Weekly Sales News – 20th March 2018

Again this week we filled nearly every pen in the market with livestock from 149 individual producers. the sheep trade continues to improve week by week and store cattle were again traded at very respectable values. if your selling stock please keep in touch with our auctioneers and fieldsmen.

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/auctioneers/livestock-marketing/forthcoming-sales/


Finished Sheep

3466 Sold

Auctioneer: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901

Top price per head – £130 – N & D Attwood; Top price per kilo – 258p – J Wayman

Report on trade For weeks we have reported increased numbers and improved prices and this week was no exception with just short of 3,500 sold to average 233.5p per kg for all weights. This was an exceptional trade throughout with best export type hoggets selling readily around 250p and the majority of heavyweights making £110 to £125. Top runs of heavyweights included 25 Charollais to £130 (Av £126) from N & D Attwood, 68 Texel cross to £129.50 (Av £123.50) from G Butcher and large runs of mainly continental crosses averaging around £117 notably from T R Holt, R G Hobbs Farms and A J Thompson & Sons.

A combination of strong prices globally, poor weather keeping supplies tight on Monday and the lead up to Easter all contributed to producing these exceptional returns.

Producers please note – For top results please present well fleshed lambs which are preferably dry and clean. Lairage facilities and dagging are available every Monday evening.

Sheep sales here in Ashford are supported by buyers representing a large cross section of abattoirs throughout the country. Please ensure your FABBL status is up to date and if you are not FABBL assured seriously consider becoming so – certain buyers are restricted to the purchase of only farm assured stock.

                                                Hogget prices
KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3994.5087.68K H W Hammerton242.0
4097.0092.05D E Norris & Son242.0
41103.0095.79A J Thompson & Sons251.0
42104.50101.98Summerdown Farm249.0
43110.00104.98P Ashlee256.0
44113.50105.23J Wayman258.0
45113.50108.92Hall Place Farms252.0
46114.00108.28R F & E A Simmons248.0
47115.00108.01J Wayman245.0
48122.00114.83A J Thompson & Sons254.0
49122.50112.17T R Holt250.0
50126.00116.12N & D Attwood252.0
51115.00112.94M L Wilson & Son Ltd225.0
52124.50117.01N & D Attwood239.0
53126.50116.68G Butcher239.0
54121.0118.78R G Hobbs Farms Ltd224.0
Hoggets – pence per kg  
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Av
Light 25.5 to 32 kgs1185.0185.0185.00200.1 
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs325245.0192.0227.45231.7 
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs1524258.0133.0239.62249.2 
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs1265254.0185.0232.64240.6 
Other over 52kgs341239.0182.0217.82223.0 

Cull Ewes and Rams

627 sold

Auctioneer: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901

Report on trade: Probably the best ever trade seen at Ashford Market (again!) with all the top meat ewes making in excess of £100 and an impressive overall average of £88.40. Well meated continental crosses took the pick of the trade up to £139 from J Goffin, £130 from Homewood School YFC and £122 from N & D Attwood while the best Suffolk crosses topped at £122 from A B Jones & Ptnrs and £118 from M A Piper & Son Farms. Mules made to £110 from T Crick and Romneys up to £108 from W T Kemp.

Store and breeding Sheep

837 Sold

Report on trade: The dearest yet with another good entry and the best selling readily around £90 and up to £96 for a pen of Suffolk crosses from C Moss & Son. Only the very small long term sorts were below £70 and an impressive overall average of £78.90.

Store hoggets need selling now to give feeders chance to finish before end of season.

Principal prices included:
Breed£ per headVendor
Suffolk cross£96.00C Moss & Son
Suffolk cross£89.50T Crick
Texel cross£95.50C Moss & Son
Texel cross£94.00P Gilbert
Texel cross£91.50G & A Wood
Texel cross£90.00R A Douglas
Texel cross£88.50M Carley and D G Nixon
Texel cross£88.00M A & F W Owen
Down cross£88.50J Worsfold
Romney wethers£85.50Les Ramsden

Sock Lambs

36 Sold


Report on trade: Not the best trade we have seen for young lambs but the strong, well bred and reared models made £15 to £30.. Averages: Top £30 and aver’ £8.44.

