Weekly Sales News – 16th January 2018

This week we, on behalf of 163 individuals, penned and sold just over 3,500 sheep, over 100 calves, nearly 150 pigs, 150 finished and cull cattle and add to that 180 store and breeding cattle and we can now report on the first substantial days business for 2018. Read on for full auctioneers comments on the trade in each section ….


Finished Sheep

1920 Sold


Top price per head – £96.50 – N A Balcomb & Son: Top price per kg – 205p – E Stretton

Report on trade: A similar sized entry of hoggets this week with sold to a comparable trade  but several buyers commented that the overall quality of the sheep on offer this week was not as good as last week and the average weights were certainly lower with more standard and medium weights in the pens. With this in mind trade was certainly a little sharper than last week and the heaviest again looked the best sold to a top price of £96.50 from N A Balcomb & Son for some 51kg hoggets. Best of the export grade hoggets sold around the £2 mark with the top price achieved by E Stretton at 205p. Once again, clean and empty hoggets were sold to a noticeable premium this week with farm assurance also being beneficial.

Producers please note – For top results please present well fleshed lambs which are preferably dry and clean. Lairage facilities and dagging are available every Monday evening.

Sheep sales here in Ashford are supported by buyers representing a large cross section of abattoirs throughout the country. Please ensure your FABBL status is up to date and if you are not FABBL assured seriously consider becoming so – certain buyers are restricted to the purchase of only farm assured stock.

                                                Hogget prices
KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3668.5066.11R T, J B & I Lockwood190.0
3776.0069.24E Stretton205.0
3874.5068.26R T, J B & I Lockwood196.0
3977.0069.99J R Lilley197.0
4079.0072.43R T, J B & I Lockwood198.0
4180.0073.70D G Long195.0
4280.0075.38P Bates190.0
4384.5076.06Ms H V Link197.0
4482.5078.23J Prior & Son188.0
4583.5076.81H & J Noakes186.0
4688.0079.96T Masters191.0
4787.5083.74Hall Place Farms186.0
4892.0084.57M R Woodroofe192.0
4986.8084.52J Prior & Son177.0
5086.0084.19M R Woodroofe172.0
5196.5085.31N A Balcomb & Son189.0
Hoggets – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Av
Light 25.5 to 32 kgs15262.0262.0262.00150.7
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs449205.0169.0182.04178.3
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs932198.044.0178.26189.1
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs438192.0149.0173.30178.5
Other over 52kgs86177.092.0163.94165.5


Cull Ewes and Rams

455 sold


Report on trade: A smaller entry of ewes in the pens this week selling to a similar trade but without the real top end ewes present to break to £100 barrier like last week. We saw a similar trade throughout with a consistent level of demand. More ewes are expected to be sold in the next few weeks as a result of scanning in the area so please advise us of any large consignments you wish to send.

Top prices this week included crossbred ewes to £84.50 from J A & P M Playfoot, Suffolk crosses to £81 from T Masters, Mules to £64 from A Clough and Romneys to £64 from A Barr & Son


Store and breeding Sheep

1131 Sold


Report on trade: A large entry of store hoggets met a strong trade throughout with 15 successful individual buyers competing well for all on offer. Best stores sold readily around £65 per head with top run of the day 107 Charollais cross and Romney wethers topping at £66.80 and averaging £66 overall from R P Mair & Son. Only small long keeping hoggets made  below £55. Averages 1120 sold to £68.50. Ave. £58.60

Store hoggets wanted every week.

Principal prices included:
Breed£ per headVendor
Texel cross£68.50K Wheeler & Sons
Texel cross£68.00A Stickells
Texel cross£66.00S Curran
Texel cross£64.50Castle Hill Farmers & T S Avon
Texel cross£64.00R J Parsons
Charollais cross£66.80R P Mair & Son & J H & A H Godden
Charollais cross£66.00P G & N L Brightling
Suffolk cross£66.80M J Pavia
Suffolk cross£65.00K Wheeler & Sons
Suffolk cross£64.00H J Hecks & Son
Romney wether£64.00S Huggett & H F Brown


Sock Lambs and goat kids

1 Goat Sold

Finished Cattle

45 Sold

Report on trade: A good solid trade with a similar entry attracting prices on a par with last week. The best beef bred sorts on offer sold at 210p per kg plus with a smart handyweight Bazadaise cross topping the market at £1131 (229p) from S Marsh and a Blonde cross heifer looked well sold at £1098 (218p) from G L Boulden & Sons.

