angus x Friesian from P J Forknall to 209p (£1387).


Leading steer prices

ProducerWeightAge and breedP per kgGross £
W Alexander (Shoreham)57521mths Limousin243.01397
B G & M A Tomsett58522mths Aberdeen Angus232.01357
B G & M A Tomsett55423mths Aberdeen Angus231.01280
G L Boulden & Sons62524mths Blonde225.01406
A J Down61923mths Limousin225.01393
Leading heifer prices
S Marsh60019mths Limousin260.01560
D W Ferguson Ltd61525mths Charolais256.01574
S Marsh56019mths Limousin250.01400
W Alexander (Shoreham)57122mths Limousin250.01428
D W Ferguson Ltd62822mths Limousin250.01570


Average prices

Steers 551 to 650kg                            19                           205  to 243p    Av 223.7p

Steers over 651+                                 4                             209  to 220p    Av 214.2p

Heifers 300 to 500 kg                          2                             189  to 219p    Av 203.7p

Heifers 501 to 590 kg                          13                          190  to 250p   Av 234.7p

Cull Cows and Bulls

107 Sold

Report on trade: Outstanding! The dearest we have seen the cows with a big entry eagerly taken up by a large company of buyers intent on securing stock knowing that numbers at this time of the year will only get tighter.

Slaughter, feeding and grazing cows all dearer on the week and some buyers going away empty handed. Special mention this week to an outstanding British Blue cow from A Price (4yo+) selling at 226p and grossing up at a magnificent £1750.

Fleshed beef cows regularly 140p – 180p with feeders climbing even higher. Age always helps with anything under 48 months pushed even dearer.

British Blue 226p £1750 A Price; Limousin cross 188p 182p 170p £1174 £1064 £1032 (Non FA) J & A Lawrence, 180p 170p £1289 £1265 (Non FA) J Saunders, 179p £1266 Birt Bros, 157p 149p (2) £1317 Burden Bros, 148p £1106 W G Vant & Sons, 146p £1084 J Berryman; Angus cross 181p 164p 160p £1234 £1210 £1171 (Non FA) J & A Lyon, 175p £1195 M A & F W Owen, 174p 169p £1301 £1230 Burden Bros; Simmental cross 164p 160p £1274 £1211 (Non FA) J & A Lyon, 158p £1197 Betchworth Estate Farms, 155p £1054 A J Thompson & Sons; Charolais cross 155p £1120 Burden Bros; South Devon 154p £1228 Burden Bros, 137p £1222 Gardners; Sussex 148p (Non FA) M Palmer; Lincoln Red 146p £1026 J Berryman.

More finish above the dairy culls this week and a blistering trade for all with the best well over 140p and just 3 cows under 100p.

Holstein heifers 190p £1431 Appleton Farms, 178p 176p £1058 Goddard & Son, 174p £989 R Torrance & Son; Holstein Friesian cows 145p (2) 139p (2) £1228 £1214 £1122 £1108 Appleton Farms, 138p 137p (2) 131p 129p (2) £1337 £1229 £1122 R Torrance & Son; 130p £1075 Huddlestone Farmers.

Stock bulls wanted. Limousin 128p £1167, Sussex 117p £1072, South Devon (Non FA) 114p £1129; Charolais (lean NonFA) 96p £908.

A handful of overage clean cattle very firm indeed with a Sussex OTM steer 209p £1345; Blue heifer 3yo+ 176p £1146; Blue cross steer 3yo + 168p £1240.

Beef cows6922690147.4
Dairy cows2919073124.0

Store Cattle

184 Sold

Auctioneer: Peter Kingwill 07795 200357

Report on trade: A tremendous start to the store cattle season with a nice entry of genuine stores meeting an outstanding demand from a strong company of buyers keen to secure numbers but finding prices significantly firmer on the year.

Mostly dairy bred cattle forward today with some younger open yarded yearlings which are ideal for this time of the year with ground condition helping expectations for the grazing season.

Some outstanding young British blue bulls (11-14mths) on offer from A Price realising an impressive £1240,  £1000 and £900.

Customers aplenty for the hard 8-12mths cattle and more wanted.

Prices include

South Devon cross steers £780 £670, heifers £570 £505 I Tapsell

Angus cross steers £685 £580 Gann & Brown

Hereford cross steers £805 £620, heifers £510 M & K L Studd

Limousin cross steers £950 Mrs K Graham

A strong show of Angus x Friesian, and Blue x Friesian steers and heifers were readily taken by buyers at excellent prices and more wanted in coming weeks.

Prices include

Angus x Friesian steers 12-16mths £725 £640, heifers £645 £595 H & S Nesfield

Angus x Friesian steers 14mths £830, heifers £600 R Winstone

Blue x Friesian steers 14mths £750, heifers £630 R Winstone

British Friesian steers 10-12mths £700 £610 R Winstone

Angus x Friesian 15-18mths £1175 £1070 £1015, heifers £1045 £980 £890 £880 E J Gribble

Blue x Friesian steers 15-18mths £1100 £990, heifers £945 E J Gribble

Blue x Friesian heifers 20mths £980 F S Husk

A few older suckler bred cattle an outstanding trade and these are the cattle to be selling at this early stage of the spring.

Prices include

Angus cross steers 18-22mths £1185 £1060, heifers £1070 £960 A R Dunlop

Simmental cross steers 18mths £1145 £995, heifers £875 £870 W J Hurley

Charolais cross steers 18mths £1055 £930 H F Brown & Son

Limousin cross steers 20mths £1030 £970 D J Cornforth

Limousin cross steers 24mths £1295 J H & A H Godden

A very good trade. More cattle wanted.