Entries will increase for the next few weeks and they will be sold at 10.30am in the calf shed.


Finished Cattle

69 Sold

Auctioneer: Richard Wood

Report on trade: A few more cattle on offer this week and though the entry could not be described as one of the finest quality the trade was undoubtedly firmer for all grades. Beef supply and demand is in balance and price levels have held well throughout the winter. There appears to be no surplus of stock in the pipeline and this spring selling period will be assisted by the fact that many finishers have had a long hard winter with shortages of feed and bedding. The improved sheep trade will also have a bearing on retail patterns and will do no harm to beef!

We had very few smart cattle at all but quality Limousin heifers from D W Ferguson clearly stood out at 237p. Smarter commercial cattle generally made 200 to 215p with commercial types clearing readily to a larger audience around the ring. Plenty of finish on offer this week and, whilst no criticism, producers just must be careful with cattle coming out of the yards late in the season. Good finish is wanted but fat isn’t!!

Heavyweight steers a good trade with British Blue crosses from K & P M Sinden 197p and £1423 and a Blonde cross 180p £1338 from G L Boulden & Sons.

Natives are also finding much interest with Sussex steers 205p £1115 from N A Balcomb & Son, Aberdeen Angus cross steers 195p £ 1177 (Non FA) K Vincent,  Longhorn steer 187p N A Balcomb & Son, Holstein steers 153p £1106 R Price & Son; Dairy Shorthorn steer 164p and an Ayrshire steer 162p both from R Winstone.

Native heifers were a sharp trade and well finished cattle in particular in keen demand including Aberdeen Angus cross 197p £1098 K Vincent, Sussex 191p £960 K & P M Sinden and Hereford cross 188p £1076 A & M Lyon.

Trade for overage cattle was also sharper than recent weeks. A Limousin cross heifer 185p J H & A H Godden, British Blue cross steers 178p £1172 and Simmental cross steers 169p £1230 from John Pile (Farms).

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light bulls (370 – 550kg)1132.5132.5132.5
Light steers (370 – 550kg)12206.5174.5188.8
Medium steers (551 – 650kg)17203.5147.5182.7
Heavy steers (over 650kg)5196.5150.5171.5
Light heifers (330 – 500 kg)7236.5178.5202.4
Medium heifers (501 – 590kg)13199.5175.5188.3
Heavy heifers (over 590kg)3196.5180.5186.8
Leading steer prices
VendorWeight KgsBreedP per KgGross £
G L Boulden & Sons54917 mths Limousin207.01136
N A Balcomb & Son54526 mths Sussex205.01117
R F & E A Simmons61022 mths Limousin204.01244
A J Down59517 mths British Blue200.01190
K & P M Sinden & Sons72424 mths British Blue197.01426
Leading heifer prices
D W Ferguson Ltd45524 mths Limousin237.01078
D W Ferguson Ltd42522 mths Limousin215.0914
D W Ferguson Ltd48420 mths British Blue214.01036
K I Lingham & Son46512 mths Limousin206.0958
D W Ferguson Ltd58520 mths Charolais200.01170

Cull Cows and bulls

42 Sold

Auctioneer: Richard Wood

Report on trade: A short entry of cows this week but rates probably as dear as we have seen them, possibly ever!! We were very short of beef cows which is only to be expected at this time of the year as calving gets under way. Some very good dairy culls were amongst the entry but again after the winter period most herds are tidy and looking forward to the new season. Keep looking at your cows. This level of trade must not be ignored and breeding replacements will be available later in the spring.

Nothing very flashy amongst the beef cows but 140 to 160p per kg was commonplace and some younger grazers made up over 170p which tells its own story. Aberdeen Angus crosses made to 172p, 161p(2), 155p (Non FA) from T Lyle & Ptrs; British Blue crosses 158p S E Lane & Ptrs and 143p £1040 J Berryman; Limousin cross 153p £1090 J Berryman; Sussex 149p Torry Hill Farms; Hereford 149p £1060 (Non FA) Brockhill Park and 144p (Non FA) M D Lott.

