Weekly Sales News – 16 Feb 2016

Sheep sales reports

Finished Sheep – 2,391 Sold

Auctioneer: John Rossiter 07557 392903

Top price per head – £97.20 MB Farms: Top price per kilo – 204p Mr G Husk

Report on trade: This was the largest entry of hoggets we have seen this year with a good demand shown throughout. Nationally the price has not quite held to the levels we saw last week but the overall average was still returned at 182p per kg against a national average of 180p. Less heavy weight sheep were in the entry this week with over 50% of the total sheep entered falling into the “medium” category which is 39-45kg.

A larger number of lambs were sold across the country this week with several of the major store lamb finishers selling bigger numbers which in turn has had an affect on prices. Despite the drop in the average prices, we still had sheep to well over £2 and several in the 190p to £2 price bracket. Top quality export type hoggets sold to 204p from G Husk (39kgs @ £79.50) and 199p from Wey Street Farmers (36kgs @ £71.50). The heavy sheep in the entry topped at £97.20 from MB Farms (50kgs @ 194p).

Hogget prices
KgsTop PriceAve PriceTop Vendorp per kg
3874.0069.92S B & A E Martin195.0
3979.573.81Mr G Husk204.0
4076.2073.11Mr G Husk190.0
4180.2073.56Mr G Hush196.0
4280.5075.97Mr G Husk192.0
4382.5077.30H & J Noakes192.0
4487.5079.99Mr G Husk199.0
4586.0080.70Mr T Crick191.0
4687.5082.75S B & A E Martin, Waterside Farms190.0
4788.0081.03N & D Attwood187.0
4889.5080.39M B Farms186.0
4987.5084.83Mr T Crick, P & A Love Ltd179.0
5097.2083.55M B Farms194.0
Hogget averages – pence per kg
Weight RangeNumberTopBottomAverageNational Averages
Standard 32.1 to 39 kgs725204.0144.0184.9177.7
Medium 39.1 to 45.5 kgs1697199.098.0180.4185.0
Heavy 45.6 to 52 kgs779194.0140.0172.3177.4
Others 52.1kg +153181.0100.0157.0164.5

Cull Ewes and Rams – 609 Sold

Auctioneer: John Rossiter 07557 392903

Report on trade: A smaller entry today in a very full market of sheep with the later entries penned on the loading bays for the first time in several months but the trade was a flyer from start to finish with the overall average returned up by £6 which would be a fair representation across the board with most ewes up by that amount on the week. Some fantastic continental ewes form MB Farms sold to £125 and the overall average was returned at £72.

Top Prices on the day were as follows – Beltex cross ewes to £125 from MB Farms, Charollais crosses to £88 from N & D Attwood, Suffolk crosses to £92 from P Mills, Mules to £79 from RL Goodman & Sons and Ronmeys to £81 from Link Bros.

Store and Breeding Sheep – 1,343 Sold

Auctioneer: John Rossiter 07557 392903

Report on trade: A large entry of store hoggets met another flying trade despite the easing of returns in the finished section. Best stores sold readily in excess of £70 and up to £78.20 for a quality pen of Charollais consigned by S & A Martin and strong Romney wethers topped at £72 from G B Richards & Son. Over 1300 sold to average an impressive £62.90 with the majority of the small long keeping sorts making £50 to £60. Other top prices included Charollais crosses at £75 from W Maylam and £72.80 from Foyle Farmers, Texel crosses to £75 from T Crick and Suffolk crosses to £74 from R P, G J and D R O’Brien.

There were plenty of customers in attendance looking for in lamb ewes which topped at £98 for a pen of Suffolk crosses due 1st April from N Connell.


For up to date information on all livestock sales please contact

Elwyn Davies (Sheep) 07710 803901 or 01233 861263

Peter Kingwill (Cattle & Sheep) 07795 200357

Martin Crowhurst (Sheep & Cattle) 07710 803903 or 01797 343936

Simon Husk (Sheep & Cattle) 07885 968077 or 01304 842393

Mark Cleverdon (Rams, Breeding Cattle, Pigs & Calves) 07748 202688

John Rossiter (Cull ewes & store sheep plus commercial vehicles) 07557 392903

Cattle sales reports

Finished Cattle – 47 Sold Auctioneer: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901

Report on trade: A better selection of cattle were on offer this week with smart British Blue cross heifers topping the market at 226p from S Marsh. A quality run of Limousin Cross heifers from Terry & Houghton Ltd sold well with majority making 200p plus and up to 219p and grossing up to £1225.

A smart Limousin cross topped the steer section at 210p from D W Page & Son while a Limousin cross claimed the top gross of £1285 from W Alexander (Shoreham).

