Weekly Sales News – 11th February 2020

The sheep trade and the strong demand for feeding cattle make the headlines this week in our reports on the livestock sales here in Ashford. Read on for this weeks reports….

For forthcoming sales information – www.hobbsparker.co.uk/auctioneers/livestock-marketing/forthcoming-sales/


Finished Sheep

2,064 Sold

Top price per kilo – 268p – M A Piper & Son Farms; Top price per head – £131 – T Heathcote

Report on trade: Just over 2,000 hoggets were penned this week and what a trade we saw from start to finish. All the smiles around the sheep pens were on the vendors faces this week for a change! Over all the market average was returned at 245p per kg, almost 20p up on last week and 66p dearer than the corresponding week of last year.

Most sheep from 42kg upwards were sold in excess of £100 and to a top price of £131.50 from T Heathcote with R G Hobbs Farms a close second at £130 and P Gorringe followed at £127.50. This week it was unusual to see the heavy hoggets and the SQQ (36kg-42kg) hoggets, averaged exactly the same level per kilo. This very rarely happens except for times when the heavies are in extremely short supply which is the case this week and has been for some time. Top spot in the export weight bands was taken by O Tilley at 264 for 38kgs at £100.50.

Please Note – The sale of finished sheep will now commence at 09.30am. The sale will be followed by Store Sheep, cull ewes and breeding sheep in that order.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could “help us to help you” by arriving earlier to assist with appropriate sorting and penning of sheep. Lairage facilities are available from 2 to 6pm every Monday and we can accept stock from 6am every Tuesday

Sales here in Ashford are supported by buyers representing a large cross section of abattoirs throughout the country. Please ensure your FABBL status is up to date and if you are not FABBL assured seriously consider becoming so – certain buyers are restricted to the purchase of only farm assured stock.

KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3588.0087.31Stuart Agnew Trading251.0
3690.0088.90D Thompson (2) / O Tilley250.0
3792.5089.93S B & A E Martin250.0
38100.5095.98O Tiller264.0
39100.0094.62D G Long256.0
40105.0098.70Langrish Farmers262.0
 41108.0098.44G W Gribble263.0
42110.00101.66J Bower262.0
43114.00105.87A J W Smith & Son265.0
44117.00108.49M A Piper & Son Farms266.0
45113.50111.26G W Gribble252.0
46117.00113.25D Thompson / P Gorringe / J W Boyd & Sons Ltd254.0
47126.00117.95M A Piper & Son Farms268.0
48120.00115.74T Heathcote / R F & E A Simmons250.0
50127.50122.25P Gorringe255.0
Hoggets – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Av
Light 25.5 to 32 kgs27234.0222.0228.6219.4
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs447264.0200.0247.3239.2
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs1,112266.0214.0244.6244.5
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs429268.0176.0245.2238.3
Other over 52 kgs37238.0216.0229.1218.3


Cull Ewes and Rams

403 sold

Report on trade: A better trade for the ewes on offer this week with smaller numbers coming forward as is the case nationally. Best meated sorts rang the bell with several of these selling in excess of £100 to a top price of £115 from Ms H V Link for strong Texel cross ewes. Rams sold to £118 from N A Balcomb & Son.

Top prices included Texel rams to £118 from N A Balcomb & Son, continental ewes to £115 from Ms H V Link, Suffolks to £112.50 from S & Mrs V Bullock and Romneys to £92.50 from GL Boulden & Sons

Store and Breeding Sheep

792 Sold

Report on trade: Slightly less stores on offer this week but still a famous trade with all strong stores selling readily in excess of £85 and topping at £95.50 for a pen of Suffolk x Mules from A Martin and Romney wethers up to £79.50 from Stuart Agnew Trading. An impressive overall average of £70 and only very small long keeping tegs below £60.

E Link offered 65 in lamb Romney ewes which made to £76.

Please keep in contact with entries week by week so we can inform potential buyers.

Principal prices included:               
Suffolk cross£95.50A Martin
Suffolk cross£91.00T Tilley
Suffolk cross£90.00R & S L M Smith
Charollais cross£89.50R & S L M Smith
Charollais cross£86.00Stuart Agnew Trading
Texel cross£90.00B F D Ltd
Texel cross£88.50A Martin
Texel cross£82.50P Tassell
Romney wether£79.50Stuart Agnew Trading
Romney wether£75.00G W Fuller & Son

Breeding sheep entries for next week (18th February) will include 40 Suffolk x Mule ewe hoggets from Langrish Farmers and another 60 Romney in lamb ewes from E Link

Sock Lambs

9 Sold

Report on trade: The first Sock lambs of the season sold to £22 from J Holt. Sock lambs will be offered every Tuesday during lambing season at 10.30am in the calf shed.