The best of the heavier sorts around 210p notably a Limousin cross steer at £1257 (214p) from Gallagher Farms and a run of Limousin crosses made up to £1290 (209p) from W Alexander (Shoreham).

Dairy  and native bred cattle generally made 180 to 190p with a Limousin x Friesian steer topping at £1130 (206p) from A J Down, Aberdeen Angus cross heifer £1181 (188p) from A & S Woodford & Sons, a Sussex cross steer £1250 (190p) from Gillshaw Farms Ltd and Hereford cross heifer £990 (186p) and British White steer £1007 (182p) from G C Amos.

Pure Friesian steers up to £946 (168p) from A J Down.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light steers (370 – 550kg)6205.5169.5187.0
Medium steers (551 – 650kg)9213.5167.5199.2
Heavy steers (over 650kg)2189.5184.5187.0
Light heifers (330 – 500kg)11228.5104.5183.2
Medium heifers (501 – 590kg)8217.5181.5195.6
Heavy heifers (over 590kg)4205.5149.5173.3
Leading steer prices
VendorWeight KgsBreedP per KgGross £
Gallagher Farms58923 mths Limousin214.01260
W Alexander (Shoreham)60529 mths Limousin210.01271
W Alexander (Shoreham)61922 mths Limousin209.01294
Gallagher Farms57525 mths Aberdeen Angus208.01196
A J Down55015 mths Limousin206.01133
Leading heifer prices
S Marsh49517 mths Bazadaise229.01134
G L Boulden & Sons50515 mths Blonde218.01101
W Alexander (Shoreham)57022 mths Limousin210.01197
G L Boulden & Sons49016 mths Blonde208.01019
W Alexander (Shoreham)62522 mths Limousin206.01288


Cull Cows

107 Sold


Report on trade: Another tremendous number of cull cows were offered with an even split of beef and dairy types. Quality was tidy overall with some good fleshed beef cows at the top end for the wholesalers and some shaped hard feeding or grazing continental cows, often non assured, for further farming. A marvellous show of big fed heavyweight Holstein cows from far and wide regularly over £1000. There were more buyers around the ring than we have seen for several months showing the confidence in the processed meat sector and the desire from feeders to maintain stock.

Best prices achieved included Limousin 164p, 149p £973 J Berryman, 148p, 146p, £1033, £974 L E Humphreys & Sons and 146p £1084 A Boyd & Co; Simmental cross feeders 145p, 138p(2), 137p, 129p(2) £957 (Non FA) Gladwin Farming Ptnrs; South Devon 145p £1185 W E Baines, 141p £984,  A J Thompson & Sons and 132p £999 D A Dark; Aberdeen Angus 138p, 136p, 126p £1038 R Brown and Daughter and 137p £1072 Gallagher Farms; British Blue cross 136p, 133p A J Thompson & Sons, 134p £1108 Dan Mackelden Ltd and 131p J Berryman; Lincoln Red cross 133p R Brown and Daughter; Sussex 130p, 125p, 120p £983(Non FA) A H Hoad & Son and 130p £910 A J Thompson & Sons with Hereford cross 130p A R J Cyster & Sons (Non FA) and 130p, 123p £997 (Non FA) B Newbigging.

A grand show of heavyweight Holstein cows found a marvellous trade but all types were in demand and the lighter, half meat cows straight from the dairy were also much in demand.

Holstein maiden heifers 138p J E Scutt & Sons; Holstein cows 132p(2), 125p, 124p, 123p, 122p £1182, £1052, £1039 R Torrance & Son; 125p, 124p(2), 121p(2), £1079, £1037, £1013 N J & G M Lambert and 125p, 124p, 120p J E Scutt & Sons; Norwegian Red cross 124p(Non FA) A R J Cyster & Sons; Ayrshire 118p J Howie and Dairy Shorthorn 113p R L W Parrett.