Heavier cattle grossed up to £1282 (175p) from D W Page & Son while a heavy Limousin cross topped the over 30 mth section at £1197 from J Batchelor & Ptnrs.

Finished cattle averages – pence per kg
Light steers (370-550 kgs)2184.5179.5182.0
Medium steers (551-650 kgs)8209.5174.5188.8
Heavy steers (651+ kgs)4185.5169.5175.5
Light heifers (370-550 kgs)4225.5202.5215.0
Medium heifers (551-650 kgs)19218.5144.5185.3
Heavy heifers (651+ kgs)3193.5163.5179.2
Medium bulls (551-650 kgs)1119.5119.5119.5
30 to 48 mth Heifers6139.599.5120.0
30 to 48 mth Steers3176.5149.5164.5
Leading steer prices
VendorWeight KgsBreedP per KgGross £
D W Page & Son58922 mths Limousin209.5£1233
W Alexander (Shoreham)61522 mths Limousin203.5£1251
W Alexander (Shoreham)63521 mths Limousin202.5£1285
G L Boulden & Sons62623 mths Blonde187.5£1173
G L Boulden & Sons68022 mths Blonde185.5£1261
 Leading heifer prices
Mr S Marsh47414 mths British Blue225.5£1068
Mr S Marsh48514 mths British Blue225.5£1093
Terry & Houghton Ltd51421 mths Limousin218.5£1123
Terry & Houghton Ld58524 mths Limousin209.5£1225
Terry & Houghton Ltd52024 mths Blonde207.5£1079

Cull Cows and Bulls – 81 Sold

Auctioneer: Peter Kingwill 07795 200357

Report on trade: Another very good trade for decent numbers at a time when the processors are trying to talk the trade back. The impact of the weaker Pound is helping by making the imported product, from Ireland and Poland in particular, that much dearer. It is also helping a certain amount of export of the best heavyweight meat cows from both the beef and dairy sectors. Competition was very strong today with the feeders of all grades showing confidence in the future.

Best fleshed beef cows made 130-150p but farm assurance very much a positive. Few made under 100p other than the very lean and old.

Quality Limousin made 156p and £1104 and 155p £1080 from LE Humphreys & Sons; British Blues 155p, Simmentals 152p, Charolais 138p, Sussex 132p and Aberdeen Angus 129p all from Beslee Farms; South Devon 146p £953 from W E Baines; Sussex 140p Harbourne Farm; Simmental cross 133p C & J Georgetti & Sons and Hereford 117p from R A Wade.

Not the flesh forward in the dairy cull section but all wanted. Holsteins 114p, 113p, 112p and top £1024 from N J & G M Lambert; Holstein Friesians 114p A J Thompson & Sons; Jerseys 74p £412 Hickson Bros.

An Aberdeen Angus stock bull made to £928

 Cull cattle section – pence per kg
Beef cows36155.587.5120.0
Dairy cows40116.547.582.8
Cull bulls175.575.575.5

Don’t miss our next collective machinery auction on Friday 26th February.

Please ring and speak to Elizabeth Burden or any of the Hobbs Parker Auctioneers team to discuss arrangements for this sale

Breeding Cattle – 2 Bulls and 31 Females Sold

Auctioneer: Mark Cleverdon 07748 202688

Report on trade: Within this section today was the special dispersal of the breeding herd of cattle for the Representatives of the late Trevor Ashdown. A large audience were ringside and local buyers made a healthy trade for the stock dispersed.

The 2 Simmental bulls made £900 and £700 while the Sussex and Aberdeen Angus cross cows with calves got to £890 and in calf cows £690 three times. A British Blue cross cow topped the sale at £1000 with a young calf and the other Simmental and British Blue crosses made to £960 with a calf and £910 in calf.

An in calf Limousin cross cow born in 2012 made £1090 and Harbourne Farms sold a British Blue cross cow for £970.

Next Tuesdays sale (23rd February) includes another consignment of 24 beef cows – see front page of this report for full details.

Store Cattle – 103 Sold

Auctioneer: Elwyn Davies 07710 803901

Report on trade: A reduced entry of store cattle sold to a strong trade throughout with a good attendance of buyers competing well for all on offer. More cattle could be sold at these favourable prices and if you have store cattle to sell short term please contact us to discuss marketing.

Several quality young beef bulls at the start of the sale sold exceptionally well with 7 mth British Blue cross making to £710 and 12 mth same bred to £895 from M L Williams and smart 9-10 mth Charolais bulls to £830 from J Boomaars.

Strong continental cross cattle to finish short term topped at £1035 for an 18 mth Simmental cross steer from S J Edmed & Son and Simmental cross heifers made £845 from Poland Bros while fleshed Montbeliarde cross steers sold at £1065 from Dan Mackleden Ltd.

