Weekly Sales News – 7th January 2020

A huge entry of sheep were penned this week. Producers were rewarded with good prices throughout the sale. Next week will see over 150 Store and Breeding cattle in addition, no doubt, to a another large entry of sheep. Read on for this weeks reports….

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/auctioneers/livestock-marketing/forthcoming-sales/


Finished Sheep

2,352 Sold

Top price per kilo – 255p – J A Cox; Top price per head – £107 – J A Cox

Report on trade: A good entry of hoggets to kick off the New Year on a bumper sheep day in Ashford. In excess of 5,000 sheep were penned in total despite some technical difficulties in the market. Our thanks go to the staff for their efforts to ensure the smooth running of the day and to our customers for their patience at peak times.

We would not have a market without our staff or vendors and we would like to wish all a Happy New Year for 2020.

Over 2,300 hoggets were penned today and these sold on a trade that was in line with what we saw between Christmas and New Year but certainly improved on what we had seen through the autumn. The quality of what was on offer was certainly improved as the “fed” store lambs are beginning to make an appearance in the pens. Top spot on the day was taken by J A Cox with some superb shaped hoggets selling to both £107 and 255p per kg. The roll of honours is a long one today with several pens of sheep selling in excess of 220p from C Woodhead, R J Parsons, R Douglas etc, long may it continue.

Sales here in Ashford are supported by buyers representing a large cross section of abattoirs throughout the country. Please ensure your FABBL status is up to date and if you are not FABBL assured seriously consider becoming so – certain buyers are restricted to the purchase of only farm assured stock.

KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3576.0073.70P M Langridge and R Douglas217.0
3682.5077.68R J Parsons229.0
3781.0078.10R J Parsons219.0
3882.0077.79J G & G D White216.0
3983.0080.43M & R Morton Ltd213.0
4087.0081.47J A Cox218.0
 4186.0081.85K T D Axell210.0
42107.0084.90J A Cox255.0
4390.0085.19John Monnington Farms Ltd209.0
4492.0087.56J R Lilley209.0
4596.0089.46Church Street Farm213.0
4697.5089.30H & J Noakes212.0
4797.0091.16J R Lilley206.0
4899.5088.90H & J Noakes207.0
4995.5090.55H & J Noakes195.0
Hoggets – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Av
Light 25.5 to 32 kgs106248.0167.0231.8199.4
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs674242.0189.0210.2213.1
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs1,232255.0182.0200.6210.3
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs320212.0160.0191.5200.4
Other over 52 kgs9192.0169.0182.0190.7

Cull Ewes and Rams

1,219 sold

Report on trade:  A big entry of ewes forward as is often the case with scanning in full swing around the South East and an improved trade despite the boost in numbers to well over 1,000 ewes in the pens. This trade may settle somewhat going forward as the trading pattern around the country reverts back to normal.

Best sheep were selling in the £90 price bracket with the meated sorts in strong demand. Top spot was taken by Ms H V Link with some strong Texel ewes at £99 with Miss R Russell in second place at £90. Cull rams from B Foy Ltd sold to £96.

Top prices include Texels to £99 from Ms H V Link, crossbred ewes to £90 from Miss R Russell, Mules to £80.50 from B Foy Ltd and Romneys to £80 from R Homewood.

Store and Breeding Sheep

2,058 Sold

Report on trade: An absolute flyer of a trade with best stores selling readily around £80 and an overall average of £72.80. A superb run of over 700 Suffolk x Mule wethers from H J Hecks & Son sold particularly well topping at £84 and averaging a favourable £78.80 and 259 Texel and Down crosses made up to £83.50 from I Strang. Averages 2,058 sold to £84.50 and aver’ £72.80.

Please keep in contact with potential entries so we can inform potential buyers.

Principal prices included:               
Suffolk x Mule£84.50J & M Carr
Suffolk x Mule£84.00H J Hecks & Son
Suffolk x Mule£83.50Wanstall Farms
Texel cross£83.50I Strang
Texel cross£80.50John Monnington Farms Ltd
Texel cross£79.00G & A Wood
Romney ewe£76.00W T Kemp
Down cross£74.00I Strang

Sock Lambs

0 Sold

Finished Cattle

37 Sold

Report on trade: A very mixed entry with the complete range of breed, age and quality on offer. Trade was firm and competitive for the best handyweights, notably smart Bazadaise cross heifers at £1207 (220p per kg) and £1010 (211p) from D W Ferguson Ltd, Limousin cross heifers at £1181 (199p) and £1070 (197p) from W Alexander (Shoreham) and a Blonde cross heifer at £1052 (199p) from G L Boulden & Sons.