Breeding Cattle

0 Sold


0 Sold

Store and Finished Pigs

50 Sold

Report on trade: The story in the pig sector has not changed yet – government and industry stakeholders are meeting this week. Will Mr Eustice come up with any answers?? In the meantime, numbers forward in Ashford this week were limited with no real best pigs in the pens bar one lot of stores. Demand was limited and prices achieved similar to post Christmas sales.

The entry of finished pigs was mainly a run of well fed native crossbred pigs from Canterbury Oast which made 82p to 90p per kg grossing to £75.60. 20p to 46p covered the rest of pigs offered.

The cull trade is still very difficult with deadweight quotes not changing. 5p per kg was stock price for sows and a good shaped boar made 10p.

Store pigs saw 1 pen of young shapely growers make £32 from D J Cole.

Finished good – p per kg1990.082.086.8
                                 £ per head 75.6054.5164.21
Finished other – p per kg946.020.035.3
                                 £ per head 39.9421.0030.88
Sows – p per kg45.05.05.0
Sows                        £ per head 14.0011.7512.88
Boars – p per kg410.02.05.6
                                 £ per head 24.002.9010.40
Small stores – £ per head732.0032.0032.00

General information

Notices – Tom Hope Snr, Egerton

Family and friends have asked us to report that Tom sadly passed away in hospital on 25th January after a very short illness. Tom, a true countryman, had until very shortly before his illness been an active farmer, feeding sheep every morning. He was a lifelong supporter of this market and friend to many who attend.

A service of remembrance will be held at Charing Crematorium on Monday 21st February at 11.30am. Service only.


Miscellaneous livestock and general goods and services for sale and wanted ex farm

For Sale – Litter of Border Collie puppies bred from working parents with excellent temperaments – West Kent.  Ring 07961 893682 for details


South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The February edition of this popular regional farming magazine is now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker is a regular contributor to the editorial content.


For up-to-date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Cattle & sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & sheep) 07795 200357

John Rossiter (Sheep, machinery plus commercial vehicles) 07557 392903

Simon Husk (Cattle & sheep) 07885 968077

Mark Cleverdon (Pigs) 07741 845230

Tom Hamplett (Calves, weanlings, breeding cattle & rams) 079661045

James Cook O`Connell (Sheep- Ewes and Breeding Sheep) 07712 246474


Cattle Producers, Please Note – Revised Advice Inconclusive Reactors

All IRs from high risk or edge areas that have had a negative (clear) result on retesting remain restricted on their holding for the rest of their life and can only move direct to slaughter or an approved finishing unit (AFU).

In a low-risk area if there has been a TB breakdown (i.e., with reactors) then again, any IRs that subsequently have a negative test are still only allowed to go direct to slaughter or an AFU, however if only IRs are identified in a low-risk area herd test then no movement restrictions are placed on those animals if they subsequently retest negative (clear).

Should any low-risk area producer have any doubts, about the position please do not hesitate to contact Peter Kingwill.


Cattle Passports

We remind producers that on no occasion should the details on a cattle passport be changed other than by returning it to BCMS.

If details are incorrect return and advise BCMS, or advice the auctioneers on market day without writing on the passport.


Hay and Straw register

For a small charge we are quite happy to advertise your hay, straw, and fodder for sale in this register which will now run until early May for further details please ring our auctioneers office on 01233 502222.

For Sale – Freshly dug fodder beet available in large quantities in the Ashford area. Can be delivered. Ring 07764 273798

For Sale – 3,000 conventional wheat straw bales from the Ashford area. 07876273254

For Sale – Conventional baled and 4 string big bales meadow hay on a farm in the Ashford area. Can be delivered. Ring Michael on 07715651766 or 01233 820261

For Sale – large quantities of hay, haylage and straw in the Ashford area. Ring 07707 879642

For Sale – large quantities of top-notch feed and bedding – Round bale naked hay, Round bale wrapped haylage, Mini Hesston bales naked hay, Round bale wrapped silage, Round bale naked wheat straw, Round bale naked barley straw, Round bale naked oat straw, Whole Wheat and barley in crane bags, Logs of all varieties, shapes, sizes and prices.

All from our own Red Tractor certified farms (with full field traceability) and keenly priced ex farm or delivered locally or nationwide. Richard Barnes (Farms) Ltd, Etchingham, TN19 7AZ.

01580 819000, 07768 771933

For Sale – Second quality conventional baled meadow hay clean and thistle free, genuine enquiries only please, from a farm around the Tenterden area 07805847071.

For Sale – 200 8’ Meadow hay bales from a Kent farm. Ring 07787 150165

For Sale – 900 1st cut, 4 string, 6 layer wrap haylage from a Kent farm. Ring 07787 150165



Romney Sheep Breeders News

The RSBS has an upcoming vacancy for a secretary to manage day to day society matters, oversight of flock book, communications, and liaison with members.
Up to 15 hours duties a month. commencement January 2022. Rates and full list of duties to be advised upon request.


Vacancy also for a part time Treasurer
The RSBS has an upcoming vacancy for a treasurer to manage day to day society accounts and bookkeeping. Up to 5 hours a month is anticipated. Commencement January 2022. Rates and full list of duties to be advised upon request.

All enquiries for either of these positions should be made to the RSBS Chairman on 07973326160.



Dates for your diaries regarding RABI and Farm Expo 2022

RABI Raceday and lunch – Monday 28th February at Plumpton Racecourse, BN7 3AL. Tickets £70 each (table of 8,10 or 12) – tickets are limited. More details next week

Farm Expo 2022 – Wednesday 2nd March at the Kent Showground. More details next week.