Weekly Sales News – 25th July 2017

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Finished Sheep

2688 Sold


Top price per head – £107 – J Metianu & S Aspital:

Top price per kilo – 226p – Mr J Lukehurst

Report on trade: A similar sized entry of lambs on offer this week but it appears that the trade has taken a sharp downturn back to levels which would be more used to seeing at this time of year. Mondays trade had taken a drop in comparison to last weeks figures and with the advent of school holidays and continental holidays commencing this week, catering and wholesale demand for lamb has eased and this has had a knock on effect on to live weight prices. Average price per head of lambs this week was almost exactly what the trade was in the corresponding week in 2016 which suggests we have seen a return to a more “normal” level for the time of year.

Good quality continental export grade lambs were still in demand with the best sorts selling in excess of 220p from J Lukehurst (226p) and G H Dean & Co (221p). It was in the heavier lambs were where the reduction in trade was most evident but the very best still managed to break the £100 price barrier from C & J Georgetti & Sons and T Masters.

Producers please note – For top results please present well fleshed lambs which are preferably dry and clean. Lairage facilities are available every Monday evening.

Sheep sales here in Ashford are supported by buyers representing a large cross section of abattoirs throughout the country. Please ensure your FABBL status is up to date and if you are not FABBL assured seriously consider becoming so – certain buyers are restricted to the purchase of only farm assured stock.

                                       New Season Lamb prices
KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3360.0056.71C B Hope182.0
3464.0061.12C B Hope188.0
3566.5061.87J A & P M Playfoot & Sons190.0
3673.2064.32S J Skinner203.0
3783.5068.84J Lukehurst226.0
3881.8070.61C A Worley Farming Ltd215.0
3986.0073.94G H Dean & Co221.0
4085.5074.96G H Dean & Co214.0
4182.0074.99P J Howard200.0
4288.0078.48G H Dean & Co210.0
4385.0081.15W G Watkins & Sons198.0
4497.0084.15P Gorringe220.0
4590.0086.86P Gorringe200.0
4691.2088.69C & J Georgetti & Sons198.0
New Season Lamb – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Av
Light 25.5 to 32 kgs32168.0159.0161.6170.5
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs1182226.0143.0184.0186.9
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs1234220.0143.0187.7190.7
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs181214.0171.0193.5185.7
Other 52kgs +24192.0179.0182.7161.4


Cull Ewes and Rams

667 sold


Report on trade: A slightly smaller entry of ewes were penned this week with a similar trade for all the fleshed ewes on offer. The grazing sheep sold on a slightly improved trade with more customers present to buy some sheep to farm on.

Best meated sorts on offer sold in excess of £90 with a top price of £101 for some strong Suffolk rams from K Butcher. The ewe trade has been relatively consistent for a few weeks now and is likely to sustain this level until numbers begin to increase following the weaning of the large numbers of store lambs in the autumn.

Top prices included rams to £101 from K Butcher, Suffolk cross ewes to £90 from C & J Georgetti & Sons, crossbreds to £92 from G H Dean & Co, Mules to £74.50 from K Butcher and Romneys to £65 from Bosney Farms.


Store and breeding Sheep

0 Sold

Sock Lambs and goat kids

0 Sold

Finished Cattle

40 Sold


Report on trade: This is a good trade with top butcher type sorts selling around 220p notably a Limousin cross heifer at £1296 (224p) from W Alexander (Shoreham) and a Limousin cross heifer £1174 (220p) from F S Husk. Heavier cattle (600kg+) grossed well with the best £1300 plus with Blonde cross heifers up to £1345 (214p) from W Alexander (Shoreham) and £1338 (220p) from W S Furnival (Brookland). A regular run of dairy bred cattle from A J Down topped at £1100 (187p) for British Blue x Friesian steer.