All grades of dairy culls were a fantastic trade and outstanding returns were available for big, fed cows. Nothing made under 110p!! Holstein Friesians 140p and £1335, 137p £1126 Ledger (Appleton) Farms; 138p £1134, 134p £1207 M W Goddard and Jersey 137p £799 S E Lane & Ptrs.

Bulls again on fire, its time to ask the question about the old boy! Sussex 143p £1424 and British Blue cross 125p £1082.



Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows24171.5112.5139.1
Dairy cows16139.599.5124.0

Store Cattle

486 Sold

Auctioneer: Richard Wood

Report on trade: Another large entry of store cattle with several consignments of top quality single suckled continental cross yearlings on offer of similar quality to last week. Again the sale was very well attended with 22 successful individual buyers ensuring competitive returns throughout. The best of the yearling steers attracted prices from £950 to £1050 and topped at £1110 for a pen of superb Limousin cross from M J Ashworth. The majority of heifers made £750 to £850 and up to £980 for a pen of Limousin cross from a quality run consigned by A J Bray.

A pen of smart 18 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers sold exceptionally well and topped the market at £1150 from R & H Vincent while several lots of Hereford crosses were well received with a 24 mth old heifer topping at £975 from J Marshall and Hereford x Friesian heifers suitable to breed sold well to £840 from J G Jenkin & Sons.

Large entries are now expected for the next 6 to 8 weeks ­- if you have cattle to sell please ring any of our team of auctioneers and fieldsmen for advice and to ensure cataloguing and proper advertising within our sale

Principal prices include:                                                                                                                  

12 mths Limousin cross steers£1110M J Ashworth
12-13 mths Limousin cross steers£1100A J Bray
12-13 mths Limousin cross heifers£980A J Bray
10-12 mths Limousin cross steers£1085K I Lingham & Son
10-12 mths Limousin cross heifers£850K I Lingham & Son
17 mths Limousin cross steers£1060D G & J W Gore
10-12 mths Limousin cross steers£1060M A Piper & Son Farms
Native Bred
10-12 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£830B C Charman
18 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£1150R & H Vincent
20 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£1090N A Balcomb & Son
20 mths Hereford x Sussex steers£930N A Balcomb & Son
18 mths Hereford x Friesian heifers£840J G Jenkin & Sons
24 mths Hereford cross heifer£975J Marshall
24 mths Friesian steers£700I J & H M Hobden


Breeding Cattle

0 Sold


0 Sold



Store and Finished Pigs

0 Sold



General information

Forthcoming store and breeding stock sales

Next Store and Breeding Cattle Sale is on Tuesday 27th March at 1.00pm. We have an entry of 270 cattle for this sale and have produced a catalogue. Please ring if you have cattle to sell as it is important over the next few weeks we have an early indication from sellers of stock they wish to offer so we can plan ahead for sales in April and May. Substantial numbers are coming forward and it is essential we know when you plan to sell.

Store Cattle entered include

44 Aberdeen Angus and Limousin cross steers and heifers, 10-15 mths old from Gallagher Farms

30 Limousin cross steers and heifers, 10-12 mths old from K I Lingham & Son

28 South Devon and British Blue steers, 12-15 mths old from H & S Nesfield

20 Simmental (15) and Blonde x Friesian steers and heifers, 17-18 mths from R P Kent & Son.

And others from 27 vendors

We are now receiving entries going forward for store and breeding cattle sales on Tuesdays through the spring. Please keep in touch to ensure we know you have cattle to sell.

Friday 6th April – this will be Sussex Day with the breed societies show and sale of pedigree cattle. Both the bull and female catalogues are now available as a preview online with 30 head entered. Full catalogues are also now printed.


Forthcoming Store and Breeding Sheep Sales following a very successful autumn sales season both store and breeding sheep will be offered in substantial numbers on our Tuesday livestock sale days. It is important that sellers give an early indication of large entries so buyers can be advised on the size of entry expected on any particular day.

Next Pig and Calf sale days will be held on Tuesdays 27th March and then 10th and 24th April. If you are considering sending calves or pigs to market please ring Mark Cleverdon.

