Weekly Sales News – 7 June 2016

Sheep sales reports

Finished Sheep – 2,969 Sold

Auctioneers: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901 and John Rossiter 07557 392903

Top price per kilo – 236p – Mr K Lukehurst, Top price per head – £93.20 – L Stevens & Sons.

 Report on trade: Despite large numbers available nationally the lamb trade is holding firm around 200p per kg. Big premiums were available for the best continental crosses on offer with 39kgs Beltex crosses topping the market at £92 (236p) from K Lukehurst, and 38kgs  to £88 (232p) from Mrs C Worley.  The buyers are certainly keener for the better fleshed lambs while leaner/under finished sorts are discounted.  The majority of well fleshed medium weights grossed from £80 to £90 with a top gross of £93.20 for 50kgs Texel crosses from L Stevens & Sons while the majority of light lean lambs grossed from £60 to £66.

A smaller entry of late season hoggets again this week with under 1000 penned for one of the first weeks this year. Best meated sorts still were still well sold with the top quality making in excess of £90 to a top of £95 from Ashenden Farms.  Export weights sold to 191p from A C Ellet for 43kg continental crosses.

Early arrival of lambs appreciated to ensure proper grading and sorting prior to sale.  Please keep us informed regarding entries so we can notify the buyers.

New season lamb prices
KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3569.0066.57S W Mount & Sons Ltd197.0
3674.2069.43M A Piper & Son Farms206.0
3784.0071.75Mrs C Worley227.0
3888.0073.56Mr K Lukehurst232.0
3992.0077.52Mr K Lukehurst236.0
4084.0080.26G H Dean & Company210.0
4186.2081.79G H Dean & Company210.0
4289.0084.67Mrs H V Link212.0
4387.8085.80A J Thompson & Sons204.0
4491.0088.17M B Farms207.0
4588.0086.31M B Farms196.0

New season lambs – pence per kg

Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Averages
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs1166236.065.0196.6199.6
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs952212.075.0200.3202.0
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs39196.0157.0186.7194.8
Lean / underfinished100171.2
Hogget averages – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Averages
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs124179.0114.0164.87143.2
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs225196.0114.0171.04147.0
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs109198.092.0170.93143.7
Others 52.1kg +92177.0135.0165.32142.8

Cull Ewes and Rams – 341 Sold

Auctioneer: John Rossiter 07557 392903

Report on trade: A small entry of cull ewes penned this week but a strong trade throughout despite the current Islam fasting period commencing last week.  Top spots were in the £90-£100 bracket and were taken by M J Ashworth, K Lukehurst and A Down. If you wish to sell ewes over the coming weeks please contact us to discuss.

Top prices were as follows; crossbred to £97 from M J Ashworth, Suffolk crosses to £92 from A J Down, Texel crosses to £90 from K Lukehurst, and Romney Ewes to £80 from A Dodd.

Store and Breeding Sheep – 348 Sold

Auctioneer: John Rossiter 07557 392903

Report on trade: A small entry of breeders were available this week with both ewe tegs and ewe and lamb couples on offer. Suffolk x Mule ewe tegs sold to £97 from R Rogers & Son with some crossbred tegs selling to £88.

A consignment of 70 ewes with their lambs at foot sold to £54 per life for young Suffolk ewes with twin lambs at foot (£164 the outfit) and the majority of the other ewes and lambs sold between £40 and  £50 per life.

There will be a similar sized entry of Ewes with Lambs at foot next week – Tuersday 14thJune.

Cattle sales reports

Finished Cattle – 58 Sold
Auctioneer: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901

Report on trade: An improved entry and better show of cattle on offer this week with a few quality runs of smart handy weight sorts, notably from W S Furnival (Brookland) and D W Ferguson Ltd.  The better sorts attracted prices around 210p per kg with a smart Blonde cross heifer topping the market at £1169 (217p) from D W Ferguson Ltd and a British Blue cross steer topping at £1024 (214p) from Mr S Marsh. The run of mainly continental cross heifers from W S Furnival (Brookland) were well received, with a Limousin cross grossing well at £1332 (212p) and another Limousin cross heifer selling well at £1269 (212p) from D W Ferguson Ltd. Heavy commercial sorts grossed up to £1220 (170p) from J Batchelor & Ptnrs, native Sussex steers up to £1017 (198p) from A H Hoad & Son and heavy Friesian steers to £925 (130p) from R Price & Sons.