Finished Cattle

48 Sold

Report on trade: We can report a similar trade to recent weeks with the best handyweights making around 200p per kg notably a Bazadaise cross heifer topping the market at £1147 (213p) from D W Ferguson Ltd, Limousin cross heifer £1083 (203p) from W Alexander (Shoreham) and Blonde cross heifer £1001 (195p) from G L Boulden & Sons. Cattle with more weight made 180p to 190p with a Limousin cross heifer at £1114 (191p) from R Price & Son and leaner sorts 175p to 185p with a run from Gillshaw Farms Ltd up to £1107 (185p) for a Simmental cross steer.

A small entry of native bred cattle with Aberdeen Angus cross heifers to £951 (180p) from Castle Goring Farm and a Hereford cross steer £940 (176p) from Gillshaw Farms Ltd.

OTM cattle made up to £1049 (170p) for a Sussex heifer from J Vant.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
  Light steers (370 – 550kg)3186.5175.5179.8
Medium steers (551 – 650kg)11192.5164.5180.1
Heavy steers (over 650kg)3181.5155.5170.2
Light heifers (330 – 500kg)5202.5180.5189.1
Medium heifers (501 – 590kg)16212.5164.5181.4
Heavy heifers (over 590kg)2180.5179.5180.0
Leading steer prices
ProducerWeightAge and breedP per kgGross £
W Alexander (Shoreham)60321 mths Limousin193.01164
W Alexander (Shoreham)56523 mths Limousin192.01085
Gillshaw Farms Ltd56522 mths Limousin189.01068
Gillshaw Farms Ltd53123 mths Limousin187.0993
Gillshaw Farms Ltd60022 mths Simmental185.01110
Leading heifer prices
D W Ferguson Ltd54024 mths Bazadaise213.01150
W Alexander (Shoreham)48522 mths Limousin203.0985
W Alexander (Shoreham)53522 mths Limousin203.01086
G L Boulden & Sons51522 mths Blonde195.01004
R Price & Son58522 mths Limousin191.01117


Cull Cows and Bulls

62 Sold

Report on trade: A very good day in the cow section with decent numbers, good quality, plenty of buyers and an outstanding trade particularly for the beef cows. There is no doubt processing meat is in short supply nationally and this is not only driving immediate prices but is giving confidence to the feeding and grazing buyers looking to make the leaner cows into better animals. This time honoured process is fundamental to maximising producer returns and is one of the many strengths of the live weight auction system.

Some outstanding beef cows were on offer from the heaviest quality Simmental cross from G Bates Ltd grossing at £1241 (135p per kg) right across the range to young Aberdeen Angus cross slips from Garuara Estates Ltd selling at 168p (£678). All grades wanted.

In the beef lines – Aberdeen Angus cross 168p, 123p, 120p, 119p(2) Garuara Estates Ltd; 128p £1033 T & A Lord; 116p £956 (Non FA) Gallagher Farms: Charolais 144p(2), 132p, 130p £1081, £1062 from R Stannard: Simmental cross 135p £1241 G Bates Ltd and 119p £901 Maythum Wharf Farm: Blonde 135p, 130p, 129p £1088, £955, £900 T & A Lord; Limousin cross 131p(2) £1214, £1198 G Bates Ltd and 128p (Non FA) A Boyd & Co: Charolais cross 131p £946 (Non FA) Dr R J & C S Wratten: British Blue cross 130p, 126p £948 T & A Lord: Sussex 130p, 128p, 123p £726, 3723 Maythum Wharf Farm and 119p (2) £917, £872 (Non FA) B W Kemsley & Son.

A small show of dairy culls and, whilst still a good trade, no dearer on the week with a few cows certainly overfull with breakfast!  Best calls included Flekvieh cross 137p, 111p £1009 Westnedge & Knight; British Friesian 115p, 114p, 113p, 109p £849 Debden Court and Holstein Friesian 111p £971 Leggat Farming Ltd and 109p £814 P J Forknall.

Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows48167.579.5116.9
Dairy cows14136.539.5100.4

Store Cattle

283 Sold

Report on trade: A good entry of store cattle early in the season comprising a mix of continental crosses and native bred sorts of various ages. The sale was very well attended and despite little improvement in the returns for finished cattle trade was exceptionally brisk throughout.

A top quality run of single suckled bred continental cross yearlings from L Palmer & Sons sold well with steers up to £960 and heifers to £935 while stronger 18 mths Charolais cross steers topped at £1150 and heifers to £1130 from J E Berryman.

A good show of strong native bred cattle to finish short term were well received with Aberdeen angus cross steers in particular selling well up to £1110 and purebred Hereford steers at £1065 from A G Young & Sons.