A South Devon bull made 104p and £1195.

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows57163.0574.5121.4
Dairy cows49137.555.5109.5


Store Cattle

172 Sold


Report on trade: A good entry of store cattle early in the year were well received with plenty of potential customers in attendance and 17 successful individual buyers ensuring competitive returns throughout. Smart youngsters looked well sold up to £760 for Limousin cross steers from P H Hope while strong cattle to finish short term attracted prices in excess of £1000 and up to £1050 for a Limousin cross steer from R & H Vincent.

Again all native bred cattle were keenly sort after with a very smart 10 mths Aberdeen Angus cross bull at £950 from J Boomaars, quality 18 mths Hereford cross steers around £900 and Aberdeen Angus cross steers up to £975 from J S Rye.

More store cattle could be sold every week at favourable prices.

Principal prices include:                                                                                                                  

Continental Cross
9 mths Limousin cross steers£760P H Hope
9 mths Limousin cross steers£725R M Christie
18 mths Simmental x Sussex steers£760R J Parsons
18 mths Blonde cross steers£890N Vincent
20 mths Blonde cross heifers£960N Vincent
20 mths Limousin cross steers£1050R & H Vincent
24 mths Simmental cross heifers£935F S Husk
Native Bred
10 mths Aberdeen Angus cross bull£950J Boomaars
10 mths Beef Shorthorn steers£665Valley Park School YFC
18 mths Sussex cross steers£810S Gribble
18 mths Sussex cross steers£790D Welsh
18 mths Hereford cross steers£900R & H Vincent
20 mths Hereford cross steers£910F Pearce & Sons
20 mths Hereford cross heifers£745F Pearce & Sons
27 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£975J S Rye
16 mths Friesian heifers£560A R J Cyster & Sons


Breeding Cattle

1 Bull and 3 females Sold


Report on trade: A young Blonde bull made £1060, 2 in calf Charolais cows from J Boomaars £1020 and £1050 and a young Limousin cow and calf £1030

Breeding cattle will be offered again on Tuesday 30th January.




109 Sold


Report on trade: Good to see plenty of calves on offer for 20 buyers to bid for. Please keep in touch with entries for each sale – it does help and buyers appreciate and accurate forecast of expected numbers.

The trade remains very fair for the stock offered with good competitive bidding the theme of the sales. All classifications were in demand this week and the stable place the beef trade is in means prospects look good going forward.

Examples of the trade included J E Scutt & Sons selling 6 to 9 week old British Blue bulls to £270 twice and heifers to £260 and Aberdeen Angus cross bulls to £270; J Howie selling 8 week old Limousin cross bulls to £255; Ledger (Appleton) Farms 4 December  born British Blue Bulls £260 to £275 and 3 heifers £23; D Murdoch & Sons late November born British Blue bull £310; H O Champneys Ltd November born Simmental bulls £370 and heifers £290and British Blue bulls to £310and heifers £36

Selling black and white bulls were N J & G M Lambert with one born in October to £130 and 6 averaging £84; M W Goddards oldest to £100 and W S Furnival Ltd’s 14 October and November born to £110 averaging £76.85

A super run of October born Limousin and Charolais cross bulls from the Squerryes Dairy Ptnrs with Limousin £360 and Charolais to £405 (8averaged £399)

Sales will be offered fortnightly again through the whole of 2018.

Calf averages – £ per head
Continental bulls28405.00180.00306.61
Continental heifers10365.00150.00245.20
Native bulls6270.00200.00221.67
Native heifers5185.00100.00151.00
Friesian 1st quality7130.00100.00107.43
Friesian 2nd quality1695.0062.0079.19
Friesian bulls 3rd quality3560.008.0037.60

Calf sellers and buyers should be aware that welfare regulations state that while an animal can be sold at 7 days old if they are offered at under 10 days old they cannot be transported more than 100km from the market. Buyers are notified from the rostrum when these calves are offered.

