Weekly Sales News – 4th May 2021

The sheep trade was again the headline act this week here in Ashford – the general tightening of supplies at this time of peak demand sees the auction system come to the fore helping farmers secure the best prices for their stock.

Read on the all the news from Ashford Market …..

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/auctioneers/livestock-marketing/forthcoming-sales/


Finished Sheep

2,281 Sold

New Season Lambs – Top price per head – £151 A E Daw & Sons; Top price per kilo – 383p M J Ashworth

Hoggets – Top price per head – £174 – A Neaves: Top price per kilo – 342p – A Neaves

Report on trade: Another good entry of over 400 new season lambs were penned this week with some great quality from a number of local vendors who braved the early lambing this year. They were well rewarded this week with many lambs over £150 and an overall average of all of £138. Some super 43kg lambs from A E Daw & Sons sold to £151, which was top on the day, closely followed by D Isaac at £150 for 40kg smart continentals. Lighter offerings were also well sold up to 383p per kg from M J Ashworth for some cracking continental cross light weight lambs. A super trade throughout, long may it continue.

Another good entry of hoggets this week saw just under 2,000 penned and a trade that would take some beating anywhere in the country. All from the best quality to some very indifferent quality sold to average over 300p all in. Numbers have got tight nationally and with entries of new season lambs nowhere near enough to replace the heavier cutting hoggets, means all sheep prices have pushed up  this week.  A Neaves showed some smart Beltex hoggets which topped both the price per head and per kilo rankings this week with P Gorringe relegated to second place at 322p. Numbers of hoggets on offer this week have held but longer term numbers look like they will soon decrease rapidly.

Please keep the hoggets and lambs coming and contact us with numbers so we can notify the buyers.


New Season Lambs
KgsTop PriceTop Vendorp per kg
38145.00D Isaac382.0
39147..50D Isaac378.0
40150.00D Isaac375.0
41145.00A E Daw & Sons354.0
42147.00D Isaac350.0
43151.00A E Daw & Sons351.0
48143.00D J Morphett298.0
New Season Lambs – pence per kg
 Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs209383.0318.0364.3373.1
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs212375.0326.0297.9352.1
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs5298.0298.0297.9317.5
Other over 52 kgs1259.0259.0258.6293.4

Cull Ewes and Rams

507 sold

Report on trade: Another good sized entry of ewes were on offer this week and a tremendous trade for all to return an overall average over £111. Once again numbers nationally are tight and with the end of Ramadan upon us next week, wholesalers must compete to have plenty of stock in their fridges for this event.

Many ewes made over £130, quite a few over £150 and even some over £180 to a top price of £183 from Kingswood Farmers for Texels closely followed by New Barn Farm at £174.

Store and Breeding Sheep

209 Sold

Report on trade: A much reduced entry with a very mixed quality selling well to average £85 overall.

Best stores made in excess of £100 with Suffolk crosses topping the section at £114 from R Mair & Son and Romneys to £108 from L & L Colbourne.

If you have stores to sell, you would be well advised to market in the next few weeks to give purchasers time to finish before the end of the season.

Breeding Sheep – 59 Ewes and lambs Sold

Auctioneer: James Cook

Report on trade A few more pens of couples were available today with these trading from £60 to £80 per life with several buyers were present.

We are holding a sale of ewes with lambs at foot on Friday 14th May – see earlier in this report for a summary of entries so far.

Sock Lambs

31 Sold

Auctioneer: James Cook

Sock lambs were not as dear as last week but still sold to £31 and averaging £15.74.


Finished Cattle

38 Sold

Report on trade: There was a disappointing shortage of cattle this week following weeks of big entries and favourable prices. Despite the lack of numbers there was quality on offer and those second quality and lacking shape were still well fleshed. Trade was exceptional throughout with all making 200p plus producing an overall average of 218p. Top call was £1371 (237p) for a quality Limousin cross steer from Ivy House Farm.

Other contenders for top spot included Limousin cross steer £1407 (235p) from R C & J L Pickering, Limousin cross steer and heifer £1557 (229p) and £1272 (234p) respectively from W Alexander (Shoreham), Limousin cross steer and heifer £1447 (215p) and £1185 (238p) respectively from R F & E A Simmons and Limousin cross heifer £1255 (217p) from A Boyd & Co.

A run of 12 Limousin and British Blue x Friesian steers from A J Down were well received making 209p to 226p and grossing well up to £1300 and averaging £1230.