The TB exempt section will be offered next Tuesday. In future weeks its availability will be dependant on the number of store cattle entered. We very much appreciate exempt cattle being booked in week by week to ensure that the TB exempt section will be available when and if required.


British Wool Board announcement re Wool sheets

Tuesdays 14th and 21st April – Wool sheets will be available here in Ashford Market for farmers and smallholders to collect.

Farm Assurance

In the last few weeks it has become clear that some producers who in the past had land that was a ‘linked holding’ have not advised their certification body that these holdings – whether rented, grass keep or owned – are listed as an additional unit on their Red Tractor membership.

Unless included traceability checks may question whether the location the animals have moved from to us or during the 60 or 90 day periods, is actually Farm Assured.

If you are unclear from your paperwork at home you should check with either the

Red Tractor Beef and Lamb service on 020 3617 3672

or your certification body:- SAI Global – 01908 249973; NSF – 01993 885610; NIFCC – 028 9263 3017; QWFC – 01970 636688; Acoura – 0131 335 6643

For up to date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & Sheep) 07795 200357

Martin Crowhurst (Sheep & Cattle) 07710 803903 or 01797 343936

Simon Husk (Sheep & Cattle) 07885 968077 or 01304 842393

Mark Cleverdon (Rams, Breeding Cattle, Pigs & Calves) 07748 202688

John Rossiter (Cull ewes & store sheep plus commercial vehicles) 07557 392903

Notices – Hugh Clifton, Hooe, Battle

The family have advised that Hugh has very sadly passed away after a short illness. A regular market user and familiar face around the calf sales ring, he will be missed by his family and all who knew him. Steam engine displays at local shows and rallies will never be quite the same without Hugh either.

A funeral will be held on Thursday 29th March at Hooe Church,, Battle TN33 9HE at 11.30am.

Hay, Straw and fodder

For Sale – 210 small twine wrapped bales of un-sprayed clean meadow hay from old lay made in July 2017. Ashford area. Collect only. Ring 01233 627087

For Sale – 47 round bales of 2017 season made haylage – analysed. Buyer to collect. 01303 840112

For Sale – up to 300 Class 4string rectangular bales of wrapped hayledge made for a 2nd year seeds lay. Delivery can be arranged – mid Kent. Ring 07711167467

For Sale – Large quantity of 2017 ensiled forage maize – analysis available. East Kent. Ring 07739 490975

For Sale – 90 5’ round bales of 2017 season gathered spring barley straw and 100 similar sized bales of wheat straw, all stored inside – Kent / Sussex borders. Ring 07835 521800

For Sale – Organic Hay, Haylage & Silage, Big Square and rounds. All good quality – Available East Sussex/Kent border. Contact Buckhurst Estate: Sharon 01892 770220 or Warren 07836 378044

This register will now run until early May for further details please ring our auctioneers office on 01233 502222 or Mark Cleverdon 07748 202688

Something different – Romney Marsh Wools Open Day

Saturday 25th March – 11am to 4pm. The Boulden family invite you to their Farm Open Day at Rushfield, Giggers Green Road, Aldington, Ashford. TN25 7BT celebrating 10 years in business as Romney Marsh Wools.

Plenty of attractions for all the family to enjoy. Visit www.romneymarshwools.co.uk for more information.

Miscellaneous livestock and general goods and services for sale and wanted ex farm

For Sale – 4 well bred British Blue bulls – East Kent. Ring Simon on 07885 968077

For Sale – 30mths old well bred and grown Simmental bull – East Sussex.

Wanted – work for an experienced relief lamber available for immediate start.  This is a farmers daughter able to help with feeding, bedding, walking out as well as lambing loking for a position  within 10mile radius of Folkestone. Ring 07838 215446.

Marathon man!! This year Mark Cleverdon.

Our Mark is hoping to fulfil a personal ambition to complete the London Marathon on Sunday 22nd April .  The British Legion have provided him with his charity place to run and his aim is to raise £2000 (or more) in sponsorship for this worthy cause. Donations to support Mark and the British Legion can be made by logging into to his charity page – www.justgiving.com/fundraising/mark-cleverdon , Texting CYMA56 £10 to 70070 or passing your donation to Mark himself or adding your name to his sponsors form here in the market