A few native bred cattle were on offer with an Aberdeen Angus cross steer up to £1037 (181p) from F S Husk.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light bulls (370-550kg)2169.5157.5163.5
Medium bulls (551-650kg)2174.5173.5174.0
Light steers (370-550kg)3189.5174.5183.2
Medium steers (551-650kg)7223.5180.5194.4
Heavy steers (over 650kg)1186.5186.5186.5
Light heifers (330-500kg)9204.5157.5180.5
Medium heifers (501-590kg)9219.5166.5190.6
Heavy heifers (over 590kg)3219.5209.5214.2
Leading steer prices
VendorWeight KgsBreedP per KgGross £
W Alexander (Shoreham)58022 mths Limousin224.01299
W Alexander (Shoreham)59027 mths Limousin210.01239
A J Down53017 mths Limousin190.01007
A J Down56016 mths Simmental189.01058
W Alexander (Shoreham)70522 mths British Blue187.01318
Leading heifer prices
W S Furnival (Brookland)61017 mths Blonde220.01342
F S Husk53521 mths Limousin220.01177
W Alexander (Shoreham)63028 mths Blonde214.01348
W S Furnival (Brookland)60017 mths Limousin210.01260
W S Furnival (Brookland)51517 mths Limousin209.01076


Cull Cows

43 Sold


Report on trade: Cows remain in short supply throughout the country and though this is just the stage in the season when we often see rates begin to slip, there seems little sign of any slippage in the current trade. Processing meat is in short supply and all meat cows met with a famous trade. Very few beef cows were on offer with the best beef youngsters making up over 160p per kg whilst a number of good black and whites from the dairy section readily made over 130p.

Highlights included Hereford 161p HSG Farms; Sussex 140p (Exempt) Langrish Farmers; Holstein 139p and 138p and grossing  £1018 from W G & T A Manford; 134p J W Boyd & Sons; 133p £1007 Hall Place Farms; 131p (twice) 127p £1024 W S Furnival Ltd; 130p £1023 P J Forknall; 127p G A & H Vicary & Son and British Friesian 132p, 128p (Exempt) G D & E E Field.

Bulls wanted but flesh required. Sussex 103p and Aberdeen Angus 102p.

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows9160.595.5115.3
Dairy cows27138.578.5114.8


Store Cattle

14 Sold

Auctioneer: Peter Kingwill 07795 200357

Report on trade: Only a handful of lots forward but another real trade showing the strength and depth of demand.

Charolais cross steers 13 mths £910, £800; Sussex steer 14 mths £765; Charolais cross heifers 12-14 mths £910, £790 and £680; Aberdeen Angus cross heifers 13 mths £462.

More wanted.




Breeding Cattle

0 females Sold




0 Sold



Store and Finished Pigs

0 Sold



General information

Vacancy at the Romney Sheep Breeders Society

We are looking for a keen, motivated, enthusiastic secretary to get involved in and help run the Romney Sheep Breeders Society.  The position will suit someone who has some knowledge of sheep, is media savvy and can communicate well with farmers.  This is a part time role consisting of two/three days per month based in the Kent/Sussex area.

Please contact Alan Barr on 07881654513 or alan@barrfarms.co.uk for further details.

Vehicle Parking on busy market days – Congestion in the bottom / livestock parking area

Please help us to help you. The upper car park on the top side of the market buildings is available for all cars and Land Rovers with trailers.


Ashford Cattle show summer competitions

Flocks This competition has now been judged by Larry Cooke (Rye). Results soon

Beef herds This competition has now been judged by Richard Georgetti and Don Masters. Results will be circulated to competitors and then published.

Crops For up to date information please ring Tim Porter 07919 196068.

South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The July edition of this popular regional farming magazine is now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker are regular contributors to the editorial content.

Hobbs Parker Auctioneers and Car Auctions

run over 200 auction sales every year

Our next Auction Sales are …..

Hobbs Parker Auctioneers and Car Auctions

run over 200 auction sales every year

Our next Auction Sales are ……

Commercial Vehicles

Thursday 3rd August at 3.00pm

Commercial vehicle sale

Collective Machinery & Equipment sale

Friday 4th August at 9.30am.

Catalogues will be available about a week before the sale.