Native breeds continue to attract plenty of interest with 8 mth Sussex cross steers and heifers at £645 and £502 respectively from M & K L Studd, 20 mth Aberdeen Angus cross steers at £935 and Hereford cross steers looking well sold at £1040 from F Pearce & Son.


DEFRA regularly remind us of our responsibilities regarding unfit animals. No unfit animal should be exposed for sale in a market.

All animals should be fit to travel. All in milk cows should to be milked out prior to movement to market. Do not present lame sheep or those for any reason which are not fit to be transported.


Other stock sales reports

Calves – 60 Sold

Auctioneer: Mark Cleverdon 07748 202688

Report on trade: A small entry lacking somewhat in quality was the theme of the day but still our regular buyers came to the mark and we saw strong demand for beef cross calves to rear and a bit more bit than we have seen for six weeks in the black and white bull trade. The entry of principally young (4 to 10 weeks old) beef crosses W G & T A Manford top the table with a British Blue cross bull at £385 with their heifers making to £315 and a Charolais cross heifer making the same figure from J Gormley. A Simmental bull (born early January) made £295 for F W Hamblyn & Son

Natives saw Aberdeen Angus bulls make to £220 and £200 from F W Hamblyn & Son and W S Furnival Ltd

Reared black and white bulls made to £160 from N J & G M Lambert and their younger well reared calves to £108. Plenty of younger but still fleshed black and whites made £40 to £90 with a smaller proportion of younger and lesser below this mark.

Please keep your entries of calves coming. At our fortnightly sales we expect to have plenty of enquiries for all shapes, sizes and ages of stock. Thank you all for texts and messages with early notice of your entries for forthcoming sales – it does help.

Calf averages – £ per head
Continental Bulls10385.00145.00253.50
Continental Heifers12315.00145.00190.83
Native Bulls3220.00165.00195.00
Native Heifers7152.0040.00126.00
Friesian Bulls 1st quality6160.00108.00148.00
Friesian Bulls 2nd quality8100.0058.0073.13
Friesian Bulls 3rd quality1440.0015.0025.29

Store and Finished Pigs – 105 Sold Auctioneer: Mark Cleverdon 07748 202688

Report on trade: This week sale saw a smaller entry of stock for the first time in some months but demand is no stronger here in Ashford or for that matter anywhere else in the country. Demand for stores to feed was a little better while cull pigs were a stand on trade.

The best finished pigs made to 80p per kg and £66 per head from High Weald Acadamy YFC while P W & P Sim saw their best pigs make 73p and £62. Through the rest of the sale others made 40p to 74p

Cull sows and boars made to 25p to 29p for sows and again 24p for a heavy boar.

In the store pig pens strong weaners made to £42 from N Vincent and £38 from C B Hope

Pig averages
1st Quality finished – p per kg2780.065.072.7
                               – £ per head86.3342.9065.89
2nd Quality finished – p per kg3068.040.060.2
                               – £ per head58.9032.0050.43
Cull sows – p per kg828.025.027.1
                 – £ per head77.0052.6563.94
Cull boars – p per kg124.024.024.0
                 – £ per head72.0072.0072.00
Strong stores – £ per head1042.0038.0039.20
Small stores – £ per head2728.0010.0016.15

We remind all pig farmers of the information below

Identification of pigs – again we draw your attention to the fact that it is essential all pigs have permanent identification when offered for sale in a market ie slap mark or ear tag. Please ensure you comply with this regulation.

General news

Updated 16th February 2016

Local point to point fixtures – next fixture for the season is Sunday 6th March at Godstone followed by Saturday 12th March at Parham. Full details on www.pointing-se.com

For Sale – upto 60 tonnes of good quality feed barley on Romney Marsh. Available in small or large quantities, bagged or bulk. Ring 01797 344615

For Sale – Wahl dog clippers and PAC remote controlled dog trailer – Details from Richard Wood 07710 803902

For Sale – 20 Poll Dorset 3 & 4 lamb ewes which are due to lamb on 1st April to a Dorset Horn ram. West Sussex

For Sale – 2 working Stabilizer bulls on an Essex farm.

For Sale – 175 5`6″ mini Hesston bales with 6 layers of wrap bales of ryegrass haylage made 2014 – Ideal for cattle. All reasonable offers considered plus delivery available at cost if required. Near Haslemere, Surrey. Ring Paul on 01428 654695 or 07966 452256.

For Sale – 10 Pedigree Texel ewe tegs – in lamb to a top sire. West Sussex

Finished Sheep

Report Detail to go here

Finished Cattle

Report to go here