Weekly Sales News – 22nd March 2022

Read on the all the news from Ashford Market …..

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/reports/forthcoming-sales 

Finished Sheep

2,114 Sold

Top price per kilo – 303p – P Ashlee:

Top price per head – £128.50 – S J Reeve & Son and O Tilley.


Report on trade: Another good-sized entry with a little over 2,000 head penned this week and a similar, but slightly improved, trade seen overall. Best quality, handy weighted, hoggets are easiest to sell with a huge number of heavy types still coming out nationally in recent weeks and making these harder work. The simple rules of supply and demand come back into force more so than ever in this situation. Top of the charts this week in the standard weight category was P Ashlee with some smaller Beltex types selling at over £3 kg for the second week running. There was also a super run of continental crosses from S J Reeve & Son making in excess of 290p on a several occasions, averaging over 275p for his 300 hoggets, and taking top price per head at £128.50, along with a pen from Oliver Tilley.



Vendors Note – All consignments of sheep to Ashford must now be accompanied by a Sheep Entry Form, in addition to the AML1, to ensure we adhere to recent regulation changes. These are available to collect from the sales office, lairage and weighbridge. – Thank you





KgsTop PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3297.00P Ashlee303.0
3595.00T Hope & Son271.0
37109.00A J Holt295.0
38105.00A Town276.0
39116.00S J Reeve & Son297.0
40119.50S J Reeve & Son299.0
42115.50C D Millen275.0
44122.50S J Reeve & Son278.0
45124.00N & D Attwood276.0
47117.00C Ballard249.0
48120.50R F & E A Simmons251.0
49128.50S J Reeve & Son262.0
51124.00A J Holt243.0
52120.00G Butcher231.0
53119.50M R Woodroofe225.0
54122.00C Woodhead226.0
55122.00O Tilley222.0
58126.00C Woodhead217.0
62125.50T Tilley202.0

Hoggets – pence per kg

 Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs160303.0229.0264.5258.5
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs732299.0200.0260.5262.5
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs826276.0198.0238.6244.5
Other over 52.1 kgs395262.0191.0219.3225.3


Cull Ewes and Rams

603 Sold

Auctioneer: James Cook O’Connell

Top price ewe: £163 from Diana Lindon                        Overall Average £112

Top price ram: £195 from R J Grover                             Overall Average £115


Report on trade: Another good entry of ewes with a higher proportion of leaner ewes forward. These remained a very strong and level trade throughout the day. Strong ewes were a little shorter in supply making demand, once again, for these heaviest ewes outstanding. Highlights to include £163 from Diana Lindon, £156 & £147 from H Rivers, £141 from R L Goodman & Son, £140 from S W Batch, £139 from Ben Foy Ltd and £138 from R Padfield.

Trade is set firm with very little movement week on week due to the strong competitive demand from a strong company of buyers.


Top prices included:

Texel cross to £156 from H Rivers

Suffolk cross to £163 from Diana Lindon

Mules to £125 from R L Goodman & Son

Romneys to £124 from K Lukehurst and Langrish Farmers

Store and Breeding Sheep

485 Sold

Auctioneers: John Rossiter 07557 392903 and James Cook O`Connell 07712 246474 

Report on trade: Just a fraction under 500 stores this week with numbers of these now beginning to come under pressure as we move on towards April, and inevitably numbers will dry up completely. Overall average is still £86 hd which is a tremendous trade given the current finished price and the point of the season. Our advice is to sell any remaining stores now before they cut teeth. Top Price on the day was £106 which was achieved by J H & A H Godden.

Sock Lambs

4 Sold

Auctioneer: Mark Cleverdon 07741 845230

Report on trade: Very small entry this week saw a top price of £35 and an average of £18.

Finished Cattle

54 Sold

Report on trade: Another cracking trade for an increased number of cattle. Best continental cross selling consistently in excess of 250p with a superb run of heifers from D W Ferguson Ltd topping at £1460 (266p), £1425 (262p) and £1521 (250p); Limousin cross heifer £1546 (263p) and steer £1373 (253p) from S Marsh; Limousin cross steer £1603 (251p) and heifers £1372 (262p) and £1561 (256p) from W Alexander (Shoreham) and Limousin cross heifer £1259 (258p) from G L Boulden & Sons. Heavier sorts with weight around 225p with British Blue cross heifer grossing well at £1611 and £1609 from Leggat Farming Ltd.