Quality leaner sorts for further finishing sold well with Limousin cross steer £896 (214p) and Limousin cross heifer £1047 (210p) from R J Husk. Native bred’s sold to £817 (170p) for a Sussex steer from P J Goldsmith.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light bulls (370 – 550kg)2149.5119.5134.5
Light steers (370 – 550kg)5213.5141.5178.5
Medium steers (551 – 650 kg)5190.5153.5171.7
Heavy steers (over 650kg)4182.5149.5171.3
Light heifers (330 – 500kg)2210.5149.5180.0
Medium heifers (501 – 590kg)11219.5139.5180.1
Heavy heifers (over 590kg)4198.5143.5169.5
Leading steer prices
ProducerWeightAge and breedP per kgGross £
R J Husk42022 mths Limousin214.0899
R J Husk50022 mths Limousin210.01050
R J Husk57022 mths Limousin191.01089
W Alexander (Shoreham)68522 mths Limousin183.01254
P J Goldsmith45816 mths Sussex179.0820
Leading heifer prices
D W Ferguson Ltd55023 mths Bazadaise220.01210
D W Ferguson Ltd48023 mths Bazadaise211.01013
G L Boulden & Sons53019 mths Blonde199.01055
W Alexander (Shoreham)59524 mths Limousin199.01184
W Alexander (Shoreham)54522 mths Limousin197.01074

Cull Cows and Bulls

59 Sold

Report on trade: Nothing very exciting about the overall quality but good to see 59 cows forward after the New Year break. Trade is continuing to strengthen as forecasts suggest a tightening of supply of processing beef.

Meat cows and smarter keeping types were a good strong trade with the lean processing cows from the dairy sector also looking well sold. A few very plain and poor lightweights at low money but better than the alternative.

We had only a few fleshed beef cows but real interest in the tighter shaped younger types to feed whether assured or not. Highlights included Fleckvieh cross at 144p and  £938 from Westnedge & Knight; Simmental cross 136p, 121p (Non FA) W Pynn Contractors Ltd; Aberdeen Angus cross 127p £841 W Pynn Contractors Ltd, 1119 £829 (Non FA) L Webber and 109p £906 (Non FA) M S Worssam with hard Aberdeen Angus cross feeders 84p – 97p P Parks. Meat was wanted.

In the dairy lines Holstein Friesian 115p, 110p, 107p £927 W S Furnival Ltd; 110p, 99p £1000 J Leggat & Son; 105p £988 P J Forknall and 103p, 97p (2) £784 W G & T A Manford; British Friesian 113p and 107p £810 Debden Court; Ayrshire 101p £729 J Howie; Norwegian Red 101p E P Knight and Jersey 69p £368 S E Lane & Ptnrs.

Bulls remain difficult if plain but fleshed types now picking up. Limousin 98p; Aberdeen Angus 95p and Sussex 88p.

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows23135.529.592.2
Dairy cows29143.531.590.7

Please remember it is essential we have an early indication from all sellers of stock numbers you wish to sell week by week – we phone and send text messages to buyers and agents every Monday evening and an accurate indication of numbers coming forward is essential with many buyers travelling substantial distances to attend.

Store Cattle

0 Sold



Breeding Cattle

0 Sold


75 Sold

Report on trade: A respectable entry of calves to start the New Year. Buyers however are still remaining cautious as we wait to see what the store trade will do over the coming weeks.

Demand strong for better bred continentals with well coloured and well-shaped types particularly sought after. Bulls sold to £250 for a British Blue from T Castle & Son with heifers to £230 for a Charolais from J Gormley.

Native bred calves were a little harder work this week with no real superstars to grab the headlines. Bulls sold to £120 for an Aberdeen Angus from J W Boyd & Son with heifers to £60 for a Sussex from W G & T A Manford.

