Weekly Sales News – 22nd August 2017

Sheep were again the main focus this week with the best fleshed sheep still meeting strong demand and ewes forward in large numbers. Cattle entries are building strongly for the sale on 5th September. Read below and our forthcoming sales information page for more details …..


Finished Sheep

1855 Sold

Top price per head – £104 – C & J Georgetti & Sons: Top price per kg – 234p – J A Cox

Report on trade: A smaller entry this week as a result of a little resistance beginning to build up in the trade therefore the average prices were just a touch back on last weeks figures to level at 185p. There was still a very similar theme to the trade with the best lambs sold being the heavy weight offerings. These lambs would have been sold on a similar trade to recent weeks with the best making in excess of £100 and over 200p per kg. Some very good continental cross export grade lambs from J A Cox sold to 234p (35kg at £85) and this was closely followed by the same vendor with some heavier offerings at 216p (45kg at £97).

Heavier weights were once again topped by C & J Georgetti & Sons with a fantastic run of Texel and Charollais cross lambs making to £104 (212p) and of the whole run over 70% of the lambs sold over 200p.

Producers please note – For top results please present well fleshed lambs which are preferably dry and clean. Lairage facilities are available every Monday evening.

Sheep sales here in Ashford are supported by buyers representing a large cross section of abattoirs throughout the country. Please ensure your FABBL status is up to date and if you are not FABBL assured seriously consider becoming so – certain buyers are restricted to the purchase of only farm assured stock.

                                       New Season Lamb prices
KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3470.0063.01I T Henshaw & Son206.0
3582.0064.05J A Cox234.0
3670.5065.90Mrs L M Redford196.0
3772.0067.43Mrs P Joiner195.0
3879.5070.61Mrs T Davies209.0
3980.0072.26C R & G Daws205.0
4084.5073.90J R Lilley211.0
4180.0075.40Ms H V Link195.0
4284.5076.44R J Grover201.0
4384.0079.67P Gorringe195.0
4490.0085.87C & J Georgetti & Sons205.0
4597.0088.05J A Cox216.0
4689.0087.00A J Thompson & Sons193.0
4785.2085.07M A & F W Owen181.0
4898.5098.40C & J Georgetti205.0
New Season Lamb – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Av
Superlight 17 to 25.4kgs4590.00.057.16102.8
Light 25.5 to 32 kgs10188.0150.0171.60154.5
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs842234.0121.0184.05175.9
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs886216.0137.0186.74183.9
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs84212.0163.0195.75181.0


Cull Ewes and Rams

1038 sold

Auctioneers: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901 and John Rossiter 07557 392903

Report on trade: Another sizeable entry on offer this week with over 1000 in the pens but as we saw in the lamb pens, there was a slight resistance in the ewe section. The trade eased back by approximately £5 on the meat ewes that were destined for the wholesale market but the grazing ewes are selling on a different trade. With several buyers present to purchase sheep to farm on we saw the leaner offerings looking very well sold in comparison to some of the lighter weight fleshed ewes.

Top prices included continental ewes to £91 from G Lawrence & Sons, Suffolk crosses to £81 from A C Hulme & Sons with Mules from the same vendor to £75 and Romneys to £74 from H & J Noakes.


Store and breeding Sheep

0 Sold

We are now selling these sheep on Fridays – see our Store and breeding sheep pages for reports

Sock Lambs and goat kids

0 Sold

Finished Cattle

16 Sold

Report on trade: A strong trade for a small entry with smart Limousin cross heifers from W S Furnival (Brookland) selling exceptionally well up to £1325 (231p) and grossing up to £1445 (230p). Other prices included a Simmental cross heifer at £1173 (198p) from Dr R J & Mrs C S Wratten, and purebred Sussex bulls up to £1042 (188p) from C D & J Bishop with £1053 (176p) from A & A Barr Farms for Sussex too. A heavy Charolais bull made to £1429 (185p) from J Boomaars.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light heifers (330-500kg)3189.5177.5183.8
Medium heifers (501-590kg)2230.5217.5224.0
Heavy heifers (over 590kg)3229.5197.5215.5
Light bulls (370-550 kg)2188.5177.5183.0
Medium bulls (551-650 kg)4187.5167.5175.0
Heavy bulls (over 650 kg)1184.5184.5184.5