A bid percentage of native bred cattle were well received attracting prices around 225p with Hereford cross heifer £1344 (225p) and steer £1419 (224p) from R C & J L Pickering; Hereford x Friesian steer £1352 (224p) and British Friesian steer £1300 (219p) from A J Down. Aberdeen Angus cross heifer £1515 (247p) from D W Ferguson Ltd; Aberdeen Angus cross steers £1373 (226p) and £1237 (229p) from F Sole & Son; Sussex heifer £1433 (227p) from J D Hickman and £1119 (229p) from A H Hoad & Son. A heavy weight Sussex steer £1536 (219p) from K & P M Sinden & Son.


Leading Steer prices




Age and breed


P per kg

S Marsh54415 mths Limousin253.01373 
W Alexander (Shoreham)64024 mths Limousin251.01603 
W Alexander (Shoreham)56022 mths Limousin245.01369 
G L Boulden & Sons53424 mths Blonde239.01273 
R F & E A Simmons64524 mths Limousin235.01512 
Leading heifer prices 
D W Ferguson Ltd55025 mths British Blue266.01460 
S Marsh58923 mths Limousin263.01546 
D W Ferguson Ltd54523 mths Limousin262.01425 
W Alexander (Shoreham)52524 mths Limousin262.01372 
G L Boulden & Sons48925 mths Limousin258.01259 

Average prices

Steers up to 550kg                               6           214 to 253p          Av 229.33p

Steers 551 to 650kg                            17           208 to251p            Av 225.65p

Steers over 651+                                   5           212 to 225p          Av 217.86p

Heifers 300 to 500kg                           5            220 to 258p          Av 230.83p

Heifers 501 to 590kg                           11          188 to 266p          Av 238.80p

Heifers over 591+                                10          198 to 256p          Av 232.10p

Cull Cows and Bulls

56 Sold

Report on trade: We are running short of superlatives with which to describe the trade for cull cows! Another exceptional level of trade with a wide variety of qualities on offer. Pleasing to see more cows coming across the TB1 border with vendors clearly able to see the value in getting cows tested or from taking advantage of the 60 days after their annual test.

Special mention to Llewellyn Farms, Crowborough with their pair of huge Aberdeen Angus cross cows selling to 193p and 183p and grossing up to a magnificent £ 1741 and £1538!

Best younger beef types over 200p, plenty 160-190p, nothing under 120p even with 7 cows over 12 years old!

Limousin cross 212p £1489 (Non FA) Price & Shelbourne, 189p, 180p, 179p, 175p, £1185, £1133, £1056 J Berryman, 184p £1257 Burden Bros; Angus cross 193p, 183p, £1741, £1538 (Non FA) Llewellyn Farms, 183p £1248 J S Tilley, 182p £1116 Burden Bros, 182p £1098 J Berryman; Blonde cross 189p, £1402 (Non FA) A J Strand & Sons; Beef Shorthorn 188p £1320 (Non FA) I M Symonds; Sussex 186p £1362 (Non FA) J D Hickman, 183p £1125 (Non FA)  P Ashlee, 178p £1198 (Non FA) Kent College South Devon cross 176p £1422 Burden Bros; Hereford cross 171p £1125 (Non FA) P Ashlee; Charolais cross 168p £1196 (Non FA) A J Strand & Sons.

Dairy culls of all shapes and sizes remain outstanding with best Holsteins towards 170p and grossing up to £1451 from Appleton Farms.

Holstein Friesian cows to 168p, 165p, 164p, 162p, 161p £1451, £1316, £1177 Appleton Farms; 164p £1185 GR Edgar & Son; 162p, 150p £1235, £1187 D Murdoch & Sons; Jersey 98p £439 S E Lane & Ptnrs.

An over 3yo Sussex heifer well sold at 198p, £1124 from N A Balcomb & Son

A well-muscled Limousin stock bull at 159p £1672.