Dairy sired calves made up a large part of the entry with trade no different to that seen pre-Christmas. This week’s entry would have included a few less rearing types with the majority being plainer processors. Top draw was a Friesian from Parrett & Son at £50.

We remind all calf sellers and buyers of the information below

Calf sellers and buyers should be aware that welfare regulations state that while an animal can be sold at 7 days old if they are offered at under 10 days old they cannot be transported more than 100km from the market. Buyers are notified from the rostrum when these calves are offered.

From a sellers view it is best not to present calves at under 10 days old to avoid possibly restricting the number of potential bidders for your stock.

Calf averages – £ per head
Continental bulls10250.0050.00150.00
Continental heifers11230.0060.00118.18
Native bulls3120.0030.0081.67
Native heifers460.0030.0042.50
Friesian – 1st150.0050.0050.00
Friesian – 2nd432.0023.0027.50
Friesian – 3rd and bobbies4220.003.008.67

Store and Finished Pigs

79 Sold

Report on trade: We kicked of 2020 with a good quality show of pigs penned and buyers were on hand with orders for more pigs. A good trade at acceptable levels resulted. Nationally the pig price is about 8% in front of this time last year with the sows more than 50% in front of last year. Remember we hold pig sales fortnightly through the whole year here in Ashford with buyers on hand for most breeds, shapes and sizes at every sale.

With 4 individual buyers looking for supplies from the finished pigs on offer we saw the best regularly make 110p to 126p per kg. S Scott & Son sold 15 weighing 68 to 80kg at 108p to 119p and grossing to £95.20 (average £87.70). N Dance saw his heavy white pigs make to 126p and £116.

Cull sows made 50p to 56p for any with weight and flesh and only lighter models less money than this. A good shaped boar also made 50p.

In the store pens Berkshire cross young pigs made £8 to £12.

Pig averages
Finished good – p per kg40126.0100.0113.6
                                 £ per head 118.8074.7192.49
Finished others – p per kg1192.060.078.0
                                 £ per head 85.8040.8062.73
Sows – p per kg756.040.086.5
                                 £ per head 128.8059.0099.77
Boars – p per kg150.050.050.0
                                 £ per head 122.50122.50122.50
Small stores – £ per head1510.008.008.80
Strong stores – £ per head515.0012.0012.60

General information

Vehicle Parking on busy market days – Congestion in the bottom / livestock parking area

Please help us to help you. The upper car park on the top side of the market buildings is available for all cars and Land Rovers with trailers.

Disabled bays – please would market users please respectfully only use these bays if displaying the recognized blue badge

For up to date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Cattle & Sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & Sheep) 07795 200357

Martin Crowhurst (Cattle & Sheep) 07710 803903 or 01797 343936

Simon Husk (Cattle & Sheep) 07885 968077 or 01304 842393

Mark Cleverdon (Rams, Breeding Cattle and Pigs) 07741 845230

John Rossiter (Sheep, Machinery plus commercial vehicles) 07557 392903

Tom Hamplett (Calves, Weanlings & Rams) 07966 104532

Hay, Straw, Fodder and Forage Crop for sale and / wanted

For Sale – 2,000 Conventional bales of 2019 made meadow hay. Barn stored and local delivery available. East Kent Ring 07802 636427.

For Sale – Top notch barn stored round and mini-hesston bales 2019 hay. Bulk whole oats in half tonne bags also available. Delivery arranged. East Sussex. 07768 771933.

For Sale – 100 2019 Haylage bales from a Kent farm. Contact 01303 893183 or 07775 794556

Livestock for sale by private treaty – ex farm

For Sale – fresh calved Holstein Friesian heifers by known sires from a recorded herd – available when calved. East Kent

For Sale – 2 pedigree polled Hereford bulls, 17 mths on a West Kent farm.

Miscellaneous livestock and general goods and services for sale and wanted ex farm

Wanted – experienced livestock farmer requires a small quantity of large rectangular bale feeders. Maidstone area. Ring Paul on 07976 92168

RABI, Young Farmers Clubs, 91 Club, Kent Herdsmans Club and FCN news

RABI – copies of a summer newsletter are available here in the market.

For further information on all RABI events in Kent ring Charles Tassell – 01622 858733, 07973 412179 or email charles@tassell.co.uk

Kent Herdsmans Club.