Leading heifer prices
W S Furnival (Brookland)57518 mths Limousin231.01328
W S Furnival (Brookland)63017 mths Limousin230.01449
W S Furnival (Brookland)64017 mths Limousin220.01408
W S Furnival (Brookland)58518 mths Limousin218.01275
Dr R J & Mrs C S Wratten59421 mths Simmental198.01176


Cull Cows

40 Sold


Report on trade: Numbers again short with the demand remaining at exceptional levels. All grades were wanted and if you have cows or overage to sell this is undoubtedly the time to take advantage.

Charolais cross 149p and Simmental cross 146p from Langrish Farmers; Sussex 142p, 141p and £1061( Non FA) B W Kemsley & Son and Sussex cross 148p and Aberdeen Angus cross 145p D J Miles.

British Friesian 146p and £1184 from PHR Farms; Holstein Friesian 140p and £1081 W S Furnival Ltd and Holstein maiden heifers 138p and £942 from New Wharf Farm.

A good shaped British Blonde bull 119p (Non FA).

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows11148.5107.5131.6
Dairy cows17145.573.5111.7


Store Cattle

40 Sold

Store Cattle – 40 Sold

Auctioneer: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901

Report on trade: Lots of interest in a small number of store cattle with strong prices seen throughout. A run of youngsters from V & C Smith sold well with 8 mths British Blue cross steers to £760 and Aberdeen Angus cross steers and heifers of a similar age to £750 and £745 respectively. Other top prices included 20 mths Simmental cross steers at £985  from P R Lanham, 24 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers at £900 from D & I Tucker and 14 mths South Devon steers at £860 from W E Baines.

We have a larger number of cattle already entered for next Tuesday and the prospects for a substantial sale again on Tuesday 5th September. Please keep in touch with our auctioneers and fieldsmen is you have cattle to sell.



Breeding Cattle

0 Bulls and 0 females Sold


0 Sold

Nearly 80 calves already entered for Tuesday 29th August – see forthcoming livestock sales page on this website for details

Store and Finished Pigs

0 Sold

General information

For up to date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & Sheep) 07795 200357

Martin Crowhurst (Sheep & Cattle) 07710 803903 or 01797 343936

Simon Husk (Sheep & Cattle) 07885 968077 or 01304 842393

Mark Cleverdon (Rams, Breeding Cattle, Pigs & Calves) 07748 202688

DEFRA and our Local Authority trading standards officers regularly remind us of our responsibilities regarding unfit animals. No unfit animal should be exposed for sale in a market.

We have been reminded by the Local Authority that it is against current Welfare and Market Regulations to move stock to market, or any other holding, in the final stages of pregnancy (final 4 weeks). Please be careful with dates on breeding stock and cull stock that might turn out to be in lamb or in calf.

All animals should be fit to travel. All in milk cows should to be milked out prior to movement to market. Do not present lame sheep or those, for any reason, which are not fit to be transported. Thanks for your attention to these matters.



Notice from Trading Standards on Sheep tags and Cull ewes

Cull ewes – It is the time of the year that we will see large numbers of fleshy weaned cull ewes in lean condition. There is strong enquiry from grazing buyers looking for this kind of stock.

We respectively remind vendors that these ewes must be in appropriate condition to both travel and to be shown in the market.

Sheep producers are reminded that all sheep now require electronic tags, either single, double or re replacements. Please refer to Defra guidelines for the necessary type of tag required depending on the sheep you are presenting for sale.

Vehicle Parking on busy market days – Congestion in the bottom / livestock parking area

Please help us to help you. The upper car park on the top side of the market buildings is available for all cars and Land Rovers with trailers.