Over 30mths cattle grossed up to £827 (125p) for a Friesian steer consigned by E T Ledger & Son Ltd.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light steers (370-550 kgs)7214.0175.0187.6
Medium steers (551-650 kgs)19196.0156.0177.1
Heavy steers (651+ kgs)6174.0128.0156.2
Light  heifers (370-550 kgs)2209.0174.0191.0
Medium heifers (551-650 kgs)6217.0168.0198.0
Heavy heifers (651+ kgs)4212.0172.0192.8
Medium bulls (551-650 kgs)1119.0119.0119.0
30 to 48 mths steers9142.0118.0124.6
30 to 48 mths heifers4128.0121.0124.0
Leading steer prices
VendorWeight KgsBreedP per KgGross £
Mr S Marsh48017 mths British Blue214.01024
A H Hoad & Son51524 mths Sussex198.01017
J Batchelor & Ptnrs59026 mths Limousin196.01153
R F & E A Simmons57026 mths Limousin188.01068
Mr A J Down57414 mths Limousin188.01076
Leading heifer prices
D W Ferguson Ltd54016 mths Blonde217.01169
D W Ferguson Ltd60027 mths Limousin212.01269
W S Furnival (Brookland)51515 mths Limousin212.01089
W S Furnival (Brookland)63027 mths Limousin212.01332
Mr S Marsh47315 mths Limousin209.0986

Cull Cows and Bulls – 74 Sold

Auctioneer: Peter Kingwill – 07795 200357

Report on trade: Cows are staying a very strong trade and producers should be taking advantage of these high rates before we see more dairy cows coming forward onto the European market in the second half of the summer.  Demand for all grades was firm and positive although the leaner boning dairy cows were down a little on recent high levels.  With so much grass grazing men remain positive and older beef cows looked very well sold again.

A good young Charolais from J Boomaars sold to 161p per kg (£1051) but generally nothing exceptional amongst the beef cows which sold regularly between 120-140p. A massive Simmental cow from Mrs S Cook realised £1329 (129p), and a British Blue 127p (£1004). Charolais made to 161p and 138p from J Boomaars and 133p (£1010) J Tapley, Sussex 139p M Britton (Non FA), Limousin 129p (£901) J Tapley, Blonde 122p (£966) J S Tilley, Hereford 126p (£935) Freshfield Farms and a Red Poll 119p W S Furnival (Brookland).

We had a few better dairy culls this week and young British Friesian made to 137p with older types 118p from Debden Court. Holsteins made to 121p from H O Champneys, 120p (£954) R C & J L Pickering, 120p (£944) J Leggat & Son and 118p (£993) P J Forknall. Fleshed cows generally made 100-110p, leaner types 70-90p and Jerseys to 91p Hickson Bros.

A few over age steers looked well sold with Charolais’s at 3 yr plus 142p and 138p with British White at 4yr plus 131p and 125p.

Bulls a good trade but need flesh. Limousin 119p (£1237) and 114p ; Aberdeen Angus 108p (£1176).

 Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows27161.090.0119.1
Dairy cows44137.057.092.8
Cull bulls3119.0108.0113.2

Breeding Cattle – 5 Bull and 46 females Sold

Auctioneer: Mark Cleverdon 07748 202688

Report on trade: Another excellent entry of breeding cattle with a good mixture of bulls, cows and calves,  and maiden heifers. The ring was packed with customers from far and wide attracted by the quality on offer and the fact that the vast majority of animals in Ashford  are from low risk areas. With a plentiful grass supplies buyers were in confident mood and prices, in common with the last two sales, were strong.