Sunday 12th January 2020 at 12 noon – return visit to Matt Cullen’s farm to view his cattle in their new winter quarters. Animal Farm, Mill Road, Staple, Canterbury.  CT3 1LB

For all details on Herdsman’s Club events please contact Chairman Alan Jull 07708283220 or Jo Masters 01580 240568.

Ashford Young Farmers – copies of their August / September newsletter are available here in the market.

For all details on Ashford Young Farmers please contact Amy Langdon at amy.langdon1234@hotmail.co.uk

Tonbridge Young Farmers – Debbie Broad and friends in the area have reopened this club.

For all details of plans for the future please contact the Broads through Debbie’s Facebook page or email tonbridgeyfc19@gmail.com

Romney Sheep Breeders Society

Copies of the winter newsletter are available here in the market

South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The January edition of this popular regional farming magazine is now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker is a regular contributor to the editorial content.

Events / Meetings in the area of interest to farmers

T Denne & Sons are holding a “Making Forage work for you” workshop on Wednesday 26th February in the Amos Hall, Ashford Market, TN24 0HB at 9.30. Speakers will be Nick Green and Andrew Bourne (T Denne), Alan West (Sheep Farmer) and David Gurney (Corteva). Lunch will be provided at approx 12.30. Please RSVP by 21st February to nickgreen@tdenneandsons.co.uk or ring 01233 720871.

An employment opportunity at Mole Valley Farmers, Canterbury

Are you an experienced retailer looking to take on a new challenge?  Would you like to work for a values-based organization with true spirit and heritage, then this opportunity might just be for you!

We have a fantastic opportunity for a Sales Floor Supervisor to join our retail and agricultural store in Canterbury, Kent.  This is a full-time role working 40 hours per week on a 5 out of 7 rota.  Reporting to the Countrystore Manager, you will be a key member of the store management team where you will be responsible for supervising the sales floor team.

We are looking for inspirational leaders who have a passion for retail and agriculture with at least 1 years supervisory/management experience, from a similar fast-paced retail environment.  A good broad product knowledge is also required.  You will be a real team player, driving a memorable experience for both our staff and customers.  In this role you will ensure that the store is visually merchandised to the highest standards.  You will also be involved in the daily planning, organising and following up of all sales floor activities.

You’ll need to be a positive and friendly person with an eye for accuracy and attention to detail, and the motivation to deliver outstanding customer service. If you’re interested in agriculture or the great outdoors, this could be the job for you!

If you are interested in this role and are committed to working within the values of our organisation we are keen to hear from you. You can expect to work as part of a great team with opportunities for training and development, we’re offering a competitive salary and benefits package.

Mole Country Stores will only recruit individuals who have passed the school leavers’ age due to the nature of our products sold in store.

Due to the high number of applications we receive, we are unfortunately unable to provide feedback on your application.

Hobbs Parker Auctioneers livestock sales catalogues are always available online on the auctioneers pages of our website www.hobbsparker.co.uk All entries are listed on these regularly updated pages

Ashford Livestock Market has its own Facebook page where news and reports are now being posted on a regular basis www.facebook.com/AshfordLivestockMarket/

Hobbs Parker Auctioneers email a livestock market short report on the afternoon of every livestock sale day. To receive this email report you need to log on to the auctioneers pages of our website www.hobbsparker.co.uk and click the link to email alerts.

To ensure you continue to receive the email it should be opened on a regular basis.


Hobbs Parker Auctioneers and Car Auctions

run over 200 auction sales every year

Our next Auction Sales are ……

Special Auction of prestige cars

Wednesday 15th January at 5.00pm

This auction is a special sale of prestige cars with the normal car auction to follow

Special 4 x 4, MPV and SUV Vehicle sale

Wednesday 5th February at 4.00pm

This auction will include a special sale of 4 x 4, MPV and SUV vehicles followed by the normal car auction

There is always something to look forward to from Car Auctions here in Ashford ….

Collective Machinery & Equipment sale

Friday 14th February at 9.30am.

Lots will include new & nearly new mowers & garden machinery. New tools, farm & agricultural equipment, timber plus large selection of miscellaneous items.

Catalogues will be available about a week before the sale