Weekly Sales News – 15th October 2019

Cattle were traded again this week in large volumes – 592 stores, 81 culls, 78 calves and 44 finished. On the sheep front quite a few more pens made over £80. Read on for full auctioneers reports….

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/auctioneers/livestock-marketing/forthcoming-sales/


Finished Sheep

764 Sold

Top price per head – £92.50- Ms A Almeida: Top price per kilo – 197p – Miss R Russell

Report on trade: A slightly bigger entry again this week, with quality also beginning to improve from what we have seen in the last few months. The top spots this week were filled by the ladies with both Miss R Russell and Ms A Almeida taking top prices per kilo and per head at 197p per kg and £91.50 respectively.

Trade has certainly started to improve along with the quality on offer and this could be due to a potential European deal on the horizon or a panic buy by the export customers. Who knows what the next few weeks will bring, but we will be selling lambs every week, that’s a given. Heavier lambs were the best sold on the day with several more lambs selling in excess of £80.

Sheep sales here in Ashford are supported by buyers representing a large cross section of abattoirs throughout the country. Please ensure your FABBL status is up to date and if you are not FABBL assured seriously consider becoming so – certain buyers are restricted to the purchase of only farm assured stock.

                                            New Season Lambs
KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3665.0065.16Miss R Thompson181.0
3772.0065.79G D Venner195.0
3865.0063.35E J Stanford & Sons171.0
3976.5068.57Mrs J Walker196.0
4076.0069.98C Woodhead190.0
4179.0070.60G D Venner193.0
4279.0073.57Ms C Cox188.0
4382.5076.29I Lucas192.0
4483.0077.53R A Lucas189.0
4585.0079.60Mrs J Walker189.0
4680.0076.81E J Stanford & Sons174.0
4781.0080.84Ms A Almeida172.0
New Season Lambs – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Av
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs163197.0159.0176.0169.6
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs413193.0148.0175.3173.4
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs91182.0152.0169.4162.3
Other over 52 kgs6173.0164.0170.0151.5

Cull Ewes and Rams

880 sold

Report on trade: A big entry of over 800 ewes on offer this week but a very poor show of quality which is clearly seen in the averages. Despite this the best ewes were sold for in excess of £100 to a top price of £108 from Homewood School YFC. A huge amount of grazing types on offer with a big number of leaner Romney’s which were trading from £25-£45.

Top prices included crossbred ewes to £108 from Homewood School, Suffolk crosses to £70 from S W Mount & Sons and Romneys to £71 from R H Kingston.

Store and Breeding Sheep

0 Sold

Sock Lambs

0 Sold

Finished Cattle

56 Sold

Report on trade: Another good entry of cattle met a very fair trade with prices slightly up on the week and comparing favourably with deadweight returns. A smart Limousin cross heifer topped the market at £1149 (208p per kg) out of a run which sold readily around 190p from W S Furnival (Brookland) while other top prices included a Blonde cross steer at £1206 (192p) from W Alexander (Shoreham) and Limousin cross steer at £1040 (188p) from G L Boulden & Sons. A run of Continental x Friesian steers sold relatively well from A J Down at around 175p and up to £1014 (180p) for a Limousin cross and Hereford x Friesian to £1036 (173p).

A small entry of native bred cattle saw a heavyweight Aberdeen Angus cross steers grossing well in excess of £1200 notably £1251 (161p) from P Gorringe and £1212 (150p) from J Earey.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light steers (370 – 550kg)2188.5169.5179.0
Medium steers (551 – 650 kg)17191.5144.5172.6
Heavy steers (over 650 kg)9184.5145.5159.5
Light heifers (330 – 500 kg)3189.5177.5181.8
Medium heifers (501 – 590kg)9207.5152.5179.6
Heavy heifers (over 590kg)4180.5149.5165.3
Leading steer prices
ProducerWeightAge and breedP per kgGross £
W Alexander (Shoreham)63019 mths Blonde192.01210
W Alexander (Shoreham)58919 mths Limousin189.01113
G L Boulden & Sons54417 mths Limousin189.01028
G L Boulden & Sons55518 mths Limousin188.01043
W Alexander (Shoreham)65521 mths Limousin185.01212
Leading heifer prices
W S Furnival (Brookland)55420 mths Limousin208.01152
W S Furnival (Brookland)54019 mths Limousin197.01064
W S Furnival (Brookland)51019 mths Limousin195.0995
W S Furnival (Brookland)54119 mths Limousin190.01028
W S Furnival (Brookland)49520 mths Limousin190.0941