Beef cows35214120172.9 173.7
Dairy cows19168  98141.1 142.3


Store Cattle

411 Sold

Report on trade: An exceptional trade for store cattle reflecting strong returns in the finished market and general confidence in the beef trade going forward. The numbers and quality of the cattle on offer attracted a good number of buyers and prices were brisk throughout.

The best beef bred yearling Continental crosses sold in excess of £1000 and topping at £1280 for British Blue cross steers from R D E Spencer whilst yearling Limousin cross heifers topped at £1145 M J Ashworth. Other top prices included 13-14 mths Simmental and Limousin cross steers at £1400 and £1380 for a superb run consigned by Geoffrey Bates Ltd while well framed 24 mths Simmental cross steers topped the market at £1440 from P M Thomas.

Equally impressive prices achieved in the native section with top yearling steers around £1000 notably Sussex cross steer to £1060 from T Maddock and smart Aberdeen Angus cross steers £990 from Boty Farms Ltd and £925 from R Brown. 22 mths Hereford cross steers topping this section at £1050 from Ross Farms.

Store cattle

Continental cross

Principal prices include

10 mths Limousin cross steer                            £1025                 S J M Evans

10 mths Limousin cross heifer                          £920                    S J M Evans

11 mths Limousin cross steer                            £855                    Goodsell Farm Partnership

11 mths Charollais cross heifer                        £770                    Goodsell Farm Partnership

10-12 mths British Blue cross steer                  £1280                  R D E Spencer

10-12 mths British Blue cross heifer                £1100                 R D E Spencer

11 mths Simmental cross steer                         £1095                 W J Hurley

11 mths Simmental cross heifer                       £890                    W J Hurley

12 mths Limousin cross heifer                          £1145                 M J Ashworth

12 mths Limousin cross steer                            £1175                 M L Williams

12 mths Limousin cross heifer                          £930                    M L Williams

13-14 mths Simmental cross steer                   £1400                 Geoffrey Bates Ltd

13-14 mths Limousin cross steer                      £1380                 Geoffrey Bates Ltd

9-12 mths Limousin cross heifer                      £930                    Geoffrey Bates Ltd

14 mths British Blue x Fr heifer                         £960                    W & C J Westacott

19 mths British Blue x Fr steer                          £1170                 K M Goddard Agri Contractors

23 mths Limousin cross heifer                          £1150                 N A Vincent

24 mths Simmental cross steer                         £1440                 P M Thomas

23 mths Simmental cross heifer                       £1230                 P M Thomas



Native bred

11 mths Sussex cross steer                               £1060                    T Maddocks

9 mths Stabiliser cross steer                              £860                       A & N Bullen

11 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steer              £990                       Boty Farms Ltd

11 mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifer            £875                       Boty Farms Ltd

10-12 mths Aberdeen Angus steer                   £925                       R Brown

10-12 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steer        £890                       Llewellyn Farms

16 mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifer            £970                       N Morgan

15 mths Beef Shorthorn steer                            £945                       I D Machin

23 mths Beef Shorthorn heifer                          £1020                    R Winstone

22 mths Hereford cross steer                            £1050                    Ross Farms

24 mths Hereford cross heifer                           £945                       J Cook

Breeding Cattle

0 Sold


0 Sold

Store and Finished Pigs

46 Sold

Report on trade: “Times they are a changing!”   We can report improvements in values for pigs today with more now coming forward again. Increased costs, however, weigh particularly heavily on the pig sector (as of course they do on all farming and the general population).

The entry of finished pigs saw the best with some weight grossing £110 and £95 (twice) and the remainder 37p to 70p per kg.

The cull trade again improved strongly. The best making 42p and heaviest grossing £123

No store pigs were offered this week

Finished good – p per kg18114.0082.00100.10
                                 £ per head 110.6044.2885.38
Finished other – p per kg2270.0037.0056.40
                                 £ per head 95.2023.2060.61
Sows – p per kg638.0034.0036.00
Sows                        £ per head 123.5065.4581.57


General information

Please note – Nearly half of our customers receive their prices via e-mail on sale day. If you would like to receive your prices on the day, please give our auctioneers team a call with your email address and leave the rest to us.