From a sellers view it is best  not to present calves at under 10 days old to avoid possibly restricting the number of potential bidders for your stock.


Store and Finished Pigs

145 Sold


Report on trade: A typical January entry and predictable slow demand in the finished pens. Stores looked a little brighter with 10 pens sold.

Finished pigs sold 115p per kg for the best single heavy pig with other good pigs 75p to 102p from S Scott & Son and J Watt. The rest made 48p to 84p.

The cull pigs offered made to 45p for 2 well fleshed models with others to 34p.

Store pigs made £46 with other good whites £29 to £36 with smaller and coloured £7 to £19.

Pig averages
1st Quality finished – p per kg18115.084.098.3
                               – £ per head128.8077.2892.38
Finished others – p per kg2878.028.060.5
                               – £ per head199.1730.7257.10
Sows-p per kg845.027.032.6
         £ per head90.1039.0057.82
Boars – p per kg430.010.024.1
                                £ per head93.000.049.75
Strong stores6030.007.0018.37
Small stores2846.0036.0037.79

We remind all pig farmers of the information below

Identification of pigs – again we draw your attention to the fact that it is essential all pigs have permanent identification when offered for sale in a market i.e. slap mark or ear tag. Please ensure you comply with this regulation.


General information


Ashford Cattle Show 2017

Prize giving evening will be Monday 22nd January at 7pm here in the Amos Hall at the market.


Last year Jon Chapman was Marathon man !! This year Mark Cleverdon is having a go.

What did / would you do on you 62nd birthday and 23rd wedding anniversary ?? Run and attempt to complete the London Marathon ??

Our Mark is hoping to fulfil a personal ambition to complete the London Marathon in 2018 on a special day for him. The British Legion have provided him with his charity place to run and his aim is to raise £2000 (or more) in sponsorship for this worthy cause.

Donations to support Mark and the British Legion can be made by logging into to his charity page – www.justgiving.com/fundraising/mark-cleverdon, Texting CYMA56 £10 to 70070 or passing your donation to Mark himself or adding your name to his sponsors form here in the market.


Hay, Straw and fodder

For Sale – 90 5’ round bales of 2017 season gathered spring barley straw and 100 similar sized bales of wheat straw, all stored inside – Kent / Sussex borders. Ring 07835 521800

For Sale – Organic Hay, Haylage & Silage, Big Square and rounds. All good quality – Available East Sussex/Kent border. Contact Buckhurst Estate: Sharon 01892 770220 or Warren 07836 378044

This register will now run until early May for further details please ring our auctioneers office on 01233 502222 or Mark Cleverdon 07748 202688

Miscellaneous livestock and general goods and services for sale and wanted ex farm

For Sale – 3 14 week old Collie puppiesin the Rye area. Ring 07808 656772

For Sale –a very well bred Beef Shorthorn bull, 20 mths old which is fully health checked and on a TB Low farm. Ring Mark Cleverdon for details

Wanted – up to 30 Sussex or Aberdeen Angus x Friesian heifers or young cows in calf to a Limousin bull. Ring Mark Cleverdon for details

Wanted – lambing assistant required for 700 ewes from mid March for 3 weeks at Hardres Court Farm, Nr. Canterbury. Ring 07976 433593

Wanted- shepherd to care for a flock of 800 Suffolk x Mules lambing in mid-April. Full time, part time or just lambing season availability considered. Must have a sheep dog and significant shepherding experience. Accommodation and vehicle available, work to start in the New Year. All enquiries to: owenpiper@hotmail.co.uk

Grazing available in Hampshire for 300 Romney or Romney cross ewe lambs until mid September 2018. Ring 07785 793450

Romney Sheepbreeders News

The recent edition of the breeders Society newsletter, produced by new breed secretary Julie Lukehurst, is available here in the market. For all society information Julie can be contacted on 07538 938425



RABI, FCN and Kent Herdsmans Club News


Farmhouse Breakfast season

Friday 19th January – The Alma, Bayfield Painters, Forstal, Faversham, Kent ME13 0DU