More store cattle wanted in the forthcoming weeks to satisfy strong demand.

Principal prices included:               
Continental cross
9-10 mths Charolais cross steer£670M J Goodsell
10-12 mths Limousin cross steers£780E Tilley
10-12 mths Limousin cross heifers£710E Tilley
12 mths Limousin cross steers£960L Palmer & Sons
12 mths Limousin cross heifers£935L Palmer & Sons
11 mths Simmental cross heifers£700Betchworth Estate Farms
13-14 mths Limousin cross steers£840Gallagher Farms
18 mths Limousin cross steers£870D J Cornforth
18 mths Limousin cross heifers£820D J Cornforth
18 mths Limousin cross heifers£885A & H Edmonds
18 mths Charolais cross steers£1150J E Berryman
24 mths Charolais cross heifers£1130J E Berryman
22 mths Charolais cross steers£1090A G Young & Sons
Native cattle
12 mths Aberdeen Angus cross heifers£800Betchworth Estate Farms
14 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£1010R J & B M Greengrow
15 mths Sussex steers£765B W Kemsley & Son Ltd
15 mths Sussex cross steers£800Blythe Model Farm
15 mths Sussex cross heifers£810Blythe Model Farm
20 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£1065Castle Goring Farm
22 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£1090K P Vincent
22 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£1095Oxenford Farm Ltd
22 mths South Devon steers£1040Oxenford Farm Ltd
22 mths Aberdeen Angus cross steers£1110A G Young & Sons
22 mths Hereford steers£1065A G Young & Sons
24 mths Hereford cross heifers£930S & D Broad

Breeding Cattle

3 Females Sold

Report on trade: A small entry saw British Blue cross in calf heifers make £870 from oaks Farm.

Breeding cattle already entered for Tuesday 25th February include a pedigree Hereford and pedigree Sussex bull, both young and proven from D Light and others


0 Sold

Store and Finished Pigs

0 Sold

General information

Please remember it is essential we have an early indication from all sellers of stock numbers you wish to sell week by week – we phone and send text messages to buyers and agents every Monday evening and an accurate indication of numbers coming forward is essential with many buyers travelling substantial distances to attend.

British Wool Board announcement re Wool sheets

Tuesdays 10th, 17th and 24th March – Wool sheets will be available here in Ashford Market for farmers and smallholders to collect.

For up to date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Cattle & Sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & Sheep) 07795 200357

Martin Crowhurst (Cattle & Sheep) 07710 803903 or 01797 343936

Simon Husk (Cattle & Sheep) 07885 968077 or 01304 842393

Mark Cleverdon (Rams, Breeding Cattle and Pigs) 07741 845230

John Rossiter (Sheep, Machinery plus commercial vehicles) 07557 392903

Tom Hamplett (Calves, Weanlings & Rams) 07966 104532

Events / Meetings in the area of interest to farmers

T Denne & Sons are holding a “Making Forage work for you” workshop on Wednesday 26th February in the Amos Hall, Ashford Market, TN24 0HB at 9.30. Speakers will be Nick Green and Andrew Bourne (T Denne), Alan West (Sheep Farmer) and David Gurney (Corteva). Lunch will be provided at approx 12.30. Please RSVP by 21st February to nickgreen@tdenneandsons.co.uk or ring 01233 720871.

Hay, Straw, Fodder and Forage Crop for sale and / wanted

For Sale – 2,000 Conventional bales of 2019 made meadow hay. Barn stored and local delivery available. East Kent Ring 07802 636427.

For Sale – Top notch barn stored round and mini-hesston bales 2019 hay. Bulk whole oats in half tonne bags also available. Delivery arranged. East Sussex. 07768 771933.

For Sale – 100 2019 Haylage bales from a Kent farm. Contact 01303 893183 or 07775 794556

Miscellaneous livestock and general goods and services for sale and wanted ex farm

Wanted – experienced livestock farmer requires a small quantity of large rectangular bale feeders. Maidstone area. Ring Paul on 07976 92168

RABI, Young Farmers Clubs, 91 Club, Kent Herdsmans Club and FCN news


Farmhouse Breakfast Season

Thursday 20th February – Dog & Duck, Plucks Gutter, Canterbury CT3 1JB

Thursday 27th February – Kent Showground, Detling ME14 3JF

Monday 24th February – Raceday and lunch, Plumpton Racecourse, East Sussex to include a tipster talk by industry professional Dave Cross.

Thursday 23rd April – 10th Anniversary dinner to celebrate Great British Beef week (and St Georges day) in the Amos Hall, Ashford Market. Guest speaker Minette Batters, NFU president.