Cull Cows and Bulls

69 Sold

Report on trade: Strong numbers again particularly for a big store cattle day but not the overall quality of recent weeks with definite signs of vendors tidying up the older cows and easily identifiable culls before winter (or has it already arrived!)? Trade is just easing back nationally with high numbers of cows, particularly from the dairy sector, coming forward in the West and North as dairies are well into winter housing and winter rations.

Still a good attendance of buyers and trade for good meat and young feeding cows little changed. Plain cows from the dairy herd and old cows from the beef sector were back a shade.

The right beef cow with flesh and assurance still made 110p – 130p per kg with young feeders at similar levels. Older cows 60p to 90p depending on potential but with a long winter ahead the decision to cull should be done sooner rather than later.

In beef lines Charolais made 126p and grossed £983 from R Stannard; Aberdeen Angus 115p and £1174 and Sussex 132p £763 Raveningham Farms; Limousin cross 117p £775 (Non FA) Will Agri; Hereford 112p, 106p, 104p £830 M J Britton; Hereford cross 113p £878 A J Thompson & Sons; Sussex cross 106p £971 K & P M Sinden & Sons and 101p £789 (Non FA) CTS Farms.

Few real meat cows forward this week in the dairy lines – British Friesian 111p (2), 110p, 109p, 108p £811, £772 Debden Court; 116p £785 R & J Ledger with Holstein Friesian 106p, 101p (2) £881, £809 Appleton Farms.

Bulls not very easy with flesh types to 80p.

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows28131.539.595.3
Dairy cows39115.529.578.7


Store Cattle

592 Sold

Report on trade: The largest entry of the season comprising mainly Continental cross stores in the 15-20 mths age bracket was well attended with buyers from the West Country, Midlands and Eastern Counties competing well with the local customers for all on offer.

The stronger and better bred cattle with condition attracted the most interest while plainer and poorer quality cattle are proving more difficult to sell and reflecting the returns available in the finished market. The majority sold from £700 to £1000 with Limousin cross steers topping at £1080 and smart Limousin cross heifers to £1040 from C W Jones. Younger cattle and dairy bred Friesian steers generally selling between£300 to £600.


Principal prices included:               

12 mths Limousin cross heifers£835H & S Nesfield
12-14 mths Limousin cross steers£925C & J Georgetti & Sons
12-14 mths Limousin cross heifers£885C & J Georgetti & Sons
16 mths Charolais cross steers£950R V A Stannard
16 mths Limousin cross steers£890CTS Farms
16 mths Limousin cross heifers£875CTS Farms
15 mths Limousin cross steers£930D J Cornforth
16 mths Limousin cross heifers£830E W & R E Hanks
18 mths Limousin cross steers£1030A J Strand & Sons
18 mths Limousin cross heifers£865A J Strand & Sons
18 mths Limousin cross steers£1080C W Jones
18 mths Limousin cross heifers£1040C W Jones
18 mths Simmental cross steers£940S F G Wall
18 mths Simmental cross heifers£850S F G Wall
18 mths Simmental cross steers£820W J Hurley
18 mths Simmental cross heifers£785W J Hurley
18 mths British Blue cross heifers£920M Worssam
18 mths Simmental cross steers£875P N & C Burden
18 mths Limousin cross heifers£830P N & C Burden
18 mths Simmental cross steers£1015A J Thompson & Sons
18 mths Simmental cross steers£990Pynn Contractors
18 mths Limousin cross steers£995H G Tompsett & Sons Ltd
20 mths Limousin cross steers£950C D Millen
20 mths Charolais cross steers£900R Murtagh
20 mths British Blue x Friesian steers£810T Carr
24 mths British Blue x Friesian steers£1000G B Nicholson & Son
15 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£850R & H Vincent
15 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£785G Hosmer & Son
22 mths Sussex steers£870Mrs J Fuller


Sussex and Breeding Cattle

0 Sold


78 Sold

Report on trade: Less numbers about than the previous fortnight but despite this a good variety of calves for buyers of all makes and models to choose from.

