Weekly Sales News – 2nd October 2018

Headlines were made by farmers with their Sussex cattle at this Tuesdays market here in Ashford over 200 cattle of the breed were penned and sold along side a regular entry of cull and finished stock.  Read on for full auctioneers reports….

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/auctioneers/livestock-marketing/forthcoming-sales/


Finished Sheep

1,355 Sold

Top price per head – £92 – G H Dean & Co; Top price per kilo – 183p – P Ashlee

Report on trade: Over 1400 lambs were penned this week and trade was a little stickier than we have seen in recent weeks. Ashford prices in the past couple of months have been well in excess of nationally quoted figures due to the quality of the sheep we have had to offer coupled with the lack of numbers of this grade of lamb nationally. This week however the entry was made up of a large number of grass finished types and with wholesale demand very low, this dramatically reduced the averages.

The best lambs that were on offer were sold on a similar trade once again with the heaviest and best meated offerings selling in excess of £85 to a top price of £92 from G H Dean & Co.

Producers please note – For top results please present well fleshed lambs which are preferably dry and clean. Lairage facilities are available every Monday evening.

Sheep sales here in Ashford are supported by buyers representing a large cross section of abattoirs throughout the country. Please ensure your FABBL status is up to date and if you are not FABBL assured seriously consider becoming so – certain buyers are restricted to the purchase of only farm assured stock.

                                             New Season Lambs
 KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3658.0057.24M D Lott161.0
3757.5055.82J H & A H Godden155.0
3864.0062.19D C Foy168.0
3971.0064.37G H Dean & Co182.0
4069.0063.89A R Clough172.0
4171.0065.98G H Dean & Co173.0
4272.5065.43P N & C Burden173.0
4378.0067.88G H Dean & Co181.0
4479.5071.92G H Dean & Co181.0
4582.0075.12L Stevens & Sons182.0
4679.5076.10J Hooker173.0
4782.5077.31W G Watkins & Sons176.0



New Season Lambs – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Av
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs204183.0128.0164.1159.5
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs617182.0125.0160.3168.7
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs389176.0143.0165.3162.9
Other 52.5kgs plus75162.0154.0157.0151.4

Cull Ewes and Rams

668 sold

Report on trade: Another good sized entry of ewes on offer this week but a huge percentage of lean sorts again who could only find homes with those who wish to further finish them as the slaughter demand for this grade of sheep is currently non existent. The best meated sorts on offer were sold on a similar trade to recent weeks with a pen of tremendous Texel ewes from J Warnock & Son breaking the £100 barrier which has not been seen for several weeks.

Top prices included Texel ewes to J Warnock & Son at £100, Suffolk ewes to £79 from E W & R E Hanks, Mules to £53 from the same vendor and Romneys to £55.50 from A J Rawlinson.

Store and Breeding Sheep

0 Sold

Sock Lambs

0 Sold

Finished Cattle

62 Sold

Report on trade: Another good entry met a similar firm trade with plenty of competition for all the various grades and quality on offer. The best handy weight butcher types sold readily at above 205p and up to £1297 (219p) for a superb Sussex cross heifer from D W Ferguson and £1193 (219p) for smart Bazadaise cross steer from J & K Webb. Further top prices included Limousin cross heifers at £1171 (215p) from Beaute Agri and £1098 (204p) from Priors Byne Farm.

The best of the dairy bred cattle 190p plus and up to £1165 (195p) for a Limousin x Friesian steer from A J Down.

Several native bred cattle were on offer and well received with the pick of the prices including an Aberdeen Angus cross steer £1131 (199p) from T Russell, Aberdeen Angus cross heifer £1038 (186p) from B W C Brooks and Sussex steer £1165 (190p) from Chandler & Dunn L:td.

Good competition of the bulls with a Charolais grossing well up to £1409 (180p) from B A & P T Heath and Sussex to £1134 (159p) from Chandler & Dunn Ltd.

OTM cattle made up to £1027 (178p) for a Limousin cross heifer from J E Wickens.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light bulls (370 – 550kg)491.574.582.8
Medium bulls (551 – 650kg)194.594.594.5
Heavy bulls (over 650kg)2179.5158.5169.0
Light steers (370 – 550kg)3218.5198.5205.2
Medium steers (551 – 650kg)12198.5181.5191.1
Light heifers (330 – 500kg)7201.5147.5173.1
Medium heifers (501 – 590kg)13214.5139.5182.5
Heavy heifers (over 590kg)2218.5182.5200.5
Leading steer prices
J & K Webb54616 mths Bazadaise219.01196
A J Down54019 mths British Blue199.01074
A J Down53017 mths Limousin199.01055
T Russell57026 mths Aberdeen Angus199.01134
Priors Byne Farm56018 mths Limousin198.01089
Leading heifer prices
D W Ferguson Ltd59419 mths Sussex219.01301
Beaute Agri54629 mths Limousin215.01174
Priors Byne Farm54018 mths Limousin204.01102
D W Ferguson Ltd54619 mths Limousin203.01108
Priors Byne Farm50018 mths Limousin202.01010

Cull Cows and Bulls

56 Sold

Report on trade: Numbers coming forward are beginning to increase both in Ashford and across the country. Trade is remaining firm but the edge is off particularly for the leanest and oldest.