A small selection of native bred saw the pick, a Hereford cross steer £1288 (217p) from R C & J L Pickering with a Sussex heifer £1094 (211p) from W J Hurley.

Leading steer prices
ProducerWeightAge and breedP per kgGross £
Ivy House Farm58021mths Limousin237.01375
R C & J L Pickering60022mths Limousin235.01410
Ivy House Farm66022mths Limousin235.01551
W Alexander (Shoreham)68025mths Limousin229.01557
A J Down57518mths Limousin226.01300
Leading heifer prices
R F & E A Simmons49923mths Limousin238.01188
W Alexander (Shoreham)54517mths Limousin234.01275
W Alexander (Shoreham)49925mths Limousin228.01138
R F & E A Simmons55523mths Limousin225.01249
R F & E A Simmons52523mths Limousin223.01171


Cull Cows and Bulls

87 Sold

Report on trade: There is no doubting the strength of the current cow trade with yet another good seasonal entry which met a superb trade for all grades from start to finish. Competition was intense with concerns within the industry over supply during the coming months, and the easing of Covid restrictions that will open up more food outlets.

Best of the feeding beef cows made up over 200p per kg with good fleshed heavyweights 150p to 180p with the best grossing up close to £1500. Demand for lighter grazing types remains fierce with only the very oldest or plainest below 110p.

Headliners this week – Hereford cross 206p £935 Beslee Farms; Limousin cross 205p £961 Beslee Farms, 199p 161p £1098 £1091 Campbell Bros, 185p £1006 (Non FA) A Boyd & Co, 181p £982 Beaute Agri, 174p £1379 Ellis & Gottschalk and 167p 155p £1049 A J Thompson & Sons; Simmental cross 175p £1074 A J Thompson & Sons, 164p 163p 157p £1211 £1194 £1119 Campbell Bros and 148p £1210 (Non FA) J Saunders; Aberdeen Angus cross 173p 170p £1121 (Non FA) Barfrestone Court Farms Ltd, 169p £1028 A J Thompson & Sons, 155p £1029 (Non FA) Will Agri, 154p £1266 Beslee Farms and 168p £1273 (Non FA) R M & J Penny; Charolais cross 160p 154p £1474 £1316 Campbell Bros; Longhorn 149p £988 N Hutley; Sussex 149p £928 Campbell Bros with Beef Shorthorn cross 148p £966 (Non FA) G F Hawkins.

We were short of black & whites this week but certainly more flesh was on offer and even the few plainer cows were dearer. Best meat cows made up over 140p and grossed up to £1346.

Dairy stars were Holstein Friesian 146p (2) 145p 141p 136p (2) 134p (2) £1346 £1286 £1257 £1152 Appleton Farms and 131p R C & J L Pickering.

Just one lean Limousin stock bull looked well sold at 124p.

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows63205.568.5143.3
Dairy cows25167.578.5125.0


Store Cattle

231 Sold

Report on trade: A much reduced entry of store cattle towards the end of the season comprised the complete range of breeds, age and quality. Despite the numbers and increasing concerns over keep the trade held reasonably firm with competition for all grades of cattle on offer.

The best yearlings on offer attracted prices in excess of £1000 notably Aberdeen Angus cross to £1060 from A S Neaves and £1045 from K P Vincent. Strong cattle to finish short term made up to £1290 for British Blue cross steer from F Sole & Sons with Limousin cross heifers £1290 from Alistair Boyd and Co and £1270 for top quality Simmental cross steers from G R Morris & Sons.

Again, premiums were available for dairy bred heifers suitable for breeding notably British Blue x Friesian heifers £990 from P J Forknall and £980 from C Yates with Sussex heifers £900 from Rugmer Hill Farm.

Principal prices include:

Continental crosses

  • 10mths Limousin cross bull £1035, heifers £915 A Boyd & Co
  • 24mths Limousin cross heifers £1290 A Boyd & Co
  • 14mths British Blue x Friesian steers £920, heifers £980 C Yates
  • 12-14mths Limousin x Sussex steers £850 J Taylor
  • 15mths British Blue x Friesian heifers £990 P J Forknall
  • 17mths Limousin cross heifers £1170 R M & J Penny
  • 24mths Simmental cross steers £1270 G R Morris & Sons
  • 24mths British Blue cross steers £1290 F Sole & Sons

Native Bred

  • 12mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers £1060 A S Neaves
  • 12mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers £1045 K P Vincent
  • 12mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifers £780 Barfrestone Court Farms
  • 12mths Hereford cross steers £860 heifers £775 C Yarnold
  • 13-14mths Stabiliser cross heifers £875 J M Frood & Son
  • 18mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers £1020 Burnt Oak Farm & Kennels
  • 24mths Sussex steers £1030 Poppinghole Farm
  • 24mths Sussex heifers £900 Rugmer Hill Farm

Breeding Cattle

3 Males and 12 Females Sold

Report on trade: A handful of breeding bulls were forward complemented by a nice selection of cows and calves this week.