Livestock for sale

11 Simmental x Montbelliarde/Friesain heifers, 20 mths which have been bucket reared, have no horns and are ideal bulling heifers. East Sussex. Ring Peter on 07795 200357

1 Pedigree Limousin Bull, 4 yrs old available, ex farm. TB Low. Contact Mark Cleverdon for details – 07748 202688

Local Agricultural Show and ploughing match dates

Sunday and Monday 27th and 28th August – Edenbridge & Oxted Show, Ardenrun Showground, Tandridge Lane, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6LL. For more information contact show office 01737 645843 or visit www.edenbridge-show.co.uk

Monday 28th August – Aylesham, Norfolk. www.theaylshamshow.co.uk

Saturday 2nd September – Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire. www.moretonshow.co.uk

Sunday 3rd September – Romney Marsh Ploughing Match at Kent Ditch Corner, East Guildford, Romney Marsh, TN31 7PB – Ploughing starts at 10am, Fun dog show at 12pm and also sheep shearing, local hounds and  craft stalls. For more information 07785 783662 or email: romneyploughing@yahoo.co.uk,

Saturday 9th September – Swale Ploughing Match at Greenway Court, Hollingbourne.  For more information please call Andrew Mew on 07759 320496.

Saturday 16th SeptemberWeald of Kent Ploughing Match at Gatehouse Farm, Marden, Tonbridge, Kent. Full details available from secretary Karen Wheeler 01580 753206 or on www.wkpma.co.uk.

Market manager’s news

Ray Scott (weekend boot fair and stall market manager) and his team of helpers would like to thank everyone who supported their fundraising stall which runs every weekend here in the market. £20,000 was recently distributed to five charities being Demelza House, The Pilgrims hospice, The Motor Neurone Disease Association, MacMillen Cancer Support and Kent Air Ambulance

Notices – Brian Wimble

The family have advised that sadly Brian passed away at home, after a long battle with cancer, on the 16th August. He was a well known farmer on Romney Marsh and supporter of the market here in Ashford. One of his last wishes was “to thank the buyers who support the auctions”

Details of the funeral service will be announced when available

Notices – Jock Anderson

The family have advised that Jock, known to many as a farmer from the Sittingbourne area, died recently when in his nineties.

Details of the funeral service will be announced when available


Hobbs Parker Auctioneers and Car Auctions

run over 200 auction sales every year

Our next Auction Sales are ……

Special Vehicle sale

Monday 29th August from 10am

This auction of cars will include special sales of 4 X 4, Diesel, sports and high performance, commercial and general vehicles. Upto 500 vehicles will be on site and in the sale.

Commercial Vehicles

Thursday 7th September at 3.00pm

A wide selection of up to 40 vehicles are generally offered in these sales

Puddock Farm, Fairfield, Brookland, Romney Marsh

Thursday 14th September

Farm dispersal sale of arable machinery and equipment. Entry forms are available for local farmers to include items in this sale.

Sale of Boats and Maritime items at Ramsgate Harbour

Saturday 16th September

A good large entry of boats and other maritime items

Chilli Farm Machinery sale

Saturday 30th September at 9.30am

Entries close Saturday 9th September

Large entries of tractors, trailers, vehicles, arable equipment, haymaking equipment, tractor attachments & spares, livestock kit, garden machinery, workshop tools and a large and varied selection of rural bygones are expected

Horse & Saddlery Sale

Thursday 26th Ocotber at 10am

Catalogues will be available about a week before the sale.

Entries expected of riding ponies, event horses and youngstock

New & nearly new saddlery & tack, grooming kit, yard equipment, rugs, harness Riding boots, show jackets, jodhpurs, body protectors, yard clothing & boots

Collective Machinery & Equipment sale

Friday 10th November at 9.30am.

Catalogues will be available about a week before the sale.

Lots will include new & nearly new mowers & garden machinery. New tools, farm & agricultural equipment, timber plus large selection of miscellaneous items.


Special events on livestock sale days here in Ashford

We are pleased to announce that our crossbred ewe lamb competion on the 8th September will be judged by Louis and Emma Andreozzi from Petworth, West Sussex.

Romney day classes for the best pens of ewe lambs and tegs will be judged by Mick and Jo Cutting, East Guldeford, Rye.


Farm secretary required

A opportunity has arisen for 3 days a week to help a Romney Marsh farming family. Please apply with a CV by email: ajthompson@vfast.co.uk