Best meat beef cows are making up over 140p per kg and seem certain to remain dear as finishing costs this winter will be higher. Feeders are certainly more circumspect over the quality of their purchases. Farm Assurance remains a factor in prices on all finished stock. Heavy fleshed cows from the dairy sector are still making up over 120p and generally meated cows over 100p. Lean plain cows are harder work. Fleshed over age Holstein steers wanted but lean types very difficult.

Best prices included Sussex made 139p, 132p, 130p, and grossed  £912 and £966 etc from C D & J Bishop; Simmental crosses 132p £881 from Beaute Agri; Limousin 140p, 136p, £1054 and £1050 from C & J Georgetti & Sons; British Blues crosses 139p, £807, £788 and Simmental 124p, £895 from D J Miles

Holstein 115p £824 from Hall Place Farms; Friesian cross 116p, 118p, 124p, £889, £934 and £944 from B J Goodsell & Son; Holstein 115p (2) £881 from R Torrance & Son; 116p, 115p, £886, £981 and £904 from Huddlestone Farmers Ltd.

Stock bulls more difficult again particularly for the leaner types.

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows28139.525.5107.5
Dairy cows26123.563.597.3

Store Cattle

441 Sold

Report on trade: The special sale of Sussex store cattle for Sussex Day attracted a good entry of 15-18 mths mainly steers and these were well received with the majority making £800 plus and 1st prize pen topping £1060 from M K D Hind, 2nd prize winners from Roundhurst Farms made £800, 3rd’s made £935 from W J Hurley and 4th prize winners £845 from Raveningham Farms. A smaller selection of Sussex heifers topped at £700 from Roundhurst Farms Ltd. 187 head of Sussex store cattle where penned in addition to the breeding stock entries

A similar trade for remaining cattle penned with the quality and the strong fleshed cattle to finish short term holding their value reasonably well while leaner and poorer quality sorts are harder to sell and reflecting the shortage and cost of winter feed.

The best continental cross cattle attracted prices in excess of £1000 and topping at £1180 for a pair of superb British Blue cross steers from P R Baylis while strong 18 mths Simmental cross steers topped at £1040 from J M Castle (Stoke).

Please enter cattle early for forthcoming sales to ensure proper cataloguing and marketing.

On day of sale please ensure cattle arrive at the market early to ensure proper sorting and accurate administration of paperwork.

Further principal prices include:   

14 mths Sussex steers£850A Barr & Son Ltd
14-16 mths Sussex steers£880Chandler & Dunn Ltd
15 mths Sussex heifers£700Roundhurst Farm Ltd
18 mths Sussex heifers£935W J Hurley
18 mths Sussex heifers£885Bowes Lyon Estate
18 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£930P & G & J Carden
18 mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifers£895J A Swift
18 mths Hereford cross steers£850D A Williams
8-9 mths Friesian steers£350Batch & West
Continental cross
10 mths Limousin cross heifers£720P Ashlee
15 mths British Blue cross steers£1180P R Baylis
17 mths Charolais heifers£1000B A & P T Heath
18 mths Simmental cross steers£1040J M Castle (Stoke)
18 mths Simmental cross steers£1000Langrish Farmers
18 mths Limousin cross steers£1000H G Tompsett & Sons Ltd

Breeding Cattle

2 Bulls and 39 Females Sold

Breeding Cattle including pedigree Sussex Cattle

Report on trade: The Sussex Cattle Societies autumn show and sale attracted a small entry of pedigree stock (as was expected) and with many livestock farmers facing a difficult winter not too many potential buyers. Champion bull in the show, judged by Peter Masters, was Chandler & Dunns Goldstone Poll Duke 10th. Champion and reserve champion females came from Mrs S Carters pen being Brockhurst Godinton 9th and 10th which made £735 and 755gns.

In calf cows from B Kenyon made to 720gns with 7 averaging 716gnsand the Brookside Garden Centres run of maiden heifers made to 665gns.

A herd dispersal for Roundhurst Farms saw 10 Sussex cows, bn 2007 to 2015, and young calves make to £980 and averaging £877.50 and in calf heifers to £950 (4 averaged £922.50).