Bulls sold to a top of £2000 for Blondes from G L Boulden & Sons. An Aberdeen Angus from B G & M A Tomsett made £1,600 and an older Limousin £1,450 from Beslee Farms.

Cows and calves were in demand again with trade topping at £1,380 for a pedigree Hereford 2017 born cow and February born heifer calf from T J K & S I Purchase. A 2016 British Blue cross cow made £1,360 from F S Husk sold with her smart April born Limousin cross calf at foot. M D Lott sold Sussex cows with Sussex calves to £1200.


0 Sold

Store and Finished Pigs

40 Sold

Report on trade: Indications of the relaxing of lockdown has given the pig trade a boost with the best butchers pigs a very good trade. Local wholesalers were keen to secure supplies and we definitely could have sold a lot more good pigs. There is life in the cull trade too.

In the finished pig pens D J Cole and P M Langridge sold good pigs at 128p per kg and grossing £126 and £124 per head. A single lighter pig from P M Langridge made 136p and grossed £107. All pigs looked well sold for the varying quality offered with the rest making 90p to 126p.

Cull pigs offered were a good trade with 46 to 54p grossing to £164. Boar made to 37p.

No store pigs were offered but many could be well sold with summer on the way.

Pig averages
Finished good – p per kg18136.0118.0124.0
                                 £ per head 126.0888.50105.58
Finished others – p per kg22110.014.055.2
                                 £ per head 164.7019.6073.03

General information

Hay, Straw and fodder

For a small charge we are quite happy to advertise your hay, straw and fodder for sale in this register which will now run until early May for further details please ring our auctioneer’s office on 01233 502222 or Mark Cleverdon 07741 845230


Bovine TB Test Dates

It is very important that the date (first part of test) is recorded on cattle entry forms for all cattle sold from TB1holdings. Any recent whole herd test dates from TB4 holdings must also be recorded. This information is critical to purchasers who may be required to test animals again and who will wish to avoid the risk of a false positive by testing again within the 60-day period.

Please advise of test dates when making cattle entries for cataloguing from TB1 Holdings.


Miscellaneous livestock and general goods and services for sale and wanted ex farm

For Sale – Pedigree Dairy Shorthorn bull, 14mths. East Kent. Ring Mark Cleverdon 07741 845230


South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The May edition of this popular regional farming magazine is now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker is a regular contributor to the editorial content.


Help and support from The Farming Community Network

Farming Community Network (FCN) volunteers regularly attend local livestock markets and whilst we cannot be present at sales currently, our helpline is still open from 7am to 11pm every day, staffed by people who understand farming.

FCN is a charity and voluntary organisation that helps farmers to stay resilient. We provide practical and pastoral support to those experiencing difficulties in England and Wales.

During these challenging times we are encouraging everyone to think about their own physical and mental health and that of their families and staff.

We can help with contingency planning against the backdrop of the Corona virus outbreak and our FarmWell website (www.farmwell.org.uk) offers a wealth of free information about managing change and maintaining personal wellbeing.

The FCN helpline can be reached on 03000 111 999 or via email at help@fcn.org.uk. Confidentiality is assured.


News from the East Sussex Farmers’ Benevolent Fund

The Benevolent Fund charity was created in 1935 by a local farmer and its purpose is to support farmers, farm staff and those involved in the wider land-based industries. Support can also be given to family dependants.  Beneficiaries are normally resident in East Sussex or neighbouring counties.

Income from property and investment legacies help to finance the fund in addition to generous donations. The fund is overseen by five local trustees with strong agricultural connections.

Help can be for those currently in work, or who have retired or who are unable to work due to illness or disability. The fund can also assist those entering land-based education and help with relevant CPD for furthering their land-based careers.

If you feel that we can help you or you are aware of someone who might benefit from help, please let us know and we will be pleased to support. To contact the Honorary Secretary of the Benevolent Fund Des Lambert – 07912 464746, 01273 890841 or email des.lambert@btinternet.com.