For up-to-date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Cattle & sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & sheep) 07795 200357

John Rossiter (Sheep, machinery plus commercial vehicles) 07557 392903

Simon Husk (Cattle & sheep) 07885 968077

Mark Cleverdon (Pigs) 07741 845230

Tom Hamplett (Calves, weanlings, breeding cattle & rams) 07966 104532

James Cook O`Connell (Sheep- Ewes and Breeding Sheep) 07712 246474


Cattle Passports

We remind producers that on no occasion should the details on a cattle passport be changed other than by returning it to BCMS.

If details are incorrect return and advise BCMS or advise the auctioneers on market day without writing on the passport.


Cattle Producers, Please Note – Revised Advice Inconclusive Reactors

All IRs from high risk or edge areas that have had a negative (clear) result on retesting remain restricted on their holding for the rest of their life and can only move direct to slaughter or an approved finishing unit (AFU).

In a low-risk area if there has been a TB breakdown (i.e., with reactors) then again, any IRs that subsequently have a negative test are still only allowed to go direct to slaughter or an AFU, however if only IRs are identified in a low-risk area herd test then no movement restrictions are placed on those animals if they subsequently retest negative (clear).

Should any low-risk area producer have any doubts, about the position please do not hesitate to contact Peter Kingwill.


News from the East Sussex Farmers’ Benevolent Fund

The Benevolent Fund charity was created in 1935 by a local farmer and its purpose is to support farmers, farm staff and those involved in the wider land-based industries. Support can also be given to family dependants.  Beneficiaries are normally resident in East Sussex or neighbouring counties.

Income from property and investment legacies help to finance the fund in addition to generous donations. The fund is overseen by five local trustees with strong agricultural connections.

Help can be for those currently in work, or who have retired or who are unable to work due to illness or disability. The fund can also assist those entering land-based education and help with relevant CPD for furthering their land-based careers.

If you feel that we can help you or you are aware of someone who might benefit from help, please let us know and we will be pleased to support. To contact the Honorary Secretary of the Benevolent Fund Des Lambert – 07912 464746, 01273 890841 or email des.lambert@btinternet.com



Hay and Straw register

For a small charge we are quite happy to advertise your hay, straw, and fodder for sale in this register which will now run until early May for further details please ring our auctioneers office on 01233 502222.

For Sale – 1,000 Conventional bales of good quality meadow hay, barn stores in the Ashford area. Ring 07812 111130

For Sale – 3,000 conventional wheat straw bales from the Ashford area. 07876273254

For Sale – Conventional baled and 4 string big bales meadow hay on a farm in the Ashford area. Can be delivered. Ring Michael on 07715651766 or 01233 820261

For Sale – large quantities of hay, haylage and straw in the Ashford area. Ring 07707 879642

For Sale – large quantities of top-notch feed and bedding – Round bale naked hay, Round bale wrapped haylage, Mini Hesston bales naked hay, Round bale wrapped silage, Round bale naked wheat straw, Round bale naked barley straw, Round bale naked oat straw, Whole Wheat and barley in crane bags, Logs of all varieties, shapes, sizes and prices.

All from our own Red Tractor certified farms (with full field traceability) and keenly priced ex farm or delivered locally or nationwide. Richard Barnes (Farms) Ltd, Etchingham, TN19 7AZ.

01580 819000, 07768 771933

For Sale – 1500 Second quality conventional baled meadow hay, clean and thistle free, £2 per bale, ideal for cattle. Genuine enquiries only please, from a farm around the Tenterden area 07805847071.

For Sale – 200 8’ Meadow hay bales from a Kent farm. Ring 07787 150165



AHDB Review

In April 2022, as a levy payer you will be able to have your say on the challenges you want AHDB to focus on and the services they deliver for you in the future. This is your chance to influence how your levy money is spent on the things that matter to you the most.  In order to vote you must first register at www.ahdb.org.uk/shapethefuture before 12 noon on 31st March 2022. Each business will have one vote for each sector you pay levy to (beef, lamb, cereals & oilseeds, pork, and dairy). You will need to register for each one separately, using the link above.