0 Sold

Store and Finished Pigs

0 Sold

General information

For up to date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Cattle & Sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & Sheep) 07795 200357

Martin Crowhurst (Cattle & Sheep) 07710 803903 or 01797 343936

Simon Husk (Cattle & Sheep) 07885 968077 or 01304 842393

Mark Cleverdon (Rams, Breeding Cattle, Pigs & Calves) 07741 845230

John Rossiter (Sheep, Machinery plus commercial vehicles) 07557 392903

Hobbs Parker and Ashford Livestock Market

We are the South East’s principal livestock market selling around 250,000 head of cattle, sheep and pigs in 2017.

Weekly sales throughout the year of all classes of stock, principally on Tuesdays, run by a fully professional team of auctioneers and support staff, they provide an unmatched level of service and commitment to the livestock farmers in the area. Come and see us on market day soon and bring your livestock for us to sell.

Fodder Crop for sale and / wanted

For Sale – 400 round overyeared bales of hay on a south Sussex farm. Ring 07973 418654

For Sale – 50 2018 and 40 2017 season wrapped 4’ round bales of hayledge in West Sussex. Ring 07718 532971

Miscellaneous livestock and general goods and services for sale and wanted ex farm

Wanted – Shepherd with over 30 years experience with 2 good working Collies seeks  sheep or beef cattle work. Anything considered.  Tel . 07810203324

For Sale – 6 Black and white Collie pups ready for new homes in the second week in October in East Sussex. Ring 07795 195435

For Sale – 300 Suffolk x Mule 1 & 2 lamb ewes on a Kent farm. Ring Elwyn Davies for more details

RABI, Young Farmers Clubs and Kent Herdsmans Club news

Kent Herdsmans Club

Monday 8th October at 7.30pm – a talk by Stephen Skinner about his life in farming and other pursuits, at the Conningbrook Hotel, Canterbury Road, Ashford. TN24 9QR.

For all details on Herdsman’s Club events contact Chairman Alan Jull 07708283220 or Jo Masters 01580 240568.


For further information on all RABI events in Kent ring Charles Tassell – 01622 858733, 07973 412179 or email charles@tassell.co.uk.

Ashford Cattle Show

Monday and Tuesday 26th and 27th November

Last minute entries immediately please

Romney Sheepbreeders News

The recent edition of the breeders Society newsletter, produced by breed secretary Julie Lukehurst, is available here in the market. For all society information Julie can be contacted on 07538 938425

Annual Dinner – Friday 2nd November at The George, High Street, Rye at 7pm. Tickets £37 from secretary Julie as above

South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The October editions of these popular regional farming magazines are now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker are regular contributors to the editorial content.


Hobbs Parker Auctioneers and Car Auctions run over 200 auction sales every year

Our next Auction Sales include……..

Horse & Saddlery sale

Thursday 25th October at 10am

Catalogues will be available about a week before the sale.

New & nearly new saddlery & tack, grooming kit, yard equipment, rugs, harness, riding boots, show jackets, jodhpurs, body protectors, yard clothing & boots

Classic Vehicle Auction

Friday 2nd November at 12 noon

Please ring James Johnson for all details of this event and to discuss your possible entries

4 x 4, Diesel and MPV Vehicle sale

Wednesday 7th November at 4pm

This auction of cars will include a special sale of 4 X 4, Diesel and MPV with the normal car auction to follow

Collective Machinery & Equipment sale

Friday 9th November at 9.30am

Lots will include new & nearly new mowers & garden machinery. New tools, farm & agricultural equipment, timber plus a large selection of miscellaneous items. Catalogues will be available about a week before the sale.

Special Sports and High Performance Vehicle sale

Wednesday 28th November at 5pm

This auction of cars will include a special sale sports and high performance cars with the normal car auction to follow

Hobbs Parker Auctioneers – the team and their responsibilities.

For all office enquiries on livestock and auction sales please ring 01233 502222.

Elwyn Davies (07710 803901) – Managing director, cattle & sheep auctioneer and machinery sales.

Peter Kingwill (07795 200357) – Director, cattle auctioneer and machinery sales.

Lynsey Kendall – Director and accounts.

Mark Cleverdon (07741 845230) – Calf, pig, ram and breeding cattle auctioneer and auction sales entries and administration.

John Rossiter (07557 392903) – Sheep, machinery and commercial vehicle auctioneer

Simon Husk (07885 968077) – Livestock marketing and field services

Martin Crowhurst (07710 803903) – Livestock marketing and field services

Thomas Hamplett – Trainee Auctioneer

Hayley Andrews and Sue Marshall – Auction sales administration