Bulls a little more selective than of late but we are now well into June!. A good 4 yr old registered Aberdeen Angus made £1500, a 2008 bn Charolais at £1100 and a 2010 North Devon £1020.

The dispersal of the crossbred herd of Mr P Walker found much interest. Mixed breed cows with smart Charolais calves, April and May born, sold regularly between £1000 and £1200 topping at £1250. British Blue heifers with Limousin calves from M Goodsell sold to £1540, £1520 and £1300 while continental cows with Limousin calves from F S Husk sold to £1300 twice, £1290 and £1280 and Limousin cows with Limousin calves from A J Britton to £1210. Traditional Hereford cows with young calves made £890 and £830 from Silcocks Farm and their maiden heifers to £620 twice. Maiden Sussex heifers made to £760 and young Sussex cows to £820 twice and £790.

Store Cattle – 163 Sold

Auctioneer: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901

Report on trade: The availability of grazing is certainly putting extra vigour into the demand for store cattle.  Numbers are, not surprisingly, tightening at this time of the year, but any producers with stock to sell should have no fears with plenty of potential customers looking for cattle.

Young feeding bulls remain a positive trade with a Simmental Bull 15mths £850 from B Wimble. Young cattle trade was very firm indeed with Aberdeen Angus cross steers at 6mths  £510 and £430 and heifers £425 from R J & J M Lane.  Aberdeen Angus steers 8mths  £720 and £710 G D K George and Limousin 8mths  £670 R Brown & Daughter. Yearling Shorthorn steers  made  £718 and £675 and heifers £688 from Mrs A Bott and  Simmental cross heifers 14mths  £725 from Mrs S Cook.

Stronger cattle were very much wanted with Aberdeen Angus steers 24mths £970 from R Padfield, Sussex steers 2yr £802 and overage continental heifers 36mths £790 and £770.

More cattle and as always early notice of your plans to sell stock helps us do the best job for you.

General news

Updated 24th May 2016

Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th June – Royal Norfolk Show, Norwich. Full details from Juliette Tompkins on 01603 748931 or visit www.royalnorfolkshow.co.uk

Other stock sales reports

Calves – 44 Sold

Auctioneer: Mark Cleverdon 07748 202688

Report on trade: A short entry again this week comments are stand on from our last report – “no lack of demand for both young and also older and stronger beef crosses as well as all grades of dairy bulls”. We have good buyer support here in Ashford for our fortnightly sales and could sell more calves.

8 Dairy farmers, all in Kent, sold calves today. In summary T Castle & Son sold a Limousin bull at £360 and British Blue bulls from £305 to £355, Oncolands young black and white bulls made from £20 to £52, W S Furnivals Blonde bull made £285 and heifers to £290 and H O Champneys Simmental bull £345, British Blue bull £355 and Aberdeen Angus bull £305.

In the stirk pens Aberdeen Angus bulls at 4mths old made £410 from W & C J Westacott and a Furnival black and white bull £200

Please keep your entries of calves coming. At our fortnightly sales we expect to have plenty of enquiries for all shapes, sizes and ages of stock. Thank you all for texts and messages with early notice of your entries for forthcoming sales – it does help.

Calf averages – £ per head
Continental Bulls7360.00285.00322.50
Continental Heifers7375.00225.00310.71
Native Bulls5410.00290.00365.00
Native Heifers5330.00150.00220.00
Friesian Bulls 1st quality1200.00200.00200.00
Friesian Bulls 2nd quality2100.0068.0084.00
Friesian Bulls 3rd quality1560.0020.0042.13

Store and Finished Pigs – 175 Sold
Auctioneer: Mark Cleverdon 07748 202688

Report on trade: Our trade improved again this week with 27 pigs making over 100p per kg and few good pigs, whatever the weight, under 90p, cull pigs to 39 p again and more interest in the store pens.