Wanted – Abattoir lairage assistant to work approx. 20 hours per week (Tues/Thurs) with a 6 am start. To be responsible for accepting livestock into abattoir, dagging and bellying sheep and washing down and cleaning lairage area.
A knowledge of animal handling and welfare essential and an understanding of cattle passports and sheep licences preferred.

Please contact Joanna or Sally – info@tottingworth.co.uk or 01435 862 425



Heathfield Show News

Show celebrates 75th anniversary

With the Heathfield Show day looming we are excited to announce that there will be a £500 prize, kindly donated by PJ Skips, for the Champion of Champions in the Horse Section of the Heathfield Agricultural Show on Saturday 28th May. An opportunity not to be missed!

Entries are now live on the new Show web site for all Cattle, Sheep, Pig and Horse classes.

The past two Shows have had to be cancelled because of the pandemic so to the comeback for our 75th anniversary is even more poignant. The Showing scene has been in hibernation, so we are expecting high exhibitor numbers as people dust off their showing kit boxes and start getting their livestock back into Show ready condition.

Closing date for livestock entries is 1st April, and Horse classes 14th April.

There will be a full showing schedule and exciting events going on around the Showground

throughout the day, including a fly past by a Hurricane (subject to weather conditions) and the launch of the Queen’s Green Canopy Jubilee appeal for East Sussex.

As Show day approaches more announcements will be made, so keep an eye on www.heathfieldshow.org.

The Show will definitely be living up to its new strap line “A Real Look At Country Life”.

Press enquiries: Nicola Magill: Secretary@heathfieldshow.org . 07799 846299



South East Point to Point Meetings (www.pointingse.com)

The fixture list for the season has been circulated with this report recently. Further copies are available here in the market

Saturday 26th March – Crawley & Horsham, Parnham, Surrey. RH20 2ER

Sunday 10th April – Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent; Penshurst, Kent. TN8 7DD

Saturday 16th April – Ashford Valley Tickham, Charing, Kent. TN27 0JD

Monday 18th April – Aldington Races, Aldington, Kent. TN25 7EJ

Saturday 23rd April – Chiddingfold, Leconfield and Cowdray; Parham, West Sussex. RH20 2ER

Sunday 1st May – Mid Surrey Farmers Draghounds, Godstone, Surrey. RH9 8DB

Saturday 14th May – Peper Harrow, Peper Harrow, Surrey. GU8 6TE






FCN News


The Farming Community Network (FCN) is a national voluntary organisation and charity that supports farmers and families within the farming community through difficult times.


Since its founding in 1995, FCN has helped thousands of people with a wide range of issues – including financial difficulties, animal disease, mental health, and family disputes. During this period of immense change in British agriculture, FCN would like to remind everyone that they’re here to listen, support and help you to find a positive way through any problems you might be experiencing.


FCN has over 400 volunteers, located throughout England and Wales, many of whom are involved in farming, or have close links with agriculture and therefore have a great understanding of the issues farm workers and farming families regularly face. FCN’s volunteers provide free, confidential, pastoral, and practical support to anyone who seeks help, regardless of whether the issue is personal or business-related.


In addition to local groups of volunteers, FCN runs a free confidential national Helpline (03000 111 999) which is open every day of the year from 7am-11pm and an e-Helpline (help@fcn.org.uk). Speaking to FCN is confidential and non-judgemental.


FCN also provides practical and pastoral support to the agricultural community to build resilience and access help at difficult times. Visit its Farm Well website at www.farmwell.org.uk for a wealth of free information about personal and business resilience, mental and physical wellbeing, planning for the future, and successfully managing through change.


FCN relies solely on donations and grants to continue supporting the farming community. With British farming facing deep uncertainty in the coming years, the workload of FCN volunteers is expected to increase significantly.


For further information on FCN or you would like to help and get involved please contact:
Sally Field, FCN Regional Support Officer (South East)

Tel: 07702563385 Email: sallyfield.fcn@gmail.com  Website: fcn.org.uk



South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The March edition of this popular regional farming magazine is now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker is a regular contributor to the editorial content