Wednesday 24th January – Medway Yacht Club, Lower Upnor, Rochester. ME2 4XB

Wednesday 24th January at 8am Greenfields, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 0NG

Friday 2nd February – Macknade Fine Foods, Selling Road, Faversham ME13 8XF

Wednesday 7th February – The Dirty Habit, Upper Street, Hollingbourne, Kent, ME17 IUW

Thursday 8th February – Elham Valley Vineyard, Elham Valley Road, Barham, Kent CT4 6LN

Wednesday 14th February – The Stockpot, Ashford Market, Ashford. TN24 0HB

Thursday 15th February – Dog & Duck, Pluks Gutter, Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent CT3 1JB

Wednesday 21st February 2018 – Farmhouse Breakfast – Chiddingstone Castle, Hill Hoath Road, Chiddingstone, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7AD

Further fundraising events

Sunday 21st January at 3.15pm – Plough Sunday Service Rochester Cathedral

Monday 26th February 2018 – Plumpton Race Day, Plumpton Race Course, Plumpton Lane, Plumpton BN7 3AL

Friday 23rd March – Clay pigeon shoot at West Kent Shooting School, Brenchley. TN12 7DG

Sunday 13th May 2018 – Tour of Chapel Down Vineyard, Chapel Down Winery, Small Hythe, Tenterden, Kent TN30 7NG

Wednesday 27th June – Champagne, Strawberries & Jazz at the Kent County Showground, Detling. ME14 3JF

For further information on all RABI events in Kent ring Charles Tassell – 01622 858733, 07973 412179 or email charles@tassell.co.uk

Kent Herdsmans Club

For all details on Herdsman’s Club events contact Chairman Alan Jull 07708283220 or Jo Masters 01580 240568

South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The January edition of this popular regional farming magazine is now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker are regular contributors to the editorial content.



Kent Young Farmers Clubs News

President Claire Eckley reports from the recent Kent Young Farmers’ Clubs Winter Competitions Day kindly supported by BTF Partnership

Nine clubs and over 100 members took part in YFC Winter Competitions held recently at Detling Village Hall.  The judges said it was great, not only to see high standards as well as lots of entries, but also to see lots of members having fun and supporting their teams.

The main results included – Disco Dancing, Ashford YFC; Senior Member of the Year, Kate Sutherland, Canterbury; Junior Member of the Year, Ellie Husk, Canterbury; Situations Vacant, Mike Simmons, Canterbury; Junior Reading, Weald of Kent YFC; Junior Public Speaking, Cobtree YFC; Just A Minute, Suki Squibb, Ashford YFC; Debating, Cobtree YFC and Overall craft, Ashford YFC

Overall Winter Competitions Day winner was Westlands School YFC. Good luck to all members going on to South East Area in a few weeks time.



AHDB Beef and Lamb Levy Payer Open Meeting

Tuesday 30th January 7pm – 9:30pm at Silvermere Golf & Leisure, Redhill Rd, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 1EF

AHDB Beef & Lamb invite everyone to join them for this open meeting hosted by your local Knowledge Exchange Manager, with Laura Ryan, AHDB Beef & Lamb Strategy Director and Adam Quinney, AHDB Beef & Lamb Chairman.

Updates will be given from the wider team on key elements of our ‘Inspiring Success’ strategy, such as our role in maintaining and developing export markets overseas during the transition to a post-Brexit trading environment. There will also be a presentation on our planned promotional activity, including our work communicating the health benefits of red meat.

Programme – 7.00pm, Arrival with light refreshments. 7.30pm, Welcome- Strategy and Market update – Laura Ryan and Nerys Wright, KE Manager. Then – Export and Market Access update – AHDB Exports team; Marketing update – Consumer Marketing team; AHDB project farm – Insight into KE and R&D activity; Final questions and closing remarks – Adam Quinney with meeting closing at approx 9.30pm

To book your FREE place ring the AHDB KE Events Hub on 01904 771213 or email ke.events@ahdb.org.uk