Weekly Sales News – 12 July 2016

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The sheep trade this week dominates the market headlines. Peter Kingwill says “With the £ remaining weak a large entry of nearly 3,500 sheep saw the lambs selling to average just over 200p per kg with the best continental crosses 210 to 230p and grossing to £100.

Cattle made to 230p per kg and £1296. Very few stores were penned but nearly 150 are expected next Tuesday”

Finished Sheep

3,328 Sold


Top price per kilo – 229p – Mrs C Worley: Top price per head – £100.50 – Miss K Dennis

 Report on trade: We penned a larger entry of lambs this week and sellers saw a tremendous trade throughout returning an average of 203p per kg. A good number of sheep are starting to do well off grass following a few better days weather in the past couple of weeks. Best export grade lambs made in excess of 220p and to a top of 229p from Mrs C Worley from 38kg Beltex lambs ( £87). Heavier weight lambs were also in demand by the catering industry with the top pen of 48kg lambs from M J Jilks selling to £100.

We would draw producers attention to the fact that a few lame sheep have been consigned to the market in recent weekshich have come to the attention of Trading Standards Officers.

All animals must be able to support weight on all four feet to be deemed fit for market and to travel.  

New season lamb prices
KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3476.0067.10Harbourne Farm224.0
3579.0068.15Harbourne Farm226.0
3677.5070.95Harbourne Farm215.0
3781.5073.99Mrs E Matthews220.0
3887.0076.49Mrs C Worley229.0
3988.0080.83Mrs C Worley226.0
4091.0083.04G H Dean & Co228.0
4189.5083.30Mrs V McDonald218.0
4290.0084.80G H Dean & Co214.0
4392.5088.63Dan Mackelden Ltd215.0
4494.5090.39G H Dean & Co215.0
4596.2092.36H & J Noakes214.0
4698.5093.16M L Williams214.0
4799.0097.57G H Dean & Co211.0
New season lambs – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Average
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs1,513229.0170.0202.6200.9
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs1,176228.0163.0205.0205.3
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs101214.0194.0204.2199.5

Cull Ewes

364 sold


Report on trade: Once again a very strong trade throughout the ewe section mostly due to a small number on offer for sale this week. Ewes are running short nationally as many of the earlier lambing flocks have now tidied up the majority of their culls and we have yet to get into the weaned ewes from the later flocks. Ewes sold in excess of £90 and returned an overall average of £68.

Top prices this week included continental cross ewes to £92 from GH Dean & Co, Suffolk crosses to £90.50 from SW Mount & Sons and Romneys to £72 from Wey Street Farmers

Finished Cattle

50 Sold


Report on trade: Another smart show of finished cattle met a sharp trade with plenty of customers around the ring. Rates are improving assisted by a weaker pound but it is more, at present, to do with supplies that are seasonally short.

Quality heifers from M B Farms led the results selling to 230p and 220p twice with D W Ferguson just a shade behind at 219p. Good fed commercial types regularly made 190 to 205p.

The steer section was led by smart Limousin x Sussex from WS Furnival at 212p with others 200p and over  from W Alexander, R F & E A Simmons, A J Down, D W Ferguson and GL Boulden & Sons.

We also can report a strong commercial trade throughout with a few exempt cattle also finding a good positive trade.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light steers (370-550 kgs)3200.0178.0185.2
Medium steers (551-650 kgs)21212.0175.0189.5
Light  heifers (370-550 kgs)2192.0175.0183.0
Medium heifers (551-650 kgs)14230.0183.0200.6
Heavy heifers (651+ kgs)3205.0178.0189.5
Leading steer prices
VendorWeight KgsBreedP per KgGross £
W S Furnival (Brookland)59016 mths Limousin212.01248
W Alexander (Shoreham)56521 mths Limousin207.01167
W Alexander (Shoreham)59726 mths Limousin206.01227
R F & E A Simmons56027 mths Limousin205.01145
A J Down57516 mths Limousin202.01159

Leading heifer prices

M B Farms56527 mths Limousin230.01297
M B Farms57527 mths Limousin220.01262
M B Farms55625 mths Limousin220.01220
D W Ferguson Ltd57325 mths Limousin219.01252
W S Furnival (Brookland)51416 mths Blonde207.01061

Cull Cows

27 Sold


Report on trade: We had disappointing numbers this week but perhaps not so surprising after the County Show, a spell of haymaking and some transport complications!

Trade remains on fire with the weaker Pound undoubtedly assisting. Supplies nationally are tight with dairy production profiles also keeping cows in the parlour. Plan your culling strategy early and get cows marketed before the autumn ease in prices. Assurance makes a difference but exempt cattle no different from the rest. Take advantage!