A quality entry of continental calves sold on a slightly improved trade from the previous fortnight. Bulls sold to £270 for an older British Blue from Falconhurst Estate, W S Furnival Ltd sold younger British Blue bulls to £250 and Limousins to £190. Larger types made £150 to £200 with smaller framed calves discounted. Continental heifers were well sold to £230 for a British Blue from T Castle & Son with other larger framed heifers £150 plus with smaller types less.

A small entry of native sired calves came forward meeting a similar trade to the previous fortnight. Bulls sold to £180 for an Aberdeen Angus from W F Farms and heifers to £130 for an Aberdeen Angus from the same vendor.

The black and white bull trade saw a slight improvement, particularly with second grade and bobby calves, however this could in part be attributed to an improved quality of calf on the fortnight ago. First grade calves sold to £70 from M A & F W Owen with second graders to £55 from P J Forknall and generally selling £40 -£50. Bobbies to £30 from J Warnock & Son and generally selling at £14 to £20.

A small entry of weanling steers and heifers sold to £325 for British Blue steers from the John Graham Centre.

We remind all calf sellers and buyers of the information below

Calf sellers and buyers should be aware that welfare regulations state that while an animal can be sold at 7 days old if they are offered at under 10 days old they cannot be transported more than 100km from the market. Buyers are notified from the rostrum when these calves are offered.

From a sellers view it is best not to present calves at under 10 days old to avoid possibly restricting the number of potential bidders for your stock.

Calf averages – £ per head
Continental bulls14270.0010.00154.64
Continental heifers14230.0080.00163.21
Native bulls4180.0040.00125.00
Native heifers4130.0080.00101.25
Friesian – 1st370.0060.0063.33
Friesian – 2nd1455.0040.0046.43
Friesian – 3rd and bobbies1930.005.0017.47
Continental male3325.00190.00280.00
Continental female1190.00190.00190.00
Native male1325.00325.00325.00

Store and Finished Pigs

127 Sold

Report on trade: A large entry of finished pigs were penned this week and the best were a good trade while demand for second quality was limited. The best cull pigs also look a good price while stores were again traded to limited demand. Brexit comment still hangs over the national trading picture and is reflected all the way down the supply chain.

In the finished pig pens the best came from regular suppliers S Scott & Son with 2 pens 126p and 123p per kg and S J M Evans whose 9 pigs made from 106p to 120p. Ray Scott and Mary Godden sold good shaped coloured pigs to 98p, C K Guests white pigs sold to 120p with 40p to 84p covering the rest sold.

In the cull pig pens a smaller entry sows saw the best make 60p and away from the heaviest and best fleshed 24p to 45p covered the rest. Best boar made was a good shaped example at 50p

A good selection of store pigs were again forward but demand was a little limited. Good white weaners made £23 to £26 with stronger Saddlebacks to £19

Pig averages
Finished good – p per kg27126.084.0109.2
                                 £ per head106.8065.5589.48
Finished others – p per kg5082.040.057.0
                                 £ per head78.3333.0052.43
Sows – p per kg1560.024.086.5
                                 £ per head166.0034.80124.90
Boars – p per kg350.018.038.7
                                 £ per head124.0025.2086.40
Small stores – £ per head1119.0017.0018.09
Strong stores – £ per head2126.0023.0024.67

General information

RABI, Young Farmers Clubs, 91 Club, Kent Herdsmans Club and FCN news

RABI – copies of a summer newsletter are available here in the market.

For further information on all RABI events in Kent ring Charles Tassell – 01622 858733, 07973 412179 or email charles@tassell.co.uk

Kent Herdsmans Club.