The best finished pigs made to 140p for one exceptionally good shaped pig making 140p (£117) and 39 good pigs grossing over £90. P W & P Sim sold another 23 to 111p bar the one best above while C B Hopes run of 38 (all 85kg plus) made to 97p. Just of the pace were S Scott & Sons 15 to 102p from 88p bar one.

Cull sows and boars increase in price with the best sows 39p per kg and 34p for a great shaped boar.

In the store pig pens more buyers were looking for stock and £37.50 (Middle Whites) and younger well bred stores made to £44 from P & R Marshall

Our pig sales are held once a fortnight and with spring and summer on the way we all hope the trade and confidence in the pig sector will rise again (from the very low levels prevailing for about 3 months on more now!). Please keep in touch with us here in Ashford if you have pigs to sell.

Pig averages
1st Quality finished – p per kg76140.087.096.4
                               – £ per head117.6070.4788.20
2nd Quality finished – p per kg2885.010.057.7
                               – £ per head73.706.1747.51
Cull sows – p per kg339.035.037.9
                 – £ per head114.0039.2084.87
Cull boars – p per kg134.034.034.0
                 – £ per head88.4088.4088.40
Strong stores – £ per head4044.0031.5040.03
Small stores – £ per head2733.0010.0018.85



For up to date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & Sheep) 07795 200357

Martin Crowhurst (Sheep & Cattle) 07710 803903 or 01797 343936

Simon Husk (Sheep & Cattle) 07885 968077 or 01304 842393

Mark Cleverdon (Rams, Breeding Cattle, Pigs & Calves) 07748 202688

John Rossiter (Cull ewes & store sheep plus commercial vehicles) 07557 392903

General news

Updated 24th May 2016

Bulls for sale – Pedigree Sussex bull, Petworth General 45th, bn 19/09/2012; pedigree Sussex bull Rugmer Hill Playboy, bn 2007 and a wellbred Charolais bull, bn 2010. All in TB low Kent. Ring Mark Cleverdon for more details

Thursday 10th to Saturday 12th June – South of England Show, Ardingly, Sussex. More details from Wiz Cuff on 01444 892700 or on www.seas.org.uk.

** We are please to announce we are sponsors of the interbreed teams of 4 competion for the first time this year **

Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th June – Royal Norfolk Show, Norwich. Full details from Juliette Tompkins on 01603 748931 or visit www.royalnorfolkshow.co.uk

Southern Shears – This years event will be held on Sunday 17th July at Holmbush Farm, Faygate, Crawley, West Sussex (RH12 4SE). this is a shearing competition which will be run on BISCA rules with open, junior, novice, ladies and blades. Full details available from Mary Masters mary.m@btconnect.com, Facebook and Twitter (@southernshears) or www.southernshears.weebly.com

Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th July – Livestock Event 2015 at the NEC, Birmingham. For details look at www.livestockevent.co.uk or ring 0845 458 2711.

Friday 8th to Sunday 10th July – Kent County Show, Detling. Full details available from Show Office 01622 630975.

** Competition schedules and entry forms are available for the show here in the market **

Kent Herdsmans Club dates – Monday 13th June 2016 at 7.30pm – visit to John Coultrip’s farm to view his pedigree Aberdeen Angus cattle etc. Wingfield Farm, Otterden Road, Eastling, Faversham. ME13 0BS

Monday 4th July 2016 at 7.30pm – PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FIRST MONDAY IN MONTH visit to Torry Hill Fencing and farm. Torry Hill Farm, Torry Hill, Sittingbourne. ME9 0SP

Ashford Cattle Show news

Summer competitions will be held again this year.

Flocks are being judged in the first week of June by Andrew Barr Snr, Lenham. Steward is Rhona Thompson on 07948116687.

Beef  herds will also be judged in first week of June. Steward is Hazel Watson on 07944 587898.

Growing crops details will be confirmed soon.

All show enquiries and information available from www.ashfordcattleshow.co.uk or Julie on 07887 643002.




Finished Sheep

Report Detail to go here

Finished Cattle

Report to go here