A tremendous Limousin cow 130p per kg and grossed £1263 (exempt) from N Gould; Simmental 127p (exempt) Siggs Farms; South Devon 125p £981 Frederick & Son; Aberdeen Angus 122p D J Miles; Hereford 121p A J Thompson & Sons; Sussex 120p £962 R Carr Ptnrs, 120p DJ Miles and 120p Siggs Farms (exempt) and a British Blue 120p and  £914 R Carr Ptnrs.

A few dairy culls again and all very dear with Holsteins to 120p and £943 from J Gormley; Montbelliarde 114p and Ayrshires 110p.

A Limousin stock bull made 109p.

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows18130.079.0117.2
Dairy cows7118.060.094.6

Store Cattle

3 Sold


Report on trade: A very small entry.

Next week we will pen over 100 head in this section – see front pages of this report for details


0 Sold

Fortnightly sales

Store and Finished Pigs

0 Sold

Fortnightly sales

General information

Forthcoming auction sales and community news


Hobbs Parker Auctioneers and Car Auctions run over 200 auction sales every year

Our next Auction Sales are ……

Store and Breeding Sheep sale

Friday 29th July at 11am

This our first of 14 late summer and autumn sales and will incorporate the Southdown Sheep Societies Early Premier Breeders Show and Sale of breeding sheep – see first page of this report for a summary of Southdown entries.

Collective Machinery & Equipment sale

Friday 5th August at 9.30am. Entries close this Friday 15th July

New & newly near mowers & garden machinery

New tools, farm & agricultural equipment, timber plus large selection of miscellaneous items.

Horse & Saddlery Sale

Thursday 18th August at 10am. Entries close Wednesday 3rd August   

Entries expected of riding ponies, event horses and youngstock

New & nearly new saddlery & tack, grooming kit, yard equipment, rugs, harness

Riding boots, show jackets, jodhpurs, body protectors, yard clothing & boots

Special Vehicle sale

Monday 29th August from 10am

This auction of cars will include a special sales of 4 X 4, Diesel, sports and high performance, commercial and general vehicles. Upto 500 vehicles will be on site and in the sale.

Chilli Farm Machinery sale

Saturday 1st October at 9.30am

Large entries of tractors, trailers, vehicles, arable equipment, haymaking equipment, tractor attachments & spares, livestock kit, garden machinery, workshop tools and a large and varied selection of rural bygones are expected

Upto 500 lots of shrubs and garden plants and hedging and trees will also be offered

General news

Updated 12th July 2016

For Sale ex farm 3 in pig Saddleback Sows due in the next month to six weeks from an East Kent farm

Pedigree British Blue bull bn 10/2014 from a mid Kent farm

Upto 10 late spring calved pedigree Sussex cows. Hertfordshire TB Low.

Quantity of 2015 made clamped maize silage in the Tonbridge area. Ring 07771 657402“

Sunday 17th JulySingleton Rare Breeds Show, Chichester. Full details available from the museum on 01243 811348.

Sunday 17th JulySouthern Shears – at Holmbush Farm, Faygate, Crawley, West Sussex (RH12 4SE). this is a shearing competition which will be run on BISCA rules with open, junior, novice, ladies and blades. Full details available from Mary Masters mary.m@btconnect.com, Facebook and Twitter (@southernshears) or www.southernshears.weebly.com

Sheep 2016

Kent Herdsmans Club – For all details on Herdsman’s Club events contact Chairman Sandra Brown on 01233 502796 or Jo Masters 01580 240568

Monday 1st August  at 7.30pmvisit to Trottenden Farm, Lidwells Lane, Goudhurst, Cranbrook. TN17 1ES to view their Pedigree Sussex Cattle.

Monday 12th September at 7.30pmvisit to Brattle Farm Museum, Pinnock Lane, Staplehurst. The museum is signed by brown ‘tourist’ signs from main road through Staplehurst.

Farmers Weekly Awards 2016 – we congratulate 2 nominees, who have connections with the market and Hobbs Parker, who have reached the final stages of these competitions (top 3). Andrew Howard from Hothfield in Arable Farmer of the Year and  Peter Brown from Bicester in Beef Farmer of the Year.


Congratulations to David Martin

At last weeks Kent Show David received the Societies Long Service award for almost 50 years to Hobbs Parker and other livestock markets in the area.

In an extract from Elwyn’s words to support the award he said  “David is the longest serving member of staff at Hobbs Parker by a distance, having started work on 20th July 1967 at the age of 15, and will be celebrating 50 years service next year.

David has been involved in all livestock and machinery sales at Ashford Market for this time undertaking many duties including the management of the lairage facilities, sorting of stock