For all details on Herdsman’s Club events please contact Chairman Alan Jull 07708283220 or Jo Masters 01580 240568.

Ashford Young Farmers – copies of their August / September newsletter are available here in the market.

For all details on Ashford Young Farmers please contact Amy Langdon at amy.langdon1234@hotmail.co.uk

Tonbridge Young Farmers – Debbie Broad and friends in the area have reopened this club.

For all details of plans for the future please contact the Broads through Debbie’s Facebook page or email tonbridgeyfc19@gmail.com

South East Farmer and Farm Machinery magazines

The October edition of this popular regional farming magazine is now available here in the market. Hobbs Parker are regular contributors to the editorial content.

Something different … a local charity event

Perry Court Farm, Bilting, Ashford – Annual Apple Fayre. Saturday and Sunday 19th and 20th October (10am to 5pm). Raising money for the Pilgrims Hospice

Over 200 varieties of apples and pears on display, arts and crafts stalls, apple cake and many more attractions

Romney Sheepbreeders News

Friday 15th November – Romney Sheep Breeders Dinner at The Swan, Chapel Down Vineyard, Tenterden. TN30 7NG at 7pm for 7.30. £39.50 per ticket. Places are limited.

The recent edition of the breeders Society newsletter, produced by breed secretary Julie Lukehurst, is available here in the market. For all society information Julie can be contacted on 07538 938425

Notices – Judy Bishop, Cranbrook

Family and friends have asked to advise that Judy sadly passed away recently after a long battle with illness. Judy, with husband Chris, have farmed at Cranbrook with livestock for a number of years now and been regular supporters of the market. She will be missed by all who met and knew her within the market and rural community in the area.

A private funeral will be followed by a memorial service at Goudhurst Church on Wednesday 6th November at 11:30 am.

Miscellaneous livestock and general goods and services for sale and wanted ex farm

For Sale – Border Collie puppies from excellent working parents. 3 Boys, tri coloured and black/white – Call Holly on 07850524206

Livestock for sale by private treaty – ex farm

For Sale – 2 pedigree polled Hereford bulls, 17 mths on a West Kent farm.

For Sale – 15 Aberdeen Angus x Friesian heifers, 20-24 mths on a West Sussex farm

Vehicle Parking on busy market days – Congestion in the bottom / livestock parking area

Please help us to help you. The upper car park on the top side of the market buildings is available for all cars and Land Rovers with trailers.

Disabled bays – please would market users please respectfully only use these bays if displaying the recognized blue badge

Ashford Cattle Show – It is Christmas Show time!!!

Monday and Tuesday 25th and 26th November

Annual show of livestock, crops, carcases and much much more. All details from Julie Coney 07887 643002 or email ashfordcattleshow@gmail.co.uk

Entries close on Tuesday 15th October.

Hobbs Parker Auctioneers and Car Auctions

run over 200 auction sales every year

Our next Auction Sales are ……

Classic Car Auction

Friday 25th October at 12pm

A wide selection of Vintage and Classic Motorbikes, Campervans, Sports Cars, Commercials and other vehicles are generally offered in these sales

Model Railway, Collectable and Toy Auction

Friday 25th October

Featuring a large collection of Hornby, Triang and other model trains memorabilia, books, etc

Commercial Vehicles

Thursday 31st October at 3.00pm

A wide selection of up to 40 vehicles are generally offered in these sales

Special 4 x 4, Diesel and MPV Vehicle sale

Wednesday 6th November at 4pm

This auction of cars will include a special sale of 4 X 4, Diesel and MPV with the normal car auction to follow

Collective Machinery & Equipment sale

Friday 8th November at 9.30am

Catalogues will be available about a week before the sale.

Lots will include new & nearly new mowers & garden machinery. New tools, farm & agricultural equipment, timber plus large selection of miscellaneous items.

Special Sports and High Performance Vehicle sale

Wednesday 27th November at 5pm

This auction of cars will include a special sale sports and high performance cars with the normal car auction to follow