For further information on all RABI events in Kent ring Charles Tassell – 01622 858733, 07973 412179, email charles@tassell.co.uk or contact the regional co-ordinator Sally Field on 07799 798441 or email sally.field@rabi.org.uk

Kent Herdsmans Club.

For all details on Herdsman’s Club events please contact Chairman Alan Jull 07708283220 or Jo Masters 01580 240568.

Ashford Young Farmers – For all details on Ashford Young Farmers please contact Amy Langdon at amy.langdon1234@hotmail.co.uk.

Good news!! Ashford Young Farmers are launching a new junior section with a meeting on Saturday 15th February – a BBQ at Hope Farm, Wittersham 1 to 4pm. For more details contact Amy as above or find Ashford YFC Facebook page.

Tonbridge Young Farmers – Debbie Broad and friends in the area have reopened this club.

For all details of plans for the future please contact the Broads through Debbie’s Facebook page or email tonbridgeyfc19@gmail.com

Ashford Cattle Show News

Congratulations to all trophy winners who attended the presentation evening recently.

The AGM will be held on Wednesday 4th March at 6.30pm here in the Market.

George Horne, show president, was very proud to present 2 cheques  on the prize-giving evening to his chosen charities being £2215 to RABI and £2060.70 for Kent M S Therapy.

Local Agricultural Show and ploughing match dates and news

Press release from The Weald of Kent Ploughing Match Association. We held another successful Ploughing Match at Poplars Farm in Horsmonden on Saturday 14th September 2019. With blue skies and the sun shining the day was a great success.

The association is very proud to announce that £7,500 will be donated to the following local charities: Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt, Bolebrook Beagles, Cardiac Risk in the Young (in memory of Ben Hammond), Dandelion Time, High Weald Academy Young Farmers, Homewood School Young Farmers, Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust, Medical Detection Dogs, Newline Learnings Young Farmers, R.A.B.I, Riding for the Disabled Association, The Bridge Trust, The Farming Community Network and the Weald of Kent Young Farmers. The Chairman’s charity of choice this year is CHILD, a charity very close to the heart of our Chairman, Seth Nesfield.

The Weald of Kent Plough Match invited people to enjoy a fun-filled day including Clay Pigeon Shooting, Gymkhana, Terrier Racing, a Raffle, the Tossing of the Sheaf and most importantly a very successful and cheerful Ploughing Competition.

The association wishes to thank our hosts Mr Alan Watkins and Mr Ralph Stevens for allowing this event to take place and to BTF Partnership for their invaluable and continued support.

Date for your diaries Saturday 19th SeptemberWeald of Kent Ploughing Match at Woolpack Corner, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Kent. TN27 8BH by kind permission of Mr R D A Neve. For all details contact secretary Liz Copping on 07872 501951 or on www.wkpma.co.uk.

South East Point to Point Meetings (www.pointingse.com)

Sunday 16th February – South East Hunts Club, Charing – 12.00

Sunday 1st March – Southdown & Eridge, Godstone – 1pm

Sunday 22nd March – Old surrey, Burstow & West Kent, Penshurst – 1.30pm

Saturday 28th March – Crawley & Horsham, Parham – 1.45pm

Saturday 11th April – Ashford Valley Tickham, Charing – 2pm

Monday 13th April – Aldington Races, Aldington – 2pm

Saturday 18th April – Old surrey, Burstow & West Kent, Penshurst – 2pm

Saturday 25th April – Chid, Lec & Cowdray, Parham – 2pm

Sunday 3rd May – Mid Surrey Farmers Drag, Godstone – 1pm

Kent young Farmers Clubs News from Claire Eckley, President

Kent YFCs 6th Winter Competitions Day held in January. Standards and levels of participation continue to increase at the Kent YFCs competitions day.  Seven clubs brought around 100 members to Sutton Valence Village Hall and judges had a tough time in some classes!  Good luck to our winners, most of whom now progress to the Area round, to be held in Oxfordshire in February.

Results Dancing, Cheerleading and On The News : Westlands School YFC. Reading and Public Speaking : Westlands School YFC. Call My Bluff : Weald of Kent YFC. Member of the Year (18-26): Ellie Husk, Canterbury YFC. Member of the Year (under 18): Alysia, Westlands School YFC. Situations Vacant: Jacob, Homewood School YFC. Black Cup for Overall craft: Weald of Kent YFC.

Overall results for the day: 1st Westlands School YFC (124 points), 2nd Weald of Kent YFC (84), 3rd The North School YFC (62), 4th Cobtree YFC (51), 5th Homewood School YFC (50), 6th Canterbury YFC (43) , 7th Jeskyns YFC (18)

In Claire’s words finally  “Well done Ellie, Husk”