Lots will include new & nearly new mowers & garden machinery. New tools, farm & agricultural equipment, timber plus large selection of miscellaneous items.

Horse & Saddlery Sale

Thursday 10th August at 10am

Catalogues will be available about a week before the sale.

Entries expected of riding ponies, event horses and youngstock

New & nearly new saddlery & tack, grooming kit, yard equipment, rugs, harness Riding boots, show jackets, jodhpurs, body protectors, yard clothing & boots

Chilli Farm Machinery sale

Saturday 30th September at 9.30am

Entries close Saturday 9th September

Large entries of tractors, trailers, vehicles, arable equipment, haymaking equipment, tractor attachments & spares, livestock kit, garden machinery, workshop tools and a large and varied selection of rural bygones are expected

DEFRA and our Local Authority trading standards officers regularly remind us of our responsibilities regarding unfit animals. No unfit animal should be exposed for sale in a market.

We have been reminded by the Local Authority that it is against current Welfare and Market Regulations to move stock to market, or any other holding, in the final stages of pregnancy (final 4 weeks). Please be careful with dates on breeding stock and cull stock that might turn out to be in lamb or in calf.

All animals should be fit to travel. All in milk cows should to be milked out prior to movement to market. Do not present lame sheep or those, for any reason, which are not fit to be transported. Thanks for your attention to these matters.

Notice from Trading Standards on Sheep tags

Sheep producers are reminded that all sheep now require electronic tags, either single, double or re replacements. Please refer to Defra guidelines for the necessary type of tag required depending on the sheep you are presenting for sale.


Livestock for sale

2 Purebred Limousin Bulls available, ex farm. TB Low. Contact Mark Cleverdon for details – 07748 202688

Sheepdogs for sale

4 Border Collie puppies, black and white and tricolour, from working parents. North Kent – please ring 07789 197236 (evenings and weekends).


Local Agricultural Show and event dates

Sunday and Monday 27th and 28th August – Edenbridge & Oxted Show, Ardenrun Showground, Tandridge Lane, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6LL. For more information contact show office 01737 645843 or visit www.edenbridge-show.co.uk

Monday 28th August – Aylesham, Norfolk. www.theaylshamshow.co.uk

Saturday 2nd September – Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire. www.moretonshow.co.uk

RABI, FCN and Kent Herdsmans Club News

RABI – Forthcoming events were they will be represented or are promoting include:

Saturday 16th September – Weald of Kent Ploughing Match, Gatehouse Farm, Marden TN12 9SG

Saturday 23rd September – Gravesend Rochester Ploughing Match, Newlands Farm, Station Road, Cliffe, Rochester ME3 7RU

Wednesday 27th September – East Kent Ploughing Match, Quex Park, Manston Road, Birchington CT7 0HR

Saturday 14th October – Harvest Supper, Amos Hall Ashford Market

Sunday in October (date to be confirmed) – County Harvest Thanksgiving Service, Faversham church

Monday 27th & Tuesday 28th November – Ashford Cattle Show

Saturday 2nd December – Maidstone Symphony Orchestra, charity evening in connection with George Jessel, High Sheriff. More details to follow.

Tuesday 5th December – Live Nativity Carol Evening, 6pm in the auction ring at Ashford Market

Kent Herdsmans Club

The Herdmans club say “well done” to Mark Cleverdon for winning the Jack Hales memorial trophy for stockjudging (Dairy and Beef cattle, pigs and breeding sheep). Thanks also to Brookside Garden Centre (Terry Shead) for sponsoring the prizes.

Monday 14th August at 7.30pm. Visit to the Goddard family and their Guston Holsteins and Solar Farm. Guston Court Farm, East Langdon Rd, Dover. CT15 5EX Many thanks Jo

For all details on Herdsman’s Club events contact Chairman Alan Jull 07708283220 or Jo Masters 01580 240568


Hobbs Parker Car Auctions

Don’t miss this special sale …………

Sale of Boats and Maritime items at Ramsgate Harbour

Saturday 16th September

A good large entry